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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(76~100)
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43.We will visit ________office next week.


Tammy often ______ music from the Internet to her MP3 player.
(A) loads up
(B) loads down
(C) uploads
(D) downloads


22. The computer _____ isn't working well.
(A) screen
(B) finger
(C) cold
(D) guy


50.How do you like your new coworkers so _____?
(A) in
(B) at
(C) far
(D) too


46. The kid is smart. He can____from 1 to 100.
(A) count
(B) elect
(C) forget
(D) guide


49. It is very dangerous to put all your money in your____.
(A) courage
(B) drama
(C) effort
(D) wallet


68. A: I’m hungry. Let’s have lunch. B: OK. What do you want to eat? A: Why don’t we have Italian food? B:____
(A) It’s a good restaurant.
(B) Nice talking to you.
(C) What do you like?
(D) That sounds great.


22. Many customers are waiting outside the famous ___________ for the first batch of fresh bread and cake.
(A) dairy
(B) bakery
(C) laundry
(D) grocery


7. ________ warming is a serious problem that results in climate change worldwide.
(A) Global
(B) Mental
(C) Private
(D) Remote


41. On the way to work, John had a car accident and was rushed to the ________ right away.
(A) bakery
(C) hospital
(D) supermarket


2. A: Do you want to go to the movie “Cheers From Heaven” with us this weekend? B: I’d like to, but I can’t. __________
(A) I’m wondering when the movie will be on.
(B) I won’t see a movie with you even if I have time.
(C) I have to clean my room, or my dad will get mad.
(D) I don’t want to go to heaven with you now.


1. Never drive after ________.
(A) eating
(B) sleeping
(C) drinking
(D) dancing


14. Jessie enjoys sleeping with music, so she usually turns on the ______ before she goes to bed.
(A) refrigerator
(B) lamp
(C) radio
(D) drawer


66. A: I saw this great offer for a cell phone I wanted on the ad, so I bought it. B: Why do you need a cell phone? A: ____________________
(A) I would like a sim card to go with it.
(B) If you don’t like it, you can cancel it.
(C) What will you think of next?
(D) I can use it to call you in case anything happens.


20. The novel is written in ______English.It is easy for the children to read.
(A) light
(B) salty
(C) fresh
(D) simple .


50. Hess: Excuse me. I’d like to try this on in a larger size. Morgan: Certainly. I’ll get that for you right away. Hess: Thank you.___________ Morgan: No problem. I’ll take both for you to try on.
(A) That sounds like a great idea.
(B) Do you accept credit card?
(C) May I try on the blue shirt as well?
(D) Where is the fitting room?


49. A: What happened? B: I found out the purse I bought online was fake! A: ________ Online shopping can be risky sometimes. B: I should have listened to you.
(A) I’m done with it.
(B) See, I told you.
(C) Watch your words.
(D) Give me a hand.


50. A: What did you have for dinner? B: I only had a piece of bread. A: ________ B: I’m trying to control my weight.
(A) Why? I thought you were hungry.
(B) Broccoli is the best kind of vegetable.
(C) It sounds like a lot.
(D) I had vegetables, too.


49. Client: May I speak to Mr. White?
Secretary: ________
Client: Thanks. I’ll call him later.
(A) Speaking.
(B) Hello, may I take a message?
(C) Thank you for calling.
(D) Sorry. He was out five minutes ago.


1. Mary needs to see a ____; she has a bad toothache.
(A) economist
(B) scientist
(C) dentist
(D) artist


5. He was in a bad mood, so he ______the CD player to listen to some music.
(A) turned off
(B) turned on
(C) go on
(D) got off


23. It’s never _____ late to learn.
(A) so
(B) such
(C) too
(D) as


32. Because of the thunderstorm, there’ll be a two-hour______ for the take-off of our flight.
(A) leave
(B) peace
(C) delay
(D) debate


4. Which is the most appropriate response to “Why aren’t you going to lunch with us?”?
(A) I’m not friends.
(B) I had a late breakfast.
(C) Is it a question?
(D) It’s my problem.


13. Louis likes painting very much. He wants to become an ______someday.
(A) actor
(B) accountant
(C) assembler
(D) artist 


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(76~100)-阿摩線上測驗
