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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 司法、海岸巡防、移民行政特種考試_三等_各類科組:英文#103697
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31 To make the contract more complete, the hockey star______ a clause that would guarantee him 50% of his salary if an injury ended his career.
(A) renounced
(B) inserted
(C) represented
(D) structured


32 The police ______themselves as tourists, secretly videotaping visitors as they moved round the exhibition site.
(A) consigned
(B) harmonized
(C) moderated
(D) disguised


33 New satellite images of Antarctica just revealed a number of Emperor penguin colonies that scientists were not ______ of in their early research.
(A) anxious
(B) aware
(C) afraid
(D) acquired


34 In a democratic country, everyone is ______ to the freedom of speech and expression. This right is protected by the law.
(A) empowered
(B) enabled
(C) endowed
(D) entitled


35 After his heart attack, the doctor put him on a strict ______ , and regular appointments are scheduled for further checkups.
(A) decency
(B) regimen
(C) casualty
(D) shipwreck


36 When celebrating a new year, we often wish others happiness, ______ , and good health.
(A) resistance
(B) prosperity
(C) temptation
(D) succession


37 One benefit of working past the normal retirement age is the ability to ______ current standard of living by increasing lifetime income.
(A) maintain
(B) mandate
(C) manifest
(D) manufacture


38 Sadly, their recent, truncated live shows bore no evidence of new material with which to______ their success.
(A) sustain
(B) suppress
(C) suspect
(D) suspend


39 Patrick is such a good-natured person; he practices______ faithfully and is always more than ready to help needy people.
(A) altruism
(B) cynicism
(C) euphemism
(D) metabolism


40 At the roots of my hair a ______ sensation began and ran down the surface of my flesh, leaving me goose- fleshed and cold.
(A) tingling
(B) tempering
(C) twittering
(D) twinkling


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
       With the advent of freezers, we’re able to preserve our food longer than before. But is there a differencebetween fresh and frozen produce    41    nutrition? Well, it highly depends on the circumstances. Most food youtake off the shelf in a grocery store     42   under-ripe to avoid damage during travel time. This means it hasn’tyet reached its peak nutrition. Furthermore, the minute it is picked, its nutritional content begins to   43   . Whenit finally appears on your dinner table days later, the food may lose up to 50 percent of its nutritional value. Frozenfoods,   44   , are picked when they’re ripe and frozen immediately.   45    the quick freeze process may affectsome of the vitamin content, it essentially locks most of the nutrients in place. Compared with the fresh producethat has been sitting around for days, there’s no doubt that frozen foods contain more nutrition.

【題組】 41
(A) instead of
(B) in terms of
(C) in place of
(D) in spite of


【題組】 42
(A) was harvesting
(B) has harvested
(C) had harvested
(D) has been harvested


【題組】 43
(A) descend
(B) deflate
(C) deprive
(D) deteriorate


【題組】 44
(A) in the meantime
(B) in some respects
(C) on the other hand
(D) for the time being


【題組】 45
(A) Although
(B) Despite
(C) However
(D) Nonetheless


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
      At the beginning of the 20th century, less than 1,000 colleges with 160,000 students existed in the US. The number of colleges skyrocketed in waves, during the early and mid 20th century. State universities grew from small institutions of fewer than 1,000 students to campuses with 40,000 more students, with networks of regional campuses around the state. In turn, regional campuses broke away and became separate universities.
      To handle the explosive growth of K–12 education, every state set up a network of teachers’colleges, beginning with Massachusetts in the 1830s. After 1950, they became state colleges and then state universities with a broad curriculum. Major new trends included the development of the junior colleges. They were usually set up by city school systems starting in the 1920s. By the 1960s they were renamed as “community colleges.”
      Junior colleges grew from 20 in number in 1909, to 170 in 1919. By 1922, 37 states had set up 70 junior colleges, enrolling about 150 students each. Meanwhile, another 137 were privately operated, with about 60 students each. Rapid expansion continued in the 1920s, with 440 junior colleges in 1930 enrolling about 70,000 students. The peak year for private institutions came in 1949, when there were 322 junior colleges in all; 180 were affiliated with churches, 108 were independent and non-profit, and 34 were private schools being run for-profit.
      Many factors contributed to rapid growth of community colleges. Students parents and businessmen wanted nearby, low-cost schools to provide training for the growing white-collar labor force, as well as for more advanced technical jobs in the blue-collar sphere. Four-year colleges were also growing, albeit not as fast; however, many of them were located in rural or small-town areas away from the fast-growing metropolis. Community colleges continue as open-enrollment, low-cost institutions with a strong component of vocational education, as well as a low-cost preparation for transfer students into four-year schools. They appeal to a poorer, older, less prepared element.

【題組】46 Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the text above?
(A) At the beginning, there were less than 1,000 colleges with 160,000 students existing in the US.
(B) In the 1830s, state colleges and universities were set up to train teachers for the explosive growth of K–12 education.
(C) Junior colleges were usually set up by city school systems starting in the 1930s.
(D) Community colleges were renamed from junior colleges as low-cost institutions with a strong component of vocational education.


【題組】47 Which of the following statements is true to the description about junior colleges?
(A) Junior colleges grew from 1919 students to 70,000 in 1930.
(B) In 1949, there were 180 private junior colleges affiliated with churches.
(C) The rapid growth of community colleges is due to the demand for more non-profit independent institutions.
(D) Teachers’ colleges are the community name for junior colleges.


【題組】48 Which is one of the factors that contributed to the rapid growth of community colleges in the United States?
(A) It is a major new trend to include as many rural students as possible.
(B) The purpose is to handle the explosive growth of K–12 education.
(C) Parents and businessmen wanted nearby, low-cost schools in rural or small-town areas to provide training for the growing white-collar labor force.
(D) Many community colleges were located in the center of the fast-growing metropolis to provide more advanced technical jobs in the blue-collar sphere.


【題組】49 Which of the following statistics is TRUE?
(A) Before 1919, there were already more than 170 junior colleges.
(B) In the 1920s, there were about 140 privately-operated junior colleges.
(C) In 1949, there were totally 180 junior colleges with 108 independent non-profit.
(D) The peak year for private community college expansion came at the year of 1922.


【題組】50 Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the text above?
(A) Community colleges enrollment is vocationally limited.
(B) Four-year college growth was affected by the open-enrollment policy of junior colleges.
(C) Community colleges provide low-cost preparation for transfer students into four-year institutions.
(D) Community colleges continue to appeal to young, less prepared students.


試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 司法、海岸巡防、移民行政特種考試_三等_各類科組:英文#103697-阿摩線上測驗
