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10. No one thought James would appear at Katie’s party. So when he ______ , everyone was surprised and could not believe their eyes.
(A) would
(B) was
(C) had
(D) did


13.Gary is the best teacher I’ve ever known. No one                teaches so well.
(A) all
(B) another
(C) else
(D) other


9. I don’t think Katie will read any one of the books you’ve picked out for her:_________ look(s) very boring.
(A) it
(B) one
(C) some
(D) they


11. ___the lesson before class gives me a better idea about what the teacher is going to teach.
(A) Preview
(B) Previews
(C) Previewed
(D) Previewing


6. Tom ______ ten pounds over the past two months. He looks much thinner now.
(A) loses
(B) has lost
(C) will lose
(D) was losing


7. For the past twenty years, my father _____ in a school library. But he’ll leave the job next month.
(A) worked
(B) has worked
(C) is working
(D) works


15. Paul: ___Shelly's father a businessman? Carl: I don't think so. I remember he teaches English.
(A) Are
(B) Is
(C) Do
(D) Does


15. John: Will you be at Linda’s party this Sunday? I’d like you to meet my girlfriend.
 Tony: Sure, if Linda ______   me. But I haven’t got any call yet.
(A) will invite
(B) had invited
(C) has invited
(D) invites


14. The last five years have not been________ to Jennie. Her face is covered with lines and she looks much older than she is.
(A) kind
(B) special
(C) real
(D) enough


19. Scott wasn’t sure if the young woman before him was_________pulled him out of a car on fire.
(A) who
(B) the one
(C)the one she
(D) the one who


6. Susan: Oh, no! The door and the window ___!
Victor: Who could have done this?
Susan: Go in quickly and see if we've lost anything.
(A) are breaking
(B) have broken
(C) were broken
(D) will break


7. You can’t __________  Tasty Bakery’s meat pie! It’s so delicious that even some restaurants in town order it.
(A) cook
(B) cut
(C) hit
(D) miss


4. Don’t forget that Mom and Dad won’t be home until next Wednesday. Until _____, we have to prepare meals ourselves.
(A) late
(B) now
(C) then
(D) today


  Marcel Proust (1871-1922) is one of the greatest French writers. He is famous for his great book À la Recherche du Temps Perdu, which means “remembering the past.” 
  In this book, Proust writes many stories of rich but unhappy people. These rich people think they should be well liked or loved. When they learn that they are not as popular as they think, they feel sad and try hard to be important in the eyes of others. That is why they always feel troubled and can never really enjoy their lives. 
  In contrast to the lives of those people in his book, the last fifteen years of Proust’s life shows one can still find joy in hard times. During those years, he was very sick and had to stay in bed most of the time. But in his sickroom he found most joy in writing À la Recherche du Temps Perdu and ended up being a great writer because of the book.

【題組】40. What can we learn about Proust from this reading?
(A) He became poor and sick because of writing.
(B) He got a lot of pleasure from writing in his later life.
(C) He often wrote about how people get stronger in hard times.
(D) He started writing À la Recherche du Temps Perdu when he was fifteen.



【題組】(2) What can we learn about Amy’s father?
(A) He has known Mike for over one year.
(B) He will not let Amy leave him so early.
(C) He thinks love means changing for another person.
(D) He is afraid Amy has not thought carefully enough.


Kirsten: Have you read The Travel ? I just finished it yesterday.
Renee: No, but I’ve wanted to. Is it good?
Kirsten: It is! But it’s quite grim. Renee: How so?
Kirsten: In the story, a mother and her son were on a trip when they were caught by a group of crazy people. They were kept in a small dark room and treated terribly. It really broke my heart to read that the mother chose to stay and fight with the bad guys. She was almost killed when trying to help her son run away.
Renee: So it’s this grim from the first page to the end?
Kirsten: Yes, but there’s still a bright side in it. You get to see how strong parents can be when they want to keep their children from being hurt.
Renee: I see. I’m surely going to borrow it from the library.
Kirsten: Then you must hurry. When I borrowed it last Friday, they told me that many people were waiting to read it!

【題組】37. What does Kirsten mean by saying The Travel is grim?
(A) It happens on a dark night.
(B) It makes the readers feel sad.
(C) There are many difficult words in it.
(D) Readers have different ideas about it.


第二部分: 題組
(16-17) Here are four notices on the window of a pet shop.

【題組】17. What do we know from the four notices?
(A) Maurice is a small dog.
(B) Vivi is in the hospital now.
(C) Mr. Chang is looking for his dog.
(D) Dr. Wu is giving away his black dog.



【題組】32. Which is said in the reading?
(A) Biking is good for health.
(B) More and more people go to work by bike.
(C) Biking around the island is getting popular.
(D) The size of the bike is important for biking.


        If you cannot live without your car, Zurich might be the last city you would like to visit. In Zurich, people are welcome, but cars are not! Over the past 20 years, this city has used smart ways  19  . One is to keep the same total number of parking spaces. For example, if 50 new parking spaces are built in one part of the city, then 50 old spaces in other parts are taken away for other uses. So the total number does not change. Some are unhappy that there are never enough spaces. That is just what the city has in mind: If people find parking more difficult, they will drive less.
         20  , the total number of cars in the city is counted. Over 3,500 little computers are put under Zurich roads to check the number of cars that enter the city. If the number is higher than the city can deal with, the traffic lights on the roads that enter the city will be kept red. So drivers who are traveling into Zurich have to stop and wait until there are fewer cars in the city. Now, you may wonder  21  . The answer is simple: The city wants to make more space for its people.phpaOJg7V

(A) why Zurich is doing this
(B) what all this has cost Zurich
(C) if Zurich should try other ways
(D) if Zurich can deal with angry drivers


  It is 8:00 at night, and Amy Bronte is usually home by now. But she isn’t. Her father is very worried about her. He has called everyone who may know where Amy is. Below is what Mr. Bronte has heard on the phone. 
Uma, Amy’s teacher: “I saw her walking with Pam after school. It was about four thirty in the afternoon.” 
Pam, Amy’s classmate: “Amy was with me on my way home, and she said she was going to see her boyfriend. I got home at f ive.” 
Tony, who lives next door: “I saw Amy carrying some food just half an hour ago. She was with a red-haired boy. They were in a hurry, talking about buying tickets or something.” 
Peter, the shopkeeper: “Amy? She bought some snacks and drinks around seven in the evening. With a red-haired boy called . . . Ray.” 
Rachel, Ray’s sister: “Ray? Ray went out to meet his girlfriend. They were going to a party in the park next to Best Buy Supermarket. The party started at eight, I think.”   
  Now Mr. Bronte knows what happened. He is angry and waits for Amy to come home.

【題組】39. Who did NOT see Amy today?
(A) Ray.
(B) Peter.
(C) Tony.
(D) Rachel.



【題組】41. Which is true about the three artists in the reading?
(A) They all died at a young age.
(B) They are all famous painters.
(C) They all had problems with their bodies.
(D) They were all in bad health when they were born.


5. Cecilia: Eddie’s having a tasting party this Saturday.
Gloria: No!
Cecilia: And we’re both invited.
Gloria: No! I told you I’d never go to any of his tasting parties again!
Cecilia: He! said he wanted to share his newest cakes with his dearest friends.
Gloria: If he sees us as his dearest friends, he should stop having tasting parties!
Cecilia: Well, looks like baking really brings joy to his life.
Gloria: But it takes joy away from mine! Last time I was in bed for three days after his party.
Cecilia: If you hate it so much, you can just tell him.
Gloria: Why do I always have to be the bad person? Remember when I woke him up from his dream of              making clothes? There was a lot of crying, and he wouldn’t talk to me for a month. You do it this              time.
Cecilia: I can’t. How am I going to face him in our dancing classes if I tell him?
Gloria: So we still have to lie at his party again?
Cecilia: I’m afraid so.

【題組】43. Which is true?
(A) Cecelia has not talked to Eddie for a month.
(B) Cecelia had a good time at Eddie’s last party.
(C) Gloria shared Eddie’s cakes with other friends.
(D) Gloria does not want to go to Eddie’s tasting party.



(A) had given hopes
(B) are a different story
(C) bring a bright future
(D) have been a great plan


【題組】27. From the comics, which is most likely an example of “catch-22”?
(A) I need to go to hospital, but there are no hospitals near my house.
(B) I need my key to open the door of my house, but I left my key at school.
(C) I need some special experience to get this job, but I can’t get this kind of experience except from this job.
(D) I want to go out with Jennifer on New Year’s Day, but I’m not sure whether she wants to go out with me that day.


(29-30) Read Cindy’s diary and answer the questions.
● diary 日記 

【題組】29. What does she did mean?
(A) Jenny got the letter.
(B) Jenny wrote in English.
(C) Jenny wrote back a nice long letter.
(D) Jenny told Cindy about her family and school life.


