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10.Specialized duties and rotation of shifts can make police work__________ for most officers.
(D) presumable


50 The jurisdiction of the Coast Guard Administration (Taiwan) covers the waters ______Kinmen, Matzu, Penghu, and the main island of Taiwan.


39 _______Martha has moved to Kaohsiung for three years now, she still misses the sight and sound of Hualien.
(A) However
(B) Although
(C) Yet
(D) Nevertheless


55 Amanda: I’m getting married next month. Judy: ____________________________ Amanda: Thank you.
(A) You must be kidding.
(B) Congratulations!
(C) I doubt it.
(D) I have no idea.


The mayor of Kaohsiung agreed to provide financial aid to the flood ______.


26. The police found a bunch of kids ________ drugs in an empty house, so they stopped and arrested them right away.
(A) taking
(B) take
(C) to take
(D) are taking
(E) of taking


42 Passengers have to go to the assembly station when the emergency alarm is sounded, which consists of seven short blasts and one______ blast that lasts several seconds.


28 When the police arrest someone, they must obtain a _____ issued by a judge.
(A) warning
(B) warrant
(C) guarantee
(D) rejection


44 _____ is a formal written accusation of a crime, which is presented to a court for prosecution against the accused person.


26 College students in Taiwan sleep less than _____ because the former spend more hours playing computer games or chatting with friends online than the latter.
(A) America
(B) those in America
(C) American colleges
(D) them in America


50 It is illegal to make a right turn______ red.
(A) at
(B) in
(C) on
(D) by


39 The college graduate ________ against his parents and refuses to do the job as they wish.
(A) retreats
(B) rebels
(C) survives
(D) reduces


16. Police: Please roll down your window and show me your driver’s license. Driver: _______________.
(A) Here you go
(B) Here I am
(C) Here we are
(D) Here is it
(E) There is here


33.It is ________ for passengers in the front and back seats to wear seatbelts, or they will be subject to a fine.
(A) beneficial
(B) mandatory
(C) compelling
(D) convertible
(E) compulsory


14. We are going to take a test tomorrow. You’d better __________ the first three lessons.
(A) bump into
(B) put away
(C) go over
(D) back up


28 Right after the ship hit reefs, it began to ______ water and started sinking.
(A) take up
(B) take on
(C) put up
(D) get in


16. The central regulations and codes in Taiwan typically used in______ with other local rules to address risks from inadequate maintenance of fire systems in buildings.
(A) comparison
(B) compliance
(C) conjunction
(D) consideration 


A coast guard is a national organization responsible for various services at sea. However, the term implies widely 42 in different countries, from being a heavily armed military force with customs and security duties to 43 organization tasked with search and rescue functions lacking any law 44 powers.
【題組】 43
(A) master
(B) security
(C) volunteer
(D) funding


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:
    In a remarkable—if likely controversial—feat, scientists announced today that they have created the first successful human-animal hybrids. The project proves that human cells can be   21    into a non-human organism, survive, and even grow inside a host animal, in this case, pigs. This biomedical advance has long been a dream for scientists hoping to address a critical   22    of donor organs.
     Every ten minutes, a person is   23   the national waiting list for organ transplants. And every day, 22 people on that list die without the organ they need. What if,   24    relying on a generous donor, you could grow a custom organ inside an animal instead?
     That’s now one step   25    reality, an international team of researchers led by the Salk Institute reports in the journal Cell. The team created what’s known scientifically as a chimera: an organism that contains cells from two different species.

(A) plugged
(B) introduced
(C) poured
(D) transformed


Questions 37- 40
 Forensic science (often shortened to forensics) is the practical application of scientific knowledge and methodology to legal problems and criminal investigations. Modern forensic science originated in the late nineteenth century in Europe, where the criminal investigators began to use fingerprinting and other identification techniques to solve crimes. Forensics covers multiple scientific disciplines such as chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, computing, engineering, etc. Forensic scientists study the details of a crime and testify as impartial expert witnesses in both criminal and civil cases and can work for either the prosecution or the defense. They use a variety of problem-solving methods, mathematical principles, complex instruments, and microscopic examining techniques to explain the intricacies of each piece of evidence from a case. While some forensic scientists travel to the scene to collect the evidence themselves or conduct their analysis at the scene of the crime, others occupy a purely laboratory role, performing analysis on objects brought to them from the crime scene, victims and/or suspects by the police or other law enforcement agencies. This includes the analysis of many kinds of materials, including blood, fibers, bullets, and fingerprints.

【題組】38. According to the passage, which one of the following types of materials is not analyzed by forensic scientists:
(A) materials from laboratory
(B) materials from victims or suspects
(C) materials from the crime scene
(D) blood, fibers, and fingerprints


Questions 25-27
 At least two people are dead and almost 70 injured following a 12-vehicle   25        inside a highway tunnel on Tuesday. No sprinklers were installed inside the tunnel, but fire   26      were installed every 50 meters. Rescue workers  27      a makeshift tent near the tunnel where the injured waited to be transported to hospitals.

(A) hit-and-run
(B) pile-up
(C) head-on
(D) side-impact


Catherine sells houses for a company. A man has agreed to buy a house for $450,000, but then he changes his mind. Her boss calls her into his office. He is so angry that he speaks rudely to her. She knows it is not her fault, and she bursts into tears. Having just finished dinner, Jim is talking in the backyard with his wife and children. The phone rings. It is Jim’s mother calling from another city. Jim’s father has just had a heart attack and died. Jim starts crying as he tells his mother he will come as soon as possible. How do people feel about crying? Catherine was embarrassed and very angry with herself. Jim felt better after he let out his feelings. Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say the body produces two kinds of tears. One kind cleans out the eye if it gets dirt in it. But when people cry because of their feelings, these tears have poison chemicals in them. The body is getting rid of chemicals produced by strong feelings.
【題組】50 Which of the following is the best title for the passage?


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
     The type of activity police investigators engage in and material gathered 41 , depending on whetherinvestigations use the reactive or proactive method. 42 , they all go through similar stages. 
     Every investigation is different and may require a different route through the process, e.g., in some cases theidentity of the offender is known 43 and the investigation quickly enters the suspect management phase. 44 ,the identity of the offender may never be known or is discovered only after further investigation. When receiving reports, counter staff should ensure that 45 record, retain and reveal all material and pass itto the investigating officer.

【題組】 45


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
 Several years back, I visited Iceland in the dead of winter. I was researching a book on global happiness, and the small Nordic nation intrigued me. What was this country, adrift in the freezing North Atlantic, doing 41 atop the world's happiness rankings?
 In pursuit of answers, I buttonholed anyone willing to talk, dined on rotten shark, drank excessively, and, of course, 42 a dip in the Blue Lagoon, the otherworldly geothermal waters that have become synonymous with Icelandic bliss. Shortly after I left, Iceland's largest banks 43 belly up and the nation's economy teetered on the verge of 
 collapse, collateral damage from the global financial meltdown of 2008. The unemployment rate spiked eightfold. Trust in institutions, like the banks and parliament, plummeted. I assumed that the nation's happiness also nosedived. I was wrong. "The economic crisis had a 44 effect on happiness," according to health scientist Dora Gudmundsdottir, author of an exhaustive study published in the Social Indicators Research Journal. Not only did the nation's overall happiness dip only slightly during the crisis, but 25% of Icelanders reported greater happiness. What was going on?
 I emailed Karl Blöndal, a newspaper editor I had met in Reykjavik. “A lot of individuals have been hit hard, pensioners lost their savings. But one thing about living in a small community is that everyone you know is 45 reach,” he explained. “Those who lose their jobs are not isolated, the risk of estrangement is not the same as it would be in bigger societies.”

(A) sustained
(B) held
(C) ended
(D) went


(C) Members of one of the finest detective forces in the world wear no badges and carry no guns. Their only weapons are their strength and courage and a diploma from an intensive school—the Police Service Dog Center near Ottawa, Canada. From the time he enters school, each dog recruit is instilled with severe military discipline. First, he is taught to obey, sit and lie down. Next comes field training where he learns how to track down clues, guard prisoners, and rescue a drowning man or a victim pinned under a fallen tree. Another difficult lesson the dog detective must master is to accept food only once a day—and from no one but his trainer. This lesson is his best insurance against the jaws of a baited trap or the painful death from poisoned meat. In his final lessons the Police Service dog learns to jump through windows, to climb up and down ladders and to capture an armed man without getting shot. Not only must he be tough—the dog must be a gentleman, too, because many of his missions are retrieving lost children.

【題組】30. According to the passage, the police dogs are instilled with severe military discipline in ____.
(A) one step
(B) two steps
(C) three steps
(D) four steps



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