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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺北捷運公司_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、 專員(二)甄試試題:英文#114344
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1. Rosina threw away her wooden desk because it__________ too much space in her attic.
(A) fill out
(B) took up
(C) plug in
(D) put on


2. Dad often divides household__________ , such as doing the laundry or taking out the trash, among my sister and me.
(A) chores
(B) goods
(C) expenses
(D) appliances


3. The technicians in our company have to__________ inspect every computer as part of routine maintenance.
(A) tentatively
(B) conversely
(C) periodically
(D) exclusively


4. __________ the successful surgery, Louisa is now able to lead a happy, healthy life without taking any costly medication.
(A) According to
(B) Despite
(C) As far as
(D) Thanks to


5. If I__________ the last few years, I would spend less time shut away with my computer, working.
(A) had changed
(B) were changing
(C) to change
(D) could change


6. The company aims to reach maximum production__________ the next two months.
(A) about
(B) within
(C) until
(D) since


7. Written permission is required to reproduce,__________ part or in whole, the material contained in this journal.
(A) in
(B) of
(C) to
(D) at


8. Recent research shows that it is possible__________ a voice-controlled coffee machine, but the price is currently prohibitive.
(A) developing
(B) to develop
(C) development
(D) which develops


9. The chairperson’s comments were supposed to be__________ , but the media quoted them in many news broadcasts.
(A) on the rise
(B) out of order
(C) off the record
(D) around the corner


10. A New York-based publisher of books and retailer of e-magazines has just introduced its own__________ of an e-reader.
(A) reflection
(B) translation
(C) illustration
(D) version


11. Angela is a new friend__________ I met through Mike.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) when
(D) if


12. The B & B I booked has very basic__________ ; it only has a bed, shower, and wardrobe.
(A) fortune
(B) facilities
(C) forecasts
(D) figure


13. Megan and her siblings arranged a huge celebration for their parents in __________ of their 50th wedding anniversary.
(A) favor
(B) charge
(C) honor
(D) hope


14. Strict measures have been__________ to forbid the use of mobile phones inside the lecture hall; however, their effectiveness remain limited.
(A) made
(B) seen
(C) done
(D) taken


15. We are pleased to inform you that your__________ for the student loan has been approved.
(A) recommendation
(B) application
(C) motivation
(D) nomination


16. Due to the earthquake that happened earlier this morning, the Metro trains were__________ for a couple of hours.
(A) suspected
(B) surrounded
(C) surpassed
(D) suspended


17. Hardly ever __________ fish for dinner. We usually have beef or pork.
(A) we have
(B) had we
(C) do we have
(D) we had


18. The air is much fresher in the country than __________ in the city.
(A) that
(B) those
(C) which
(D) it


19. Passengers__________ internationally must go to Terminal C, where all gates for overseas flights are located.
(A) travel
(B) traveling
(C) to travel
(D) traveled


20. Real estate prices in our town are expected to rise by as much as 20%__________ the local business boom continues.
(A) but
(B) and
(C) or
(D) as


21. Susan felt very scared because she had to go to the dentist to have two teeth__________ .
(A) pulling
(B) to be pulled
(C) pulled
(D) pull


22. Before entering the MRT, you have to place your ticket in the              zone.
(A) buzz
(B) sensor
(C) magnet
(D) rigor


23. Samuel has been late for work twice this week. He is not a__________ person.
(A) punctual
(B) obedient
(C) emotional
(D) courageous


24. The large laboratory is located__________ the second floor, not the third floor as stated in the orientation booklet.
(A) to
(B) by
(C) on
(D) within


25. I missed a step while going down the stairs, lost my__________ , and fell over.
(A) patience
(B) balance
(C) transfer
(D) hurry


26. My uncle hasn’t received his package he ordered online. I guess it might __________ to the wrong address.
(A) have sent
(B) sent
(C) have been sent
(D) be sent


27. In Taiwan the number of young people who want to get married and have children__________ in recent years.
(A) decrease
(B) decreasing
(C) have decreased
(D) has decreased


28. A forest fire took place because the campers forgot to__________ the camp fire before they left.
(A) put out
(B) put up
(C) put away
(D) put down


29. Mr. Clark has just informed his class__________ a quiz he is going to give next week.
(A) for
(B) of
(C) on
(D) that


30. Make sure you can afford the mortgage if you decide to buy__________ .
(A) investment
(B) property
(C) insurance
(D) necessities


31. Woman: Are you coming to our study group meeting tonight?
Man : I don’t think so. I’ve got to finish drafting my biology report before Wednesday. I want to concentrate on that first, and then I’ll begin preparing for the economics exam.
Woman: In case you change your mind, we’ll be in this study lounge on the fourth floor of the dormitory from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
What is the man planning to do this evening?
(A) Study for an exam
(B) Meet the woman in the lounge
(C) Work on an important paper
(D) Attend a biology class


32. Woman: Hi, Andrew, I wonder if you can give me a hand?
Man: Sure, what’s the problem?
Woman: What’s the best way to get to the train station?
Man: Other than by taxi? Well, I think the best thing to do is to take the MRT. Its station is within walking distance.
How will the woman get to the train station?
(A) By taxi
(B) By bus
(C) By MRT
(D) On foot


33. Woman: Excuse me. Can I take a look at the skirt?
Man: Which one?
Woman: The green one with flowers on it.
Man: Here you are.
Woman: Hmm… Can I try it on?
Man: Sure. The dressing room is over there. What is the woman probably going to do?
(A) Put the skirt on
(B) Go to the restroom
(C) Ask for some flowers
(D) Buy another skirt


34. Man: When is the dinner party tomorrow?
Woman: It’s scheduled for six-thirty in the evening. But you need to arrive half an hour earlier.
Man: OK. I will keep that in mind. When is the man supposed to be at the party?
(A) At 6:30 p.m.
(B) At 6:00 p.m.
(C) At 5:30 p.m.
(D) At 7:00 p.m.


35. Woman: Hi, I’ll be checking out tomorrow. I noticed there’s always a line at the front desk here in the morning. Is there any way to avoid that?
Man: Yes, ma’am. You can use your room computer to check out. Just go to our website, enter your room number and your credit card information. You will find a list of all your charges there. It only takes a few minutes.
Woman: Thanks, you’ve been very helpful. What does the man recommend the woman do?
(A) Line up early
(B) Call room service
(C) Log out of the website
(D) Settle her bill online


36. Woman: I’d like two tickets for the 2:00 showing of Turning Red, please.
Man: I’m sorry, but that’s sold out now. We still have tickets for the4:00 show.
Woman: My daughter and I don’t really want to wait around for two hours. What else could you suggest for children under10?
Man: Top of the Mountain might interest both of you. It’s an exciting adventure based on a book. Would you like two tickets?
Where most likely are the speakers?
(A) At a bus terminal
(B) At a bookstore
(C) At a movie theater
(D) At an amusement park


37. Woman: Our supervisor was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
Man : I think we should visit him to show our concern.
Woman: Should we bring anything?
Man: A bouquet of flowers may be appropriate. We can buy one on our way to the hospital.
What are the speakers talking about?
(A) The woman is sick.
(B) They have visited a newly opened flower shop.
(C) They don’t know what gift to bring.
(D) They will go to the hospital together.


38. Man: That war movie is very popular. Have you seen it yet?
Woman: No, not yet. I have been preoccupied with my chemistry midterm exam which is coming next week. Why has the woman NOT seen the war movie?
(A) She needs company.
(B) She has been busy.
(C) She has to take an exam right now.
(D) She can’t afford it.


39. Man: Hurry, dear.
Woman: Okay. I just need to put on my coat.
Man: I think I’ll go out and wait in the car.
Woman: Alright. I won’t be long.
What does the woman mean?
(A) She won’t delay.
(B) She is sorry.
(C) She won’t go.
(D) She is late.


40. Woman: Do you think it’s possible for me to make a living as a painter.
Man: It depends.
What does the man think of the woman’s idea?
(A)He disagrees with the woman.
(B) He wants to be a painter.
(C) He supports the woman’s idea.
(D) He doesn’t give a definite answer.


閱讀測驗一 (第 41-45 題)
       When the flu season begins during the late fall of each year, you may hear doctors or health officials remind the public to get their annual flu shots. However, many people have asked, “If the vaccine is effective, then why do people need a new one each year?”
       According to medical experts, people need a yearly flu shot because the virus that causes the flu is constantly evolving. The virus, known as influenza, can cause a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms, from a mild sore throat to severe muscle pains. For some demographics, such as the elderly or the overweight, getting sick with the flu can be deadly.
       Since the outer structure of the influenza virus changes all the time, epidemiologists must work hard to develop new vaccines based on new strains of the virus in order for them to be effective. At influenza surveillance centers around the world, new strains of the virus are reported and analyzed each year. Around February, the World Health Organization (WHO) decides which of these strains are most likely to be prominent in the coming year. Scientists then get to work to produce a new vaccine before the next flu season arrives. It’s also important to remember that the body’s immune system is constantly developing as well; it’s not just the influenza virus that is changing. That means a vaccine that might have been effective last year is likely to be useless after 12 months. That’s why experts recommend getting a new flu shot yearly to protect yourself and others.
       Remember: the vaccines not only alleviate the worst symptoms of the virus but also help reduce transmission of the viral disease throughout the population.

【題組】41, What is the purpose of this article?
(A) To illustrate how deadly influenza is
(B) To describe how hard it is to develop a new vaccine
(C) To explain why people need annual flu shots
(D) To praise the contribution of the World Health Organization


【題組】42. Which of the following is (are) the key to developing flu vaccines?
(A) The human immune system
(B) Strains of the flu virus
(C) Flu symptoms
(D) The seasons of a year


【題組】43. What can we infer from this article?
(A) Some new virus strains collected each year may not cause the flu.
(B) Sore throats and muscle pains are the most common flu symptoms.
(C) Younger people are less likely to get the flu.
(D) The body’s immune system does not change.


【題組】44. Which of the following word is closest in meaning to the word “prominent”?
(A) particular
(B) important
(C) questionable
(D) conclusive


【題組】45. Which of the following is NOT a reason for getting an annual flu shot?
(A) To prevent catching a flu
(B) To avoid spreading the flu virus
(C) To help ease flu symptoms
(D) To stop gaining weight


閱讀測驗二 (第 46-50 題)
       Nowadays, many people are trying to lead more energy-efficient lives to protect the environment. One particularly useful thing people can do is purchase an electric car. Most people are aware that electric cars are far more energy-efficient than traditional fuel-burning cars. However, what they may not realize is that once they have bought an electric car, the music they listen to while driving also affects their energy consumption.
       An experiment conducted by a South Korean car manufacturer in 2022 invited a number of drivers to drive their new electric cars. The company asked the drivers, who were all new to electric vehicles, to drive their cars over an 18-mile distance, inclusive of a traffic jam moving along at a glacial pace, country roads and expressways with dual lanes.
      Some of these drivers were instructed to listen to Beethoven while driving. Others were required to listen to a range of pop artists, such as Kanye West and Adele. The results revealed that the relaxing nature of Beethoven’s music resulted in those cars using less battery power than the cars whose drivers listened to pop music. This is because pop music tends to have a higher tempo and heavier beat.
       So, if you own an electric car but still want to make a greater environmental contribution, you can listen to your favorite piece of classical music. _____, if you don’t care about power consumption and want to drive faster, just put on some fast-paced pop tracks!

【題組】46. Which of the following is the best title for this article?
(A) A South Korean Experiment
(B) Energy-efficient Cars
(C) Energysaving Music
(D) Classical Music vs. Pop Music


【題組】47. According to this article, which of the following is the most energy saving?
(A) Driving an electric car and listening to classical music
(B) Driving an electric car and listening to pop music
(C) Driving a traditional fuel-burning car fast
(D) Driving a traditional fuel-burning car slowly


【題組】48. Which of the following is NOT true about the experiment mentioned in this article?
(A) It was conducted by a music and car production company.
(B) It asked the drivers to listen to different kinds of music.
(C) It asked the drivers to drive in various road conditions.
(D) The drivers just bought their cars.


【題組】49. According to the article, why does listening to classical music while driving a car use less power consumption?
(A) Because of the nature of the music
(B) Because of its lower tempo
(C) Because of its lighter beat
(D) All of the above


【題組】50. Choose the best word to fill in the blank in the last paragraph.
(A) However
(B) Consequently
(C) Similarly
(D) Even

試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺北捷運公司_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、 專員(二)甄試試題:英文#114344-阿摩線上測驗
