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19. Sam:___you have a good time at Mr. Moore's house tonight? Tom: Yes. It was a wonderful party. I'm glad I went.
(A) Do
(B) Did
(C) will
(D) Would


11. I’m looking for a good cook for my restaurant. Could you help me find__________  ?
(A) another
(B) each
(C) one
(D) the other


9. Yesterday I went to the beach with my brother. The sun was so _____ that it hurt my eyes!
(A) big
(B) bright
(C) sunny
(D) warm


19. If you want to pull out the __________ of the old tree, you need to dig deeper into the ground.
(A) seeds
(B) roots
(C) fruits
(D) flowers


1. Look at the picture. The man is holding a_________of grapes in his hands.

(A) bag
(B) basket
(C) bowl
(D) box


19. Jack: There is going to ___a dance show on Saturday. Would you like to go with me? Nina: Sure. I can't wait for it.
(A) be
(B) do
(C) get
(D) have



【題組】46. What do we know from this email?
(A) Andy has already paid on the Internet for his order.
(B) One has to pay a shipping fee for an order of NT$1,000.
(C) Page-Plus Bookstore is at No. 157 Comfy Street, Cozy City.
(D) Andy can get what he had ordered the day after the email was sent.



【題組】28. What does it mean when someone is a culprit?
(A) They try to fix something bad.
(B) They make something bad happen.
(C) They are hurt by something bad.
(D) They run away from something bad.



【題組】26. What can we learn about the Wish Tree?
(A) It tells people’s future.
(B) It collects people’s name cards.
(C) It helps people to think of others.
(D) It grows bigger when a wish comes true.



【題組】43. Selina's grandparents are visiting Selina for three days next week. They cannot stay at her place because it is not big enough. Selina is looking for a place for them. Which place will she most likely call?
(A) Marsha's House.
(B) Country Life Market.
(C) Wawa Village.
(D) Next Wave Music Store.


Sarah: You’re VERY popular today. I’ve had seventeen calls asking for you. Mike: Finally! After all these years of kicking and running, I’ve got my own fans!       So what did they want? My photos? Do I need to sign my name? Are they    starting a fan club for me? 
Sarah: Well, let me ask you this: What day was yesterday? Mike: Friday… Why? Sarah: Did you forget something? Mike: Did I forget… OH, NO! I didn’t pick up my soccer team’s sport shirts from    the shop! And we’re having this big game tomorrow! 
Sarah: Yeah. And from what I’ve heard, it’s your team’s most important game this season. Mike: OK. I have to go fix this now. Sarah: Too late. They’ve tried. It’s not open on the weekend. And if you want to    know, they are Johnny, Ricky, Archie, Freddie… 
Mike: I know, I know, everyone on my team. Oh, I’m a dead man now. Sarah: Yeah, that was what they said on the phone, seventeen times.

【題組】22. What can we learn about Mike?
(A) He is nice to people from his fan club.
(B) He plays soccer with Johnny and Ricky.
(C) He found a way to fix the trouble he made.
(D) He decided not to go to the game on Sunday.


3. Below is an ad of Carefree Helpline.

【題組】(1) Which is NOT said about Carefree Helpline?
(A) They listen to people in trouble.
(B) People can talk face to face with them.
(C) They collect money for people in need.
(D) People can call them anytime, any day.


(30 ~ 31) 
Dear Luke, 
  My daughter Angela is very quite. She seldom talks to us, and she does not have any friends. What’s worse, she is not interested in studying. All she does every day is watch TV and play computer games. I have told her hundreds of times that she should study hard, but she does not listen to me. What should I do?

Dear Tim, 
  The problem with Angela is not that she does not study, but that she does not talk to people. I she can make some friends, her life will be more interesting. Perhaps Angela has had this problem for a long time. It won't be solved soon. You should spend more time with her and help her. This is the "homework” both you and your daughter need to do! 
● solve 解決

【題組】30. According to Luke, which will help solve Angela’s problem?
(A) Doing more exercise.
(B) Meeting more people.
(C) Studying harder.
(D) Watching less TV.



(A) four
(B) five
(C) twelve
(D) twenty



【題組】30. This forecast is for Fishland: 
Which part of Fishland is the forecast talking about?
(A) 5ee0485cd2d67.jpg
(B) 5ee0486511f91.jpg
(C) 5ee0486dc1ada.jpg
(D) 5ee048767efce.jpg


Kelly: Have you read the news about the Ciné Prize nominations? 
Eunice: Yeah. I can’t believe Took Off got the most nominations. It’s not that good. 
Kelly: Please! It’s the best movie of the year! The actors are great, and the story is wonderful. Tony Baker is so great in it! I believe he will finally win the Best Actor this time. 
Eunice: Well, I like Hugh Wayne better. He’s so cute in Morning Star. 
Kelly: He’s lucky enough to get the nomination. But a pretty face can only get him so far. 
Eunice: At least Morning Star is selling more tickets than Took Off ! 
Kelly: OK. Let’s not talk about Wayne. Who do you think will win the Best Actress? 
Eunice: Julia Adams, that’s for sure! She’s really the star in Roses. Even Laura Harper does not shine as much. Before this movie, I thought no one else was better than Laura. 
Kelly: I’m glad we’re on the same page about this. Many people think Julia does very well in Roses, and she has become the talk of the Internet these days. I’m sure she’ll be the winner!  
● nomination 提名

【題組】38. Which is said in the reading?
(A) Morning Star is Hugh Wayne’s first movie.
(B) Julia Adams is noticed for her acting in Roses.
(C) Took Off has already won Tony Baker many prizes.
(D) Laura Harper has won the Best Actress more than once.






(A) met
(B) have met
(C) used to meet
(D) was going to meet


  A small town has a good chance of 21 that can bring in a lot of money, if it has something special to be proud of. One example is Gukeng town of Yunlin, Taiwan. Gukeng has long been famous for growing good coffee, but the town didn’t start to make much money from it until some years ago. As more and more people have visited Gukeng for its coffee, the coffee farmers have begun to open their farms to the public. At these farms, people can have the fun of finding out where coffee comes from. 22 , coffee shops are opened all over Gukeng, and people can take a rest and taste delicious coffee on the sidewalks in or after a day’s visit. The new businesses make a better life possible for those who 23 the town. They don’t have to leave the town to find jobs in other places. 
● as 隨著

(A) First
(B) Also
(C) However
(D) For example


(29~30) 5ed89f5e875b7.jpg

【題組】 29. What can we learn from the dialogue?
(A) Sam Austin can both sing and write songs.
(B) Mark has collected many of Sam Austin’s CDs.
(C) Anna will lend Mark the CD this coming week.
(D) Teenagers like to listen to music on the Internet.


Dear Ming-hui, How’s everything? Summer vacation has started here. This is my second year in America. This year I have many chances to meet different people. My school thinks students should 24 . That’s why I was asked to work at a hospital. I didn’t get paid for the work, so at first I thought I was helping others. But later I found 25 . The work has changed me in a good way. I used to care only about my studies, but I’m different now. It made me feel good to see other people live better lives because of something I did for them. I miss my friends in Taiwan. 26 next summer after graduating from high school. Let’s go to see our teacher Ms. Huang then. She’s going to have a baby next January. All the best, Yong-hong
【題組】 24.
(A) try to learn a foreign language
(B) make some friends when we are on vacation
(C) not only study hard but also try to help others
(D) not worry too much about things we can not change



【題組】40. Which is true about Mr. Adams?
(A) He knows nothing about the Internet.
(B) He usually spends the evening with Cindy.
(C) He is thinking about taking a trip with his family.
(D) He thinks that computers are very useful for students.



【題組】26. Where was Roger when his parents called?
(A) At home.
(B) In Tainan.
(C) In the library.
(D) In the theater.


 English words are made of 26 letters, and palindromes and anagrams are two kinds of word games about spelling. A palindrome is a word or a sentence that reads the same from left to right or from right to left, __40__ , “eye,” “Bob,” “my gym,” and “Was it a car or a cat I saw?” An anagram of a word or words is made by putting the letters of the word or words in a different way. Look at the words and their anagrams below. Can you think of other possible anagrams of these words?
 Anagrams are often longer words that don’t really mean anything but are fun to say. Sometimes they can even mean something __42__ , like when a common word, “restaurant,” becomes “Eat rats, run!” 
 Actually, palindromes and anagrams are __43__ . Palindromes can be used to learn mathematics and make music. Anagrams are also a good way to hide something. In history, people often hid their important studies in anagrams. Can you think of any other way to use them?

(A) in fact  
(B) at first  
(C) of course  
(D) for example


(54-56) Below is the video that was made for Pattie.


54. A friend of Pattie’s took a picture on her big day. Which is most likely the picture?
(A) 5ed8a6ef35e99.jpg
(B) 5ed8a6fbc3d35.jpg
(C) 5ed8a7071f98b.jpg
(D) 5ed8a710cfe6d.jpg


