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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 桃園市國民小學教師聯合甄選筆試:英語-B#108211
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1. America, in _____ with the European Union and G7, announced new sanctions on Russia.
(A) confederation
(B) contraction
(C) congestion
(D) conjunction


2. The main sides in this country’s civil war agreed to a two-month _____.
(A) trophy
(B) troupe
(C) coupe
(D) truce


3. Oil prices fell sharply, as America prepared to announce another large _____ of oil from its strategic reserve.
(A) departure
(B) release
(C) subsidize
(D) vicarage


4. The cut looks nasty. We’d better wash it and _____ it immediately.
(A) disinfect
(B) quarantine
(C) bruise
(D) vaccinate


5. He was regarded as _____, not only because of his insistence on strict discipline, but also because of his rigid adherence to formal details.
(A) an acolyte
(B) a fraud
(C) a martinet
(D) a tyrant


6. Behavior that is considered the epitome of _____ at home can be perceived as impossibly rude abroad.
(A) novelty
(B) eccentricity
(C) coarseness
(D) urbanity


7. I was walking by the boss’s office and ___________ overheard him say something about closing down our branch office.
(A) inadvertently
(B) magnificently
(C) synthetically
(D) geometrically


8. Our packages have ___________ tracking devices that allows us to follow them from the warehouses to a customer’s doorstep.
(A) kneaded
(B) rebutted
(C) embedded
(D) abraded


9. I didn’t like this book at first, but now that the plot is speeding up, I find myself so ___________ I can’t stop reading.
(A) throttled
(B) belittled
(C) alienated
(D) intrigued


10. Violent video games have been proven to have an _______ effect on kids and teens.
(A) upright
(B) adverse
(C) obconic
(D) igneous

11( ).

11. Shampoo commercials ___________ their products’ ability to give you the world’s most beautiful hair.
(A) tout
(B) raft
(C) abut
(D) pant

12( ).

12. Both his election campaign and _____ of his main rival were dogged by scandal.
(A) this
(B) that
(C) which
(D) whom

13( ).

13. The UN said that two-thirds of children in Ukraine _____ because of the conflict, mostly within the country.
(A) have been displaced
(B) have displaced
(C) have been displacing
(D) is displaced

14( ).

14. _____ in history has a modern imperial city been so completely destroyed.
(A) The true
(B) The fact
(C) That
(D) Not

15( ).

15. The concepts behind the laws of probability _____ all of statistical mechanics.
(A) fundamentally into enter
(B) to enter into fundamentally
(C) they fundamentally enter into
(D) enter fundamentally into

16( ).

16. AM radio signals differ from FM signals _____ are based on amplification modulation rather than frequency modulation.
(A) in that
(B) that they in
(C) in that they
(D) that in

17( ).

17. I know a lot about Microsoft Excel. If you __________, I would have helped you.
(A) told me you were having trouble
(B) had told me you were having trouble
(C) would have told me you were having trouble
(D) told me you had trouble

18( ).

18. Now, for the first time, the two-bedroom guest house ____food writers, photographers, and cooks who want to take the time to steep themselves in the rural traditions of French cooking.
(A) has dedicated to
(B) dedicates itself to
(C) is being dedicated to
(D) was dedicated itself to

19( ).

III. Cloze
        The horse of 50 million years ago, called the Dawn Horse, was a little animal the size of a fox terrier. The species had four toes on each front foot and three toes on each hind foot. Its “toenails” were little hooves. When this creature lived, there were no grasslands. Its home was the forest, __19__ it fed on tender shoots and leaves.
       There is proof that this little creature was __20__ of the horse of today. Scientists have excavated fossils of certain animals that lived a few million years later and found that, __21__ they were bigger than the animal of earlier times, they resembled it and the modern-day horse.
       The horse family survived when many other animals died out __22__ it had two advantages. The little horse was swift, as we can guess from its slim body and slender legs. It also was fairly intelligent; its skull shows that its brain was large __23__ its body.

(A) that
(B) which
(C) on which
(D) where

20( ).

(A) an ancestor
(B) a heritage
(C) an offspring
(D) a pioneer

21( ).

(A) although
(B) despite
(C) even if
(D) provided that

22( ).

(A) causing
(B) caused
(C) because
(D) because of

23( ).

(A) in common with
(B) in connection with
(C) with regard to
(D) in proportion with

24( ).

      About 108 billion pounds of food is wasted every year in the United States, __24__ hunger-relief organization Feeding American. That amounts to more than $161 billion __25__food. “The first thing to do is stop __26__ at the source… trying to avoid food waste __27__ by redistributing it and by getting it to the people that need it,” Dylan Lew said. “We are the step right below to basically catch anything __28__ they can’t redistribute.”
(A) for one thing
(B) in contrast to
(C) according to
(D) on one hand

25( ).

(A) worthwhile
(B) worth of
(C) worth it
(D) worthy to do

26( ).

(A) it
(B) its
(C) them
(D) it’s

27( ).

(A) in the zone
(B) in the wrong place
(C) in the wake of
(D) in the first place

28( ).

(A) that
(B) what
(C) who
(D) whose

29( ).

29. The country’s festering economic crisis
(A)spiraled into high political drama as fuel supplies
(B)dwindled, food shortages
(C)worsen and power cuts
(D)stretched on.

30( ).

30. The
(A)deepest pleasure of gardening—
(B)when with cooking, writing, bringing up children or almost anything
(C)worthwhile —is in the work

31( ).

31. The French bank is
(A)one of several Western companies
(B)with a serious
(C)present in Russia’s financial

32( ).

32. This country suspended payments
(A)on all foreign debt
(B)until it can reach agreement with
(C)creditors on
(D)restructure the loans.

33( ).

33. Earthworms are actually fierce competitors with
(A)other invertebrates, voraciously
(B)consumed rotting plant matter and tiny organisms such as nematodes, bacteria and fungi, all of
(C)which might otherwise
(D)sustain a wide variety of soil dwellers.

34( ).

34. People in the western world have difficulty
(A)understanding the extent
(B)which religion infiltrates
(C)all aspects of life in the
(D)Arab world.

35( ).

(A)In the same way that
(B)news services have changed
(C)since the rise of the internet, so
(D)does entertainment.

36( ).

36. In 2004, psychologist Barry Schwartz wrote a book
(A)titled The Paradox of Choice
(B)in who he argued
(C)that while freedom of choice is important to our well-being, too many choices can
(D)lead to overload and indecision.

37( ).

37. It was
(A)common practice
(B)during those days for
(C)people of important to have their portraits

38( ).

38. It was a hard day when my husband found out
(B)like so many others, he too would soon
(C)be furloughed from employment
(D)as a result the COVID-19 pandemic.

39( ).

39. When the roof of Paris’ Notre-Dame Cathedral
(A)caught fire in April 2019,
(B)it’s ancient wood beams and lead sheeting
(C)created a furnace so hot
(D)it couldn’t be contained. V. Dialogue

40( ).

40. A: Our new clients just agreed to our terms.
 B: __________ Now all that’s left is to close this deal.
(A) So far so good.
(B) They must be thirsty.
(C) You are barking up the wrong tree.
(D) You must be in a hurry.

41( ).

41. A: __________ There are only five packages left. B: But I’m already worn out.
(A) Hang in there.
(B) I’m letting you off the hook.
(C) It’s not rocket science.
(D) You seem energetic.

42( ).

42. A: Eric broke the scanner again. 
B: __________ He’s still new to his job.
(A) That’s the last straw.
(B) Cut him some slack.
(C) He is feeling a bit under the weather.
(D) He printed his assignment last night.

43( ).

43. A: Days like this make me love living in Taiwan.
 B: _____ Good food and good friends! What could be better?
(A) Are you good?
(B) Tell me about it.
(C) You’re telling me!
(D) I’m busted.

44( ).

VI. Reading Comprehension
       Uranus is perhaps the strangest planet in the solar system. At some point during its history, the ice giant was knocked over, leaving it spinning on its side. More than a dozen rings circle the world, and some 27 moons cling to it. The planet’s atmosphere is a collection of hydrogen, helium, and heavier compounds that exist as ices deep in the frigid Uranian clouds. 
      But beyond a handful of intriguing facts, scientists know woefully little about this milky blue world, which was visited for the first and only time by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1986. That could be about to change. 
      A report prepared by planetary scientists and released this week has recommended that NASA make a mission to Uranus a top priority for the coming decade, perhaps launching a spacecraft to the seventh planet from the sun—as well as a thousand inevitable jokes—as soon as 2031. 
     One big draw is that Uranus—and Neptune, the solar system’s other ice giant—might be representative of the most common type of planet in the galaxy. Scientists think that solving the mysteries of Uranus, such as its odd magnetic field, shrouded interior structure, and surprisingly frosty temperatures, could be crucial not only for understanding ice giants across the Milky Way, but also for unlocking clues about the history of our solar system.

【題組】44. Which of the following facts is true about Uranus?
(A) It is the fifth planet from the sun.
(B) It is extremely hot.
(C) It spins on its side.
(D) It has twelve moons.

45( ).

【題組】45. Why is Uranus important to scientists?
(A) It is one of the most common types of planets in the galaxy.
(B) It has never been visited by spacecraft before.
(C) It has many moons.
(D) It is an abundant source of precious minerals and fossil fuels.

46( ).

【題組】46. What is one of the mysteries regarding Uranus?
(A) Its high temperatures.
(B) Its distance from the sun.
(C) Its unique color.
(D) Its magnetic field.

47( ).

      While obscurity in content and style may now be the fashion, clarity remains the ambition of this writer. This is especially important since I deal with unique characters in unique circumstances, a group of people who are still a riddle to the world and often to themselves—the Jews of Eastern Europe, specifically the Yiddish-speaking Jews who perished in Poland and those who emigrated to the USA. The longer I live with them and write about them, the more I am baffled by the richness of their individuality and (since I am one of them) by my own whims and passions. While I hope and pray for the redemption and resurrection, I dare to say that, for me, these people are all living right now. In literature, as in our dreams, death does not exist.
【題組】47. The author clearly indicates that he is _____.
(A) a Polish
(B) of Jewish extraction
(C) an American by birth
(D) an American emigre

48( ).

【題組】48. It can be inferred from the passage that the author is currently living in _____.
(A) Eastern Europe
(B) Poland
(C) the USA
(D) a Yiddish-speaking country

49( ).

【題組】49. Which of the following statement can be concluded from the passage?
(A) The author is cool and unimaginative.
(B) The author does not believe in any religion.
(C) The Yiddish-speaking people are sometimes misunderstood.
(D) The author writes mostly about the ordinary American people.

50( ).

【題組】50. The author of this passage is of the opinion that characters in fiction are_____.
(A) immortal
(B) immoral
(C) irreligious
(D) dreamy


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 桃園市國民小學教師聯合甄選筆試:英語-B#108211-阿摩線上測驗
