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4 Under the Level 3 epidemic alert, the visa extension will be automatically________on the agency’s computer system. Visitors who would like formal documentation can have their passports stamped at the service stations as well.
(A) registered
(B) enlisted
(C) coined
(D) forged


3 The esteemed judge will_________over the high-profile trial, ensuring an impartial legal process for all parties involved.
(A) concede
(B) preside
(C) evolve
(D) auction


10 Over the past two decades, it has become clear that the current phase of globalization has been marked not just by____ trade and investment but also by internationals mobility of labor.
(A) introverted
(B) overcoaching
(C) retrospective
(D) transborder


10 The major argument against immigration is that so many migrants fail to_______with the local community and culture and this leads to social tension and even unrest.
(B) implement


7 In light of the risk and potential ______ of cyber events, strengthening the security and resilience of cyberspace has become an important homeland security mission.
(A) conclusions
(B) consequences
(C) contingents
(D) congregations


2 From the moment immigrants arrive to settle, most of them will do their best to____ a place in their new society.
(A) decline
(B) inhibit
(C) secure
(D) void


3 Every nation in the world has its own customs regulations, which stipulate what articles are_____ to duty and what are duty-free.
(A) liable
(B) amenable
(C) deductible
(D) refundable


4Many citizens view the rapid influx of immigrants with anxiety, worrying that the nation might fail to_________ the streams of new arrivals pouring in annually.


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:    
Globalization has led to 16 of drug trafficking. Advances in technology, transport, and travel have added to the efficiency and speed of the global economy. They offer similar efficiencies to the business of trafficking networks. More than 420 million 17 containers traverse the seas every year, transporting 90% of the world’s cargo. Most cargos carry legitimate goods. However, authorities cannot 18 them all. And some are used to 19 drugs. Airplanes, submarines, speedboats, trucks, tunnels — taken as a whole, the systems used to move 20 drugs around the world comprise a network likely bigger than Amazon, FedEx, and UPS combined. This is today’s golden age of drug trafficking.

(A) an alleviation
(B) a contraction
(C) a diminution
(D) an explosion


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題:     
Recent practices and policies in rich countries suggest that the international mobility of people from poor regions of the globe is regarded as 11 and to be avoided. Stronger border controls have made these journeys increasingly 12 , exposing people to death. Even if they are seldom broadcast, their experiences of 13 are dramatic and distressing. So too is reality that some of them face 14 they arrive in Europe. For those who manage to reach the shores, the response is to block, 15 and eject them through practices that resemble those deployed by the police to punish outlaws and disorderly sections of the population.

(A) arrogant
(B) exuberant
(C) hazardous
(D) mellifluous


