(1 分41 秒)

13. It is impossible to get John to change his mind. He is very _______.
(A) tame
(B) flexible
(C) stubborn
(D) conducive


In recent years, more and more Taiwanese students have gone abroad to study in summer camps. Once they return home, these students often have more __(49)__ in their English skills and feel more independent than before. Generally speaking, cities in the US and UK are __(50)__ than other destinations. US-bound students are likely to __(51)__ New York, Boston, Seattle, or San Francisco, __(52)__ students going to the UK tend to choose London or Edinburgh. Since customs vary from country to country, it is necessary to do some research before registering for a summer program. You better find out about the culture, climate, and scenic attractions of your destination before you __(53)__
(A) resource
(B) illustration
(C) construction
(D) confidence


I needed to hire a new salesperson, and one resume stood __51___ like a sore thumb. The applicant, Ari, was a math major and built robots ___52____ his spare time, clearly not the right skill set for sales. But my boss thought Ari looked interesting, so I called him in for an interview. Sure enough, he bombed it. I reported back to my president that although Ari seemed like a nice guy, __53_____ the 45-minute interview, he didn’t make any eye contact. It was obvious that he lacked the social skills to build relationships __54____ clients. I knew I was in trouble when my president started laughing. “Who cares about eye contact? This is a phone sales job.” We invited Ari back for a second round. Instead of interviewing him, a colleague recommended a different approach, which made it clear that he would be a star. I hired Ari, and he ended up being the best salesperson __55___ my team. I walked away with a completely new way of evaluating talent. Ever since, I’ve been working with organizations on rethinking their selection and hiring processes.
(A) during
(B) on
(C) at
(D) since


ii. Have you ever seen bipedal humanoid robots? These two-legged, human-like robots can perform in exhibitions or assist people with household chores. Some bipedal humanoid robots were unveiled in the 1990s and have been improved since then. Both the Sony Corporation, with its Dream Robot, and the Honda Corporation, with its robot called ASIMO, have made innovative advances in the past decade. The recent model is operated by a computer through a wireless network system. Carrying a lithium-ion battery in its backpack, the robot can move freely for at least one hour without recharging. In general, a humanoid robot can walk, jump, and run like a human. It can dance and sing and even do tricks. Also, it can walk up and down stairs steadily on its own. Equipped with visual sensors and force sensors, it can step forward or backward to shake hands with people. What’s more amazing is that it can get on a stage and correctly conduct musicians during a concert performance. Although it can provide entertainment to consumers, a humanoid robot is actually designed to help handicapped and elderly people. It can understand voice commands and carry out instructions. Its size is suitable for helping a person confined to a bed or a wheelchair. Also, it can serve meals, give or receive objects, move away heavy objects, and clean around the house.
【題組】64. Humanoid robots are actually designed to ________.
(A) help people in need
(B) have fun
(C) damage people’s health
(D) show off


15. The photographer’s work will be included in an _____ at the national museum.
(A) expectation
(B) execution
(C) expression
(D) exhibition


29. A surrogate mother is a woman who is paid to carry the baby of another woman who is medically _____.
(A) unlikely to do so
(B) not want to do so
(C) unable to doing so
(D) unable to do so 【共 9 頁,第 3 頁】


51-55) Social networking sites are an expanding trend. They have really (51) in recent years. People from around the globe use sites such as Facebook and Twitter to contact with friends and clients. When you join a site, it’s just like the first day of school – you don’t know anyone at first. You can set up your (52) , find friends to add, and sign up for groups with people who have common interests. Around the world, there are (53) types of social networking sites. Flixster is for movie lovers, while last.fm is (54) music people go. 43Things is a site that helps people achieve their goals. It is fair to say that Twitter (55) traditional media like newspapers by updating people immediately when something occurs. The most popular site, Facebook, lets people stay in touch with family, friends, and coworkers. Which networking sites do you use?
(A) separated
(B) unified
(C) obsolete
(D) various


Petroleum, or crude oil, is one of the world's __(56)__ natural resources. Plastics, synthetic fibers, and __(57)__ chemicals are produced from petroleum. It is also used to make lubricants and waxes. However, its most important use is as a fuel for heating, for __(58)__ electricity, and especially for powering vehicles.
(A) too important
(B) as important
(C) most important
(D) less importantly


[Reading 2 for Q. 67~68] 
   Lance, I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. My ex-wife Sherry, your aunt, has to move. The landlady is selling the house to a young couple. She doesn’t want to rent it out to Sherry anymore. Recently, Sherry has been in a financial fix, and I don’t have much money myself. I’m hoping you can help pay the rent. She’s too proud and embarrassed to ask you directly, so I need your help. I know you love your aunt very much; in fact, you helped her before when she had to move a few years ago. I’d like you to call her and ask her whether she needs help or not. Tell her that she can move now and that you’ll pay the rent. I hope you’ll do your aunt this favor.

【題組】68. What is the favor being asked?
(A) helping to pay the rent
(B) helping to buy a house
(C) helping to arrange a party
(D) making a complaint to a landlady


As Mary Poppins once said, “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.” The same is true in education. Though dealing with students daily may be frustrating in some cases, when teachers respond with bitterness and anger, the situation usually _61_ in the wrong direction. Responding negatively is a natural human response and one that teachers must be encouraged to overcome in the classroom. Negative responses and harsh treatment in the classroom can _62_ negative self-perceptions in students which can, _63_ influence student behavior. Such treatment can also affect the school-to-prison pipeline and can create mistrust, especially among minority students. There are times where stern words need to be spoken. But, generally, students respond better to positive communication. This approach _64_ students rather than tearing them down and improves their perception of themselves and their school environment, _65_, in turn, should improve student behavior and academic outcomes. Treating students with respect and politeness at least increases the odds that they will respond in kind.
(A) due to
(B) lead to
(C) owe to
(D) thank to


71. Globally, more than 300 million people _____ depression, according to the World Health Organization.
(A) flourish for
(B) free of
(C) suffer from
(D) wary of


