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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 中央警察大學_學士班二年制技術系入學考試_各系:英文#119783
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1( ).

1. When justice _______  , it means that good overcomes evil and that light conquers darkness.
(A) injurious
(B) junks
(C) prevails
(D) ingredients

2( ).

2. The purpose of the survey was to _______  the police with local criminal problems.
(A) acquaint
(B) strategy
(C) explicitly
(D) jurisdiction

3( ).

3. You have the right to remain _______ and refuse to answer questions.
(A) silent
(B) silence
(C) speechless
(D) serenity

4( ).

4. She was of slim _______ with short, brown hair.
(A) figuring
(B) former
(C) build
(D) physics

5( ).

5. The gang admitted they had _______ four recent bank robberies.
(A) committed
(B) pledged
(C) enrolled
(D) trusted

6( ).

6. _______  thousands of years, people have known that no two people have the same fingerprints.
(A) If
(B) At
(C) For
(D) On

7( ).

7. You violate the law if you do anything _______  it.
(A) about
(B) against
(C) with
(D) for

8( ).

8. Captain Lee is _______  in French and Chinese. He has an excellent command of both languages.
(A) bilingual
(B) bypass
(C) binocular
(D) blizzard

9( ).

9. In order to lay up a flexible mechanism for national rescue service, the National Rescue Command Center needs to build up its organization and establish its legal _______  in detail.
(A) supple
(B) synthesize
(C) status
(D) swindle

10( ).

10. The thieves entered the museum through the roof and _______  three paintings worth more than two million dollars.
(A) burgle
(B) stole
(C) thief
(D) take 

11( ).

11-15 題 段落填空:請根據前後文及題意,選擇一個最適當的答案。
City Police Department Website – Our Police Fleet We recently purchased 21 Ford police interceptors to __11__ our older patrol cars. In addition, we maintain several traffic cars, all of which are unmarked for maximum effectiveness. All of our squad cars have our department identification clearly painted on their sides. Using the equipment console officers can quickly use the lights and sirens to __12__ their presence. The patrol car also connects officers to headquarters via two-way radios and a mobile data terminal. Officers can use the latter to access department databases. They can also input data and reports directly from the scene of an incident. The rear seating area consists __13__ a suspect enclosure capable of holding up to three individuals. It includes a bullet-proof barrier protecting officers from potentially dangerous suspects.

(A) return
(B) relief
(C) reproduce
(D) replace

12( ).

(A) signal
(B) submit
(C) surrender
(D) supply

13( ).

(A) in
(B) of
(C) with
(D) for

14( ).

【題組】14.According to the content from City Police Department’s website about its police fleet, what can you infer about the traffic cars?
(A) They contain suspect enclosures.
(B) They have a size modification.
(C) They lack department identification.
(D) They have bullet-proof windows.

15( ).

【題組】15.Which is NOT a feature of the patrol cars?
(A) A secure area to hold suspects.
(B) A way to access databases.
(C) Means to signal to the public.
(D) An unmarked exterior.

16( ).

16-20 題 閱讀測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案。
       There is convincing evidence that the risk and protective factors that arise in a person's early childhood can lead to socially undesirable outcomes such as crime later in life. There is however increasing evidence that interventions early in a child's life can be effective in reducing later life crime, and that interventions can procure economic as well as social benefits. In particular, research has shown that early childhood intervention approaches to crime prevention require involvement from all sectors of the community, including police, other government agencies, and community groups. Police can play an important role in terms of providing facilitation between the various government and community organizations. Police are also in a position to be strong advocates for early childhood intervention approaches. However, this approach to crime prevention is a long-term approach, and in the short term there is still an ongoing need for police and other related agencies to continue with the range of crime prevention initiatives currently in place.

【題組】16.The passage implies that early childhood interventions _______.
(A) give rise to social chaos
(B) lead to socially undesirable results
(C) encourage children to commit crimes
(D) contribute to crime prevention

17( ).

【題組】17.Police can play an important role in terms of providing facilitation between the various government and community organizations. What does “facilitation” mean in this sentence?
(A) disaster
(B) help
(C) stigma
(D) conflict

18( ).

【題組】18.According to the passage, to reduce crimes we require help from ________.
(A) police
(B) other government agencies
(C) community groups
(D) all the above

19( ).

【題組】19.If someone is in place, it is ________.
(A) unsuitable
(B) replaced
(C) ready to work
(D) unimportant

20( ).

【題組】20.According to the passage, which of the following about police is true?
(A) Police can play an important role in crime prevention.
(B) Without police, children grow up with no protective factors.
(C) Police strategies never lead to socially desirable outcomes.
(D) Police are not necessary for adult crime prevention.

21( ).

21.Some patrol cars in our precinct have _______ for use in high-speed chases.
(A) modifications
(B) adjustments
(C) alterations
(D) fixations
(E) completions

22( ).

22.The security guard who falls asleep at his post is responsible for the _______, even though the burglar is also, indeed primarily, responsible.
(A) interruption
(B) mediation
(C) break-in
(D) stealing
(E) breaking and entering

23( ).

23.More than 100 remote-controlled were installed ______ near the convention center where the UN convention is to take place.
(A) security cameras
(B) bodycams
(C) surveillance cameras
(D) save monitors
(E) closed-circuit televisions

24( ).

24.The hotel management advises guests to deposit their ________ in the hotel safe.
(A) valuables
(B) personal belongings
(C) wallets
(D) liabilities
(E) possessions

25( ).

25.Due to last week’s ______ in service calls, more police will be patrolling districts of North town.
(A) shrink
(B) promotion
(C) rise
(D) increase
(E) decrease


26.You have the right to a/an _____ before any questioning.
(A) lawyer
(B) attorney
(C) commissioner
(D) possessor
(E) prosecutor


27.The safety holster is designed to ______ the police officer in maintaining his or her handgun in a struggle while ensuring handgun retention.
(A) buckle
(B) trap
(C) assist
(D) aid
(E) help


28.To ______ the community and enforce the law, we will increase patrols in several areas.
(A) guard
(B) secure
(C) threaten
(D) endanger
(E) protect


29.Please choose the synonyms of “illicit”.
(A) illegal
(B) illegitimate
(C) illawful
(D) illegible
(E) illiterate


30.What are the synonyms of “arrest”?
(A) apprehension
(B) exemption
(C) bust
(D) liberation
(E) release

31( ).

31.Beyond data quality concerns, official data of crimes have some noteworthy substantive ______.
(A) shortcomings
(B) newly
(C) frequent
(D) imperfections
(E) defects

32( ).

32.The senior police officer was highly esteemed by his ______. He owned a good reputation in police department.
(A) collides
(B) conveys
(C) colleagues
(D) coworkers
(E) associates

33( ).

33.The murderer ______ the entire family. It was a tragedy!
(A) slaughtered
(B) killed
(C) massacred
(D) shrewd
(E) rigid

34( ).

34.Some drivers are ______ to accidents. The police should pay more attention to them.
(A) timber
(B) prone
(C) trench
(D) tamper
(E) liable

35( ).

35.These underground investment companies ______ money from many naive investors.
(A) swindle
(B) cheat
(C) juvenile
(D) pallid
(E) fabric

36( ).

36.The murder case continues to ______ the police. The suspect is still at large.
(A) puzzle
(B) mystify
(C) prudently
(D) novice
(E) confuse

37( ).

37.To return to normal life, the juvenile delinquents need ______ .
(A) resocialization
(B) rehabilitation
(C) reckless
(D) savory
(E) reluctant

38( ).

38.These steep stairs look ______. Mind your step, please!
(A) dangerous
(B) hazardous
(C) risky
(D) humiliate
(E) perilous

39( ).

39.This nation has made ______ achievements in the economy. It is a worldwide successful model.
(A) shirk
(B) notable
(C) well-known
(D) remarkable
(E) scrub

40( ).

40.For criminal justice data, there is a possible ______ between reported crime and actual crime.
(A) gap
(B) shrivel
(C) discrepancy
(D) divergence
(E) civilian


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 中央警察大學_學士班二年制技術系入學考試_各系:英文#119783-阿摩線上測驗
