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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試基礎類科知能試題 :英文#114322
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25. The dog is considered man’s best friend because it shows strong ________ to its owner.
(A) royalty
(B) patience
(C) loyalty
(D) merit


26. The director was _______ to our proposals, refusing to even consider any of our suggestions.
(A) hostile
(B) hospitable
(C) sympathetic
(D) respectful


27. Oil prices have__________. The costs of everyday products are expected to be lower.
(A) fluctuated
(B) increased
(C) generated
(D) stabilized


28. The report is much too long. You have to _______ it.
(A) strengthen
(B) condense
(C) eliminate
(D) destroy


29. Most skills are usually ________ through constant practice.
(A) acquired
(B) inquired
(C) requested
(D) regulated


30. Sometimes subject matter is the basis for genre classification. Texts show thematic ______ by treating the same or similar topics, often topics or subject matter that may be especially important for the society in which the text circulates (e. g. war, love and marriage, religious festivity, royal succession, independence struggles).
(A) affiliations
(B) affections
(C) affinities
(D) affixtures


31. Jim: Have you heard the news? A typhoon is headed our way.
Grace: Yeah, I've been keeping up with the news. It looks like it's going to be a big one.
Jim: Definitely. _____________________________ Grace: I think so. I've stocked up on some supplies and made sure my house is secure.
(A) Are you prepared for it?
(B) When is it supposed to hit?
(C) Have you been following the news?
(D) How did you go to work during the typhoon?


32. Betty: No, Dad! Don’t change your plans. I’ve got a million things to do…homework, laundry…I need to go to the library and the grocery store. I’ll be in and out all day. You go and have fun.
Dad: Are you sure?
Betty: Absolutely, Dad! Besides, the freezer is getting dangerously low on fish. From this conversation, what is Dad’s plan?
(A) He is going on a business trip.
(B) He is going on a date.
(C) He is getting married.
(D) He is going fishing.


33. Pat: Excuse me, could you help me find the nearest coffee shop around here?
Stranger: Sure. There's one about three blocks away. If you head east from here, you'll see it on your left. Pat: Thanks for the directions. ___________________
Stranger: They have a variety of options, including espresso, cappuccino, and latte. They also offer a selection of pastries and sandwiches if you're feeling hungry.
(A) Is it a popular place?
(B) What kind of coffee do they serve there?
(C) How much does it cost to have a cappuccino?
(D) Do they have any special deals or promotions?


34. Linda: Jane, are you well?
Jane: No, I am not. I haven't been feeling well lately.
Linda: I'm sorry to hear that. ____________________
Jane: I have been having some trouble sleeping lately. I just can't seem to turn off my brain and get the rest I need.
(A) What's been bothering you?
(B) How about you?
(C) Why don’t you go to see a doctor?
(D) When do you think you’ll be feeling well?


35. Cindy: Hey Ben, how are you doing?
Ben: I'm doing great. Thanks for asking. How about you?
Cindy: I'm doing pretty well, too. So, ___________________________
Ben: Not much really, just been busy with work. And you?
Cindy: Same here.
(A) what brings you here?
(B) what have you been up to lately?
(C) how much time will it take to complete the project?
(D) why don't you come over to my house for dinner tonight?


36. Alan: Hey, did you get the e-mail about the meeting tomorrow?
Tom: Yeah, I did. I'm looking forward to it.
Alan: Actually, I'm afraid that I won't be able to make it. I must stay home and trim my cat's fur. Tom: Seriously? That's your excuse?
Alan: I know, and I feel terrible about missing it. But my cat is really overdue for a haircut.
Tom: I'm sorry, but that's a ridiculous excuse. You're letting the rest of the team down by not attending the meeting. Which is correct?
(A) Alan did not forward the e-mail to Tom.
(B) Alan’s cat was in the hospital for a haircut.
(C) Alan’s excuse was not reasonable to Tom.
(D) Alan asked Tom to attend the meeting for him.


37. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your tour guide speaking. I hope you have enjoyed the cruise as much as I have. We’ll be docking back Deary Habor in approximately twenty minutes, so I’d like to remind you all to ensure you have all of your ________ with you when you disembark.
(A) like
(B) live
(C) docking
(D) belongings


38. Do you and your family need medical insurance? We offer affordable dental, vision and prescription benefit packages. Only $22 per month for individual plans and $35 per month for your entire ________.
(A) house
(B) household
(C) home
(D) homemade


       The Paradox of Choice, by psychologist Barry Schwartz, is an influential book about how consumers make choices. The paradox in the title is about how offering more choices can sometimes mean fewer sales. Why? Because we are all suffering from choice overload. There are just too many products out there to scan through to either satisfy needs or maximize value. According to Schwartz, offering more choices create a psychological burden that can turn consumers off, because more choices mean more time and effort to choose and increase odds that you’ll make the wrong choice and regret it. Schwartz points to the famous ‘Jam Study’ that found that consumers were ten times more likely to purchase jam from a range of six jams than they were from a range of 24.
       So, offering more choices to consumers may not always be good—even though more choices should mean more and happier consumers, more choices should mean individual needs will be better satisfied, and more choices should mean an enhanced sense of autonomy. But more choices sometimes backfires—because it’s inconvenient and risky.
       One interesting implication of the Paradox of Choice is that brands should not always seek to maximize choices for consumers by launching endless variants and line extensions. If a category is cluttered, leave it alone—unless you can be the best, and outspend competitors on distribution and advertising.

【題組】39. Acccording to the passage, more choices will lead to __________.
(A) deeper happiness in the consumers
(B) more personal freedom
(C) more difficulty in comparsion
(D) greater satisficiation of individual needs


【題組】40. According to the passage, what causes choice overload?
(A) Fewer sales.
(B) Too many options.
(C) Lack of good choices.
(D) Maximizing the values of the products.


【題組】41. What does the ‘Jam Study’ tell us?
(A) Less choice brings more sales.
(B) Increasing jam’s variants increases sales.
(C) The bigger display of jams leads to higher purchase intentions.
(D) Research informs little about consumer satisfaction in the real market world.


【題組】42. According to the passage, what question should we ask if we want to increase our sales?
(A) How can we retain consumers’ autonomy?
(B) How can we better meet the needs of consumers?
(C) How can we make one choice the best choice?
(D) How can we make it easier for people to choose?


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試基礎類科知能試題 :英文#114322-阿摩線上測驗
