(39 秒)
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14. Alice doesn’t take medicine when she has a cold. She believes the body is able to _____ the cold by itself.
(A) catch
(B) fight
(C) hunt
(D) pass


14. The movie star is __________what he does because he is closely watched by many reporters.
(A) careful about
(B) helpful in
(C) lucky with
(D) surprised at


13.Gary is the best teacher I’ve ever known. No one                teaches so well.
(A) all
(B) another
(C) else
(D) other



【題組】20. What can we learn about the writer and the man with a bag?
(A) The man attacked the writer.
(B) The writer followed the man into the dark.
(C) The writer did not find out who the man was in the end.
(D) The man did not want the writer to see things in his bag.



(A) one thing is illegal
(B) there will not be so much air pallution
(C) people have the same idea about one thing
(D) it takes a long time to build a nuclear power plant




38. What can we infer from the dialogue?
(A) Harry will go to Green Park with Paul.
(B) Harry will take a bus to the subway station.
(C) Harry will buy a coke at the subway station.
(D) Harry will pay twenty-five dollars for the subway ticket.


Over the years, the number of whales has dropped sharply. From 1946 to 1986, about 340,000 whales were killed. People worry that children in the future can only see whales in pictures. They believe all kinds of whaling (whale hunting) should be stopped before it’s too late. 

Some people are trying to stop whaling all over the world. But they fail to notice one fact: Whaling was going on for a long time before the number of whales went down and became a problem. 

Whaling started as early as 1,500 years ago. This was how tribespeople fed their families. They hunted whales for meat because almost nothing could grow on their land. They also made whale fat into oil and used it to make candles or oil lamps. Over the years, whaling became their way of living, and even part of who they are. 

Tribe whaling is not the thing we should worry about. Of all the whales that were killed over the past forty years, only 10% were hunted by tribespeople. The other 90% died at the hands of the money-making whaling business. When we try to stop all kinds of whaling, we should think what we are asking tribespeople to give up and whether this is the best answer to the problem of whaling

 tribe 部落 fat 脂肪


35. Below are the writer’s points in the reading: a. Whether we should stop tribespeople whaling b. The problem of whaling c. Whaling as a way of life In what order does the writer talk about his points?
(A) a→ c→ b.
(B) b →c →a.
(C) c →a →b.
(D) c →b →a.



【題組】27. What does Randy's grandfather do?
(A) He is a singer.
(B) He is a shopkeeper.
(C) He is a truck driver.
(D) He is a factory worker.




【題組】35. What does Cameroon’s government most likely think of Ambazonia?
(A) It plans to do business with Ambazonia.
(B) It needs Ambazonia for money and help.
(C) It does not want to be part of Ambazonia.
(D) It does not agree that Ambazonia is a country.



【題組】26. What does this way mean?
(A) Singing to a crying baby.
(B) Singing when taking a cold bath.
(C) Taking a cold bath in the morning.
(D) Taking a bath before going to bed.



【題組】28. What can we learn from the dialogue?
(A) Rebecca liked the cheesecake a lot.
(B) Justin had tried the cheesecake before.
(C) Sarah spent two hours getting to the store.
(D) Justin wanted to know where the store was.


  Isadora Duncan was born in America in 1877. She was a great dance teacher who enjoyed dancing at an early age, and even began teaching other children to dance when she was only six. Although Duncan herself stopped going to school at ten, she later had students from all over the world.   
  Duncan was called the mother of modern dance because she brought lots of new ideas into the dancing of her time. She believed that dance is life itself and comes from the heart. Duncan also said that dance belongs to everyone, rich and poor, young and old. That was why one time she did not agree to dance in a theater where the tickets were very expensive.   
  Duncan also surprised the people of her time by dancing in comfortable clothes and without shoes on. She broke the rules in many ways and gave dance a new language. Now people who are interested in modern dance are still getting new ideas from this great teacher.

【題組】45. What does a new language mean in the reading?
(A) A new word for dancing.
(B) New ideas about dancing.
(C) A new kind of dance music.
(D) New rules for selling dance tickets. 



(A) I am one of them
(B) I am happy with it
(C) she is afraid of them
(D) she finally makes up her mind



【題組】41. Which is true about the pie shops?
(A) Pie House is a family business.
(B) Pie Corner is next to Pie House.
(C) Pie Corner has a longer history than Pie House.
(D) Pie House gives people a place to stay for the night.


【題組】26. What can we learn from the comics?
(A) The doctor tried several ways to help the soldier.
(B) The soldier cared about his life more than his job.
(C) The soldier went to ask the doctor about Rule 22.
(D) The use of “catch-22” appeared before Joseph Heller’s book.



【題組】31. When is Nocsafari open?
(A) At night.
(B) Day and night.
(C) During the day.
(D) In the afternoon.



(A) met
(B) have met
(C) used to meet
(D) was going to meet


1. Each player begins at START. 2. In each turn, first take one of the four cards to decide how many spaces to move: for one space, for two spaces, for three spaces, and for four spaces. Then follow the words next to the , if there is a at the place you arrive at. 3. The first one who gets to Dreamland wins the game. 
 turn 回合 space 步、格

【題組】26. Below are the cards which four kids have taken since they began the game. Who has won the game?
(A) Anna:  →   .
(B) Kate:  →   .
(C) Billy:   →  .
(D) Ivan:  →  .


 What does the word family mean to you? An American study in 2006 showed
that people today 39 . Over 99% of the people who were interviewed agree that a
husband, a wife, and a child are a family. At the same time, 94% see a parent with a
child as a family, 91% say a husband and a wife, without children, are a family, and
81% think a man and a woman, with a child, but not married, are a family too.
  The study also found that 40 is very important in the modern thinking on family.
Though 81% think a man and a woman, not married, with a child, are a family, the
percentage (%) drops to 40% if the couple doesn’t have a child. This is also true with
same-sex couples. About 60% see two men, or two women, with a child, as a family,
but only 32% think so when the couple doesn’t have a child.
  In the study, those who see two men or two women that live together as a family
often find it OK for same-sex couples to get married. 41 . However, not everyone
opens their arms to same-sex couples: the study said 30% have no problem seeing
pets as part of one’s family, but they do not think a same-sex couple is a family

(A) think differently about when to start a family
(B) do not find family as important as their parents did
(C) want many different things when they start a family
(D) have several different ideas about what makes a family



【題組】44. Why is Bach's second wife important to his music?
(A) She helped Bach keep his works.
(B) Many of Bach's works were written for her.
(C) She gave Bach a lot of good ideas about music.
(D) Her money helped Bach concentrate on writing music.



(A) is
(B) has been
(C) will be
(D) would be


        Tabata training is a very popular way of exercising these days. It doesn’t take much time or space, and it burns calories faster than other ways of exercising. The idea of Tabata training is simple: exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and then repeat (at least eight times). The moves for the 20-second exercise are not difficult to learn. Jumping jacks, high knees, squats, and planks are some of the most common moves. You can decide yourself what moves to do in your Tabata training. For example, you can do more leg exercises if you want strong legs. 
       One great thing about Tabata training is that your body will keep burning calories for at least an hour after 4 minutes of Tabata training. But to have this wonderful “afterburn,” you need to exercise really hard during each 20 seconds. If you seldom exercise or have heart problems, this exercise may not be good for you. But for people who enjoy exercising but are too busy to go to the gym, Tabata training might just be the answer. 
                                                                                                     calorie 卡路里(熱量單位)

【題組】27. Which idea is talked about in the first paragraph of the reading?
(A) How you should do Tabata training.
(B) What is the best time for Tabata training.
(C) Who first had the idea of Tabata training.
(D) How often you should do Tabata training.



【題組】37. Which is true about Mei-ling?
(A) She is proud of her beautiful voice.
(B) She always wants to be a movie star.
(C) She is going to have a party on her birthday.
(D) She has changed a lot since she joined a fan club.


(27~28) Four students of Class 705 want to take an art class next year. They took several tests last week. Here are their grades5ed89e99d0ef5.jpg

【題組】 27. Those who want to go to the art class must get 70 or above in English and math, and get 80 or above in pencil drawing and watercolor. How many students can go to the art class?
(A) 0.
(B) 1.
(C) 2.
(D) 3.


(21~23) Karen: Good morning, Sheryl. You look different today. Sheryl : Really? Do I look thinner? I just 21 doing some work on my apartment. Karen: I see. What did you do? Sheryl : I 22 the apartment myself and got a new couch and coffee table for the living room. Karen: It sounds like a big job. What colors did you paint your apartment? Sheryl : Several different ones. Let me see . . . white, yellow, green, blue and pink. Karen: So that’s why you 23 all those colors on your hair? Sheryl : Oh, no!
【題組】 21.
(A) finish
(B) will finish
(C) finished
(D) would finish


