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試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 中區縣市政府教師甄選策略聯盟_國小:英語#88115
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1. I don’t have the ____ to try the world’s tallest and scariest bungee jump.
(A) triumph
(B) patron
(C) adventure
(D) guts


2. Homer’s epic poems of Ancient Greece, the Iliad and the Odyssey, both make reference to the _____ city of Troy.
(A) republican
(B) legendary
(C) occidental
(D) peninsular


3. COVID-19 has caused the global economy to plummet and its virus strain is still undergoing through various ______.
(A) mutations
(B) multitude
(C) milieu
(D) mignon


4. Please wear a mask throughout the class and leave the windows open for better ______ even with the air-conditioners on.
(A) penetration
(B) ventilation
(C) veneration
(D) prolongation


5. Over the long run, sleep deprivation can _____ to depression, obesity, diabetes, stroke and heart attacks.
(A) attribute
(B) retribute
(C) distribute
(D) contribute


6. A section from Sir Edward Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 has proven to be so favored among the British people that it is now proposed to replace the British national______.
(A) anthem
(B) theme
(C) song
(D) melody


7. Turkey is a land bridge _____ the edges of eastern Europe and western Asia.
(A) straddling
(B) straggling
(C) strangling
(D) stratifying


8. Many artists gain recognition _____ rather than during their lifetime.
(A) chronologically
(B) intermittently
(C) posthumously
(D) simultaneously


9. Some educators and parents are strongly against the idea of using ______ grouping to place students of similar English proficiency levels into one classroom.
(A) controversial
(B) homogeneous
(C) mandatory
(D) vigorous


10. Victor looked pretty strong and tough on the outside, but in fact, he was much more tender and ______ on the inside than most of his friends thought.
(A) coherent
(B) fragile
(C) redundant
(D) senile


11. A ______ letter of application will not get you a job interview; instead you should try something more original that can make you stand out.
(A) cognitive
(B) formidable
(C) mundane
(D) pertinent 


12. After you have successfully landed a position as a teacher, please be prepared that a situation can have any number of______.
(A) upcoming
(B) an outcome
(C) outcome
(D) outcomes


13. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are ______.
(A) preferred
(B) prefer
(C) preferring
(D) preference


14. Taichung Boulevard is now ______.
(A) repairing
(B) been repaired
(C) being repaired
(D) under repairs


15. When you call him tomorrow evening at seven, he will probably ______ a movie on TV.
(A) watch
(B) watching
(C) watches
(D) be watching


16. ______ of coffee, do you know that civet cat coffee is the most expensive in the world?
(A) Referring
(B) Speaking
(C) Regarding
(D) Thanks


17.              was Judy’s anger at the boys’ bullying her classmate that she yelled at them loudly telling them to stop.
(A) How
(B) So
(C) Such
(D) What


18. Last summer I and my family went on a trip to Baff National Park in Canada and visited Lake Louise, the breathtaking view of               I will never forget.
(A) its
(B) that
(C) whose
(D) which


19. Just when Nicole thought she was done with her fitness training, her coach told her that she had               two miles to run before she could take a break.
(A) other
(B) another
(C) the next
(D) the other


20. It is good that George and Mary broke up; they               happy together anyway.
(A) couldn’t be
(B) mustn’t have been
(C) shouldn’t be
(D) wouldn’t have been


21. Joe was never a morning person in college. Now he has worked at this 9-to-5 job for three months and he               getting up early to go to work on time.
(A) used to
(B) is used to
(C) has used to
(D) will have used to


III. Cloze: Choose the answer that best fits the text.
     Hi, I am calling to file a   22   about my purchase of air conditioner from your store. I bought it about two weeks ago, but it hasn’t been working properly from the moment I   23   it. I have called multiple times, and finally your store manager has sent a   24    over twice to look at it. However, the problem of making a high-pitched squealing noise hasn’t been   25   . At this point, I must insist that you either exchange it or   26   my money.

(A) complaint
(B) lawsuit
(C) appeal
(D) report


(A) concealed
(B) contended
(C) interpreted
(D) installed


(A) workaholic
(B) technician
(C) blacksmith
(D) carpenter


(A) enlarged
(B) blended
(C) resolved
(D) emerged


(A) withdraw
(B) deposit
(C) reimburse
(D) refund


       A cataract is a dense, cloudy area that forms in the lens of the eye, which leads to a decrease in vision. Cataracts often develop slowly and can affect one or both eyes. They begin when proteins in the eye form clumps that   27   the lens from sending clear images to the retina at the back of the eye. Cataracts are most commonly   28   aging but may also be caused by trauma or radiation exposure, be present from birth, or occur following eye surgery for other problems.
       Symptoms of a cataract may include blurry or double vision and trouble with bright lights, and trouble seeing at night. This may result in trouble driving, reading, or recognizing faces, and in   29   cases, even an increased risk of falling and depression.   30   , cataracts cause half of all cases of blindness and 33% of visual impairment worldwide. Their prevention includes wearing sunglasses, a wide brimmed hat, eating leafy vegetables and fruits, and avoiding smoking.   31   the symptoms may be improved with glasses. If this does not help, surgery to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial lens is the only effective treatment.

(A) depart
(B) prevent
(C) release
(D) transfer


(A) due to
(B) out of
(C) off from
(D) such as


(A) clinical
(B) frequent
(C) random
(D) severe


(A) Above all
(B) Besides
(C) In contrast
(D) Consequently


(A) As well
(B) In fact
(C) Early on
(D) For instance


IV. Reading Comprehension:
     It wasn’t that long ago that your holiday started with a trip to your local travel agent. Today, travelers are increasingly sorting out their travel arrangements using smartphone and tablet apps. This trend led US travel industry analysts Skift to create a name for such travelers—the Silent Traveler.
     What sets the silent traveler apart is his or her ability to solve problems using their tablets and smartphones while on their holidays. They don’t contact local tour companies directly or hunt down help from hotel staff; rather they solve their own travel concerns using their own tech-savvy wits. Using their smartphones or tablets they check local information, make bookings and basically manage their holiday entirely digitally. A survey released by Skift found that just under 40% of silent travelers were aged between 25 and 34.

【題組】32. What does a silent traveler do?
(A) Visit a local travel agent.
(B) Book a hotel room over the phone.
(C) Check information on the Internet.
(D) Plan his tour with the help of a guidebook.


【題組】33. What can we infer from this passage?
(A) Hotel staff will lose their jobs in the near future.
(B) More and more people will arrange their trips digitally.
(C) Smartphones will replace travel agencies immediately.
(D) Travel agencies will have cut-throat competition among them.


【題組】34. What does Skift’s survey tell us?
(A) The number of silent travelers is surprisingly high.
(B) About half of young people are silent travelers.
(C) Senior citizens cannot be silent travelers.
(D) Not all silent travelers are young people.


      We have often heard a famous quote from the English poet of the early 20th century, Rudyard Kipling: “East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.” Linguistically speaking and interestingly enough, though, this is not true regarding the English language’s absorption of world cultures into its vocabulary mostly due to the British colonization from the 16th century to the early 20th on a global scale. Take Chinese for example, there are many phrases of Chinese origin that have become day-to-day expressions in English.
      Thanks to your knowledge of English, you already know Chinese! Have you ever eaten tofu or used ketchup as a seasoning? When you do grocery shopping, have you put bok choy in your cart? And what about dim sum, wonton, chop suey and kung pao chichen on Chinese restaurant menus? When it comes to interior design, a balance of feng shui and yin and yang often comes to a designer’s mind. Also, many westerners now play mahjong for entertainment.
       More often than not, instead of saying, “it has been a while since I saw you last,” people now would probably say, “long time no see.” One thing to note is that, as you must have noticed from the examples given above: some Chinese phrases entered English from Cantonese, such as bok choy and dim sum whereas many others are from Mandarin, for example, tofu and feng shui.
       In conclusion, the earth is round and the east and west is only comparative and relational. It all depends on where you stand, where you have come from and where you are going in today’s global context.

【題組】35. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Many Mandarin and Cantonese phrases have entered English.
(B) East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.
(C) Bok choy, wanton and dim sum are originally Cantonese phrases.
(D) Tofu, feng shui and yin and yang are originally from Mandarin.


【題組】36. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) Tofu is from Mandarin and ketchup is from Cantonese.
(B) There are many phrases of Chinese origin in English.
(C) Feng shui has become popular among interior designers.
(D) There are many phrases of English origin in Chinese.


【題組】37. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
(A) “Long time no see” means it has been a while since I saw you last.
(B) Cantonese have contributed to the English vocabulary greatly.
(C) Both Mandarin and Cantonese have contributed to the English vocabulary.
(D) Mandarin contributed to the English vocabulary more than Cantonese.


【題組】38. Which of the following can be INFERRED?
(A) Mahjong is now the most popular entertainment in the west.
(B) The idea of feng shui is now observed everywhere in the world.
(C) Dim sum has now become the most popular Chinese food.
(D) “People mountain people sea” is probably of Chinese origin.


【題組】39. Which of the following best replaces twain in the first paragraph?
(A) other
(B) two
(C) couple
(D) double


【題組】40. Which does its mean in the first paragraph?
(A) language
(B) absorption
(C) English
(D) culture


       Whether you like it or not, we are currently in a season of economic uncertainty. A couple of years back, everything seemed fine. Many did not see the handwriting on the wall. Most of those who saw it talked about it and did nothing about it. When the roof came crashing, it affected those who were clueless and those who had a clue and did nothing about it the same way. The wise foresees trouble and takes evasive action while the fool runs smack into it.
        In business and life generally, things go up and down. Nothing stays the same forever. Markets go up and down. Business is always evolving as new technologies or trends become mainstream. If everything is going well with our business, it does not mean we can just sit back and relax. Instead, we need to look beyond today’s certainty to when something new comes up and disrupts our business. We need to be prepared for that eventuality, or we would be ambushed by it.
          A smart business invests in the next technology rather than wait to be put out of business. If we want our business to last long, we need to see beyond today to tomorrow’s uncertainties. We have to look at what may or is going to happen next in our area of business, and position ourselves to benefit from it. If, unfortunately, you are already a victim of short sightedness and are struggling to get back on your feet, you may want to remember and learn from the lesson after what you have gone through.

【題組】41. Which of the following titles best describes the main idea of this passage?
(A) Have Faith in Our Judgment.
(B) See Beyond Our Comfort Zone.
(C) Prepare for New Technologies.
(D) Make Smart Business Investments.


【題組】42. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) Business markets may keep going up and down.
(B) We should keep an eye on our business performance.
(C) New technologies likely help develop new business trends.
(D) We need to prepare for challenges in our business beforehand.


【題組】43. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) Successful business people hardly have time to sit back and relax.
(B) Uncertainty is considered as the key to improving business success.
(C) Knowing the future development of our area of business helps us benefit from it.
(D) Victims of short sightedness have little chance to get back on their feet in business.


【題組】44. What does handwriting on the wall mean in the first paragraph?
(A) Loss of security.
(B) Effect of wisdom.
(C) Sense of uncertainty.
(D) Warning of hardship.


【題組】45. Which of the following best replaces ambushed in the second paragraph?
(A) caught off guard
(B) blamed for nothing
(C) looked down upon
(D) found fault with


      Mushrooms are popping up in odd places all over the supermarket, from coffee and kombucha to snack bars. That’s because the humble fungus is nutritionally impressive: add it to any dish and you’ll impart loads of savory, meaty flavor for very few calories. Six white mushrooms clock in at a mere 28 calories. Mushrooms also deliver nutrients that many people lack, like potassium, which keeps blood pressure in check: a cup of white mushrooms has nearly 10% of your daily recommended target (4,700 mg), a goal only 2% of Americans meet.
      Mushrooms are brimming with phytochemicals, antioxidants and a fiber called beta-glucan, all of which have anti-inflammatory properties. That means they can protect you from a number of diseases. A 2017 study found fungi to be the best source of two disease-fighting antioxidants, ergothioneine and glutathione. Low levels of the latter have been linked with higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
      The nutritional merits of some of the latest mushroom-enhanced products—like a chocolate drink spiked with mushroom extract—are less clear. But mushrooms are increasingly being used to replace red meat. The fast-food chain Sonic Drive-In briefly introduced a patty made with 75% beef and 25% cooked mushrooms, resulting in a burger with less saturated fat and calories. Another recent launch: mushroom jerky made with shiitake stems, which has less protein but more fiber than meat versions.             When making your own mushroom creations, shop for dry packages at the supermarket that are free of condensation. Store the mushrooms in a refrigerator in a sealed paper bag, and prep them by wiping them down immediately before cooking.
      Mushroom types vary by their antioxidant concentrations. (Meaty porcinis, for example, are one of the most antioxidant-rich fungi.) But you can enhance the nutritional prowess of nearly any variety just by putting a pack of mushrooms in the sun. Mushrooms use sunlight to make vitamin D, yet most are grown in the dark. A cup of white mushrooms contains little vitamin D, but one study found that putting them in natural sunlight for 30 minutes grew the vitamin D content between 150 IU and 600 IU per cup, or 25% to 100% of your recommended daily dose. If you chop them up first, you’ll increase sun contact and maximize vitamin D production. You also can buy vitamin D-enhanced mushrooms at certain grocery stores.

【題組】46. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Why mushrooms are so popular nowadays
(B) A debate on mushrooms’ nutritional merits
(C) How to select and preserve the mushrooms
(D) The health benefits of different mushrooms


【題組】47. What is the merit of mushrooms according to this passage?
(A) They can replace red meat because of their meaty flavor and glutathione.
(B) The mushroom-enhanced products help to prevent a number of diseases.
(C) They contain potassium, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and beta-glucan.
(D) They are low in calories and sodium, but high in fiber and saturated fat.


【題組】48. What does the author say about antioxidants?
(A) Lacking ergothioneine might cause heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
(B) Shiitake mushrooms might have more antioxidants than meaty porcinis.
(C) Placing mushrooms in sunlight can get more antioxidants and vitamin D.
(D) They have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risks of diseases.


【題組】49. Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Taking one cup of white mushrooms might produce 4,700 milligrams of potassium.
(B) Sonic Drive-In manufactured a jerky made with three-quarter beef and one-quarter mushrooms.
(C) Only 2 percent of Americans consume 10 percent of the recommended daily amount of potassium.
(D) Putting a cup of white mushrooms in sunlight for half an hour might meet daily vitamin D dose.


【題組】50. What does the author suggest for the vitamin D content in mushrooms?
(A) Mushrooms can be an excellent source of vitamin D.
(B) Natural sunlight is the only way to enhance vitamin D.
(C) The increase of vitamin D will damage other nutrients.
(D) Different mushrooms have the same vitamin D content.


試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 中區縣市政府教師甄選策略聯盟_國小:英語#88115-阿摩線上測驗
