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55 Amanda: I’m getting married next month. Judy: ____________________________ Amanda: Thank you.
(A) You must be kidding.
(B) Congratulations!
(C) I doubt it.
(D) I have no idea.


To legally search one’s home, the police must have a search _____.
(A) ID
(B) note
(C) order
(D) warrant
(E) ticket


7. The police took all the ________ camera footage around the area for the murder case.
(A) innovative
(B) chaotic
(C) surveillance
(D) renewable


44 Forensic pathologist performs legal____ on a body to determine what caused a person’s death in a crime case.
(A) execution
(B) oppression
(C) treatment
(D) autopsy


38 The mayor is in a __________, for his decision will be challenged by both his proponents and opponents.
(C) sentiment


15. The material evidence found at the crime scene is highly ________ to the murder.
(A) relevant
(B) respective
(C) redundant
(D) reluctant


13. In many countries, people are ______ innocent until proven guilty.
(A) presumed
(B) tackled
(C) speculated
(D) visualized


46 Officials said that diplomats do not enjoy _____ from criminal prosecution on charges of visa fraud.


7. A former professional baseball player was taken into custody late Tuesday by the Police on ________ of possessing an illegal drug at his condominium in Tokyo.
(A) suspect
(B) suspicion
(C) suspension
(D) suspense


33 Police in Colombia seized eight tons of cocaine from a gang in a series of ____across the country in recent days.
(A) authorities
(B) capacities
(C) disasters
(D) operations


43It may come off as annoying if your colleague__________ without thinking of a resolution for the issues.
(A) whirls
(B) whisks
(C) whines
(D) withers


IV句型 21. I'd rather you______ her about it yesterday.
(A) didn't tell
(B) hadn't told
(C) not to tell
(D) not have told


20. To tell you the truth, never before_______seen so many candidates competing for so few vacancies our company has to offer.
(A) we have
(B) we had
(C) have we
(D) had we


5.The expansion of public services has caused concern that the civil service branches are becoming 「autonomous」 powers.


34 To reduce the effects of ________ , it is recommended that vessel hulls have an effective anti-fouling treatment applied.


6. I am Dr. Lee's lawyer. I am calling ______ him, who wishes to complain about the car he bought from you last month.
(A) in interest of
(B) with regard to
(C) for the purpose of
(D) on behalf of


請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題: 
 Preventing migrant smuggling by sea requires states to balance their obligations in international law with their legitimate interests in protecting state sovereignty 56 violation by organized crime groups. But law enforcement efforts 57 are not adequate to prevent migrant smuggling by sea; the Migrant Smuggling Protocol stresses that prevention efforts must address root causes that lead a person into the hands of 58 in the first place. 
 Suggestions are also made to raise awareness of those who influence political and policy decisions, so policies put in place protect state sovereignty, uphold international obligations, and are not 59 to exploitation by smugglers. Also emphasized is the responsibility of coastal states of departure to intercept smuggling vessels before they embark on 60 journeys. Beyond this, comprehensive data collection, analysis and research are suggested to strengthen evidence‐based responses.



On July 25, a Japanese-owned but Panama-flagged bulk carrier, which had been carrying 200 tons of diesel and 3,800 tons of fuel oil, 37ran aground off the southeast coast of Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. The crew was rescued but the ship remained at sea for nearly two weeks, as the authorities 38________  a 550-yard-long fence around the vessel and hundreds of booms. They initially said no spill had been detected. But bunker oil leaked from the ship on Aug. 6, and the vessel broke apart on Aug. 15. Three days later, two of the , The authorities ship's officers were arrested by the Mauritian authorities and charged with unsafe 39________ The authorities declared a "state of environmental emergency" and said they were working with experts from France, Japan, India and the United Nations to 40________  the spill. The number of dead dolphins that bave washed ashore after the oil spill has risen to 39. Greenpeace has called for an urgent investigation to determine whether the oil spill was killing the marine mammals.

(A) condensed
(B) attended
(C) incarcerated
(D) deployed


   Many people confuse education and training, but they are not the same thing. Education is knowledge-based and is defined as a body of academic knowledge that is most often learned in a classroom setting. Training is coaching to become proficient in particular behaviors or actions. Sometimes the two are confused because many training experiences, like a police academy, often involve many hours of classroom instruction. Such institutions combine elements of education and training, but the differences between the two remain. Knowledge is theoretical. Using a law enforcement example, you can study the laws of arrest without ever having to arrest anyone, but you need to be trained in handcuffing techniques if you will be expected to actually take someone into custody. Similarly, you can study laws and court cases pertaining to deadly physical force without ever having to fire a weapon. Training, on the other hand, is skills-based. It covers what you need to do, as much as what you need to know, in order to perform a task or group of tasks. Learning when or why is not the same as learning how.
【題組】16. The best title for this passage would be
(A) When or Why Is Not the Same As How.
(B) Education versus Training.
(C) The Benefits of Studying Case Law.
(D) The Importance of Handcuffing Techniques.


Qs 16-20: Answer the questions on the basis of the following paragraph.
       Pickpockets operate most effectively when there are prospective victims in either heavily congested areas or in lonely places. In heavily populated areas, the large number of people around them covers the activities of these thieves. In lonely spots, they have the advantage of working unobserved. The main factor in the pickpocket's success is the selection of the right victim. A pickpocket's victim must, at the time of the crime, be inattentive, distracted, or unconscious. If any of these conditions exist, and if the pickpocket is skilled in his operations, the stage is set for a successful larceny. With the coming of big events, such as large concerts or marketing campaigns, the crowds move towards these activities and so do most of the pickpockets. However, some pickpockets will remain in certain areas all year around. They will concentrate on theater districts, bus and railroad terminals, hotels, or large shopping centers. A complete knowledge of the methods of this type of criminal and the ability to recognize them come only from long years of experience in performing patient surveillance and trailing of them. This knowledge is essential for the effective control and apprehension of this type of thief.

【題組】18.According to the above paragraph, it would be MOST correct to conclude that police officers who are successful in apprehending pickpockets
(A) are generally those who have had lengthy experience in recognizing all types of criminals.
(B) must, by intuition, be able to recognize potential right victims.
(C) must be able to predict the future actions of pickpockets using psychic abilities.
(D) must have acquired specific knowledge and skills in this field.


請依下文回答第 25 題至第 27 題: 
A long healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes, but it also 25 good habits. If you adopt the right lifestyle, experts say, chances are you may live up to a decade longer. So what’s the formula for success? In recent years researchers have fanned out across the globe to find the secrets to long life. 26 in part by the US National Institute on Aging, scientists have focused on several regions where people live significantly longer. In Sardinia, Italy, one team of demographers found a hot spot of 27 in mountain villages where men reach age 100 at an amazing rate. On the islands of Okinawa, Japan, another team examined a group that is among the longest lived on earth.

(A) longitude
(B) altitude
(C) attitude
(D) longevity


請依下文回答第 14 題至第 17 題: During my high school years my best friend was Susan Miller, a girl who had lived down the street from me all her life. We knew each other well and had many interests in common. One way in which we were different, however, was in our shopping habits. When I shopped, I always knew what I wanted, got it quickly, and left. For Susan, shopping was a game. She spent all day at it: examining, comparing, and finally, if conditions were right, buying. All too often I have spent hours waiting for her to make up her mind. In fact, my longest “shopathon” was on a Christmas Eve when Susan and I went to pick up a few last-minute gifts. She wanted a fit for her father, and I had to get something for my youngest sister, Sara. We started at 9:00 A.M., and by 10:15 I had bought Sara her gift, a toy Dalmatian. Then I just trudged around the mall after Susan. By one o’clock she still had not made a purchase, and the mall was becoming human gridlock. Finally feeling some compassion, Susan bought herself and me each a slice of pizza. We had to eat standing up; the tables were all filled. Then, walking and walking through endless stores, we continued shopping. She examined shirts, scarves, ties, knickknacks. Her response to every possibility was negative: her father had it, he wouldn’t like it, this was too expensive, and that was too cheap. Nothing seemed right for Susan’s father. Finally, fifteen minutes before the mall was scheduled to close, she came out of a store in triumph. “I got it!”she said. I looked up from where I was sitting on a bench, rubbing my swollen feet. “What?” I asked weakly. She held up a piece of paper. “A gift certificate!”she exclaimed. “With this my father can get whatever he wants.”
【題組】14 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The author agrees that slow-paced shopping can be very rewarding.
(B) Though their shopping habits were different, the author enjoyed shopping with Susan.
(C) The author and Susan shared many interests except shopping habits.
(D) Finally Susan bought her father a shirt.


請回答第 33 題至第 36 題:
         Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama, on April 28, 1926. She is an American novelist, best known for her1960 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird. To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960 and became an instant international bestseller. In its first year, it sold half a million copies and was translated into 10 languages. It won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1961 and was adapted to the screen the following year. Lee was 34 when the book was published, and it remains her first and only novel.
       Lee’s story unfolds in Maycomb, Alabama, in the 1930s when Atticus Finch, a lawyer and a single father, is called upon to defend a black man, Tom Robinson, who is accused of raping a poor white girl, Mayella Ewell. The setting and several of the characters are drawn from real life. Finch was the maiden name of Lee’s mother, and the character of Dill was drawn from Capote, Lee’s childhood friend. The trial itself has parallels to the infamous “Scottsboro Trial,” in which the charge was rape. In both cases, the defendants were African-American men and their accusers, white women.

【題組】36 According to this article, what is To Kill a Mockingbird mainly about?
(A) Childhood memory
(B) Racism
(C) American culture
(D) The Scottsboro Trial


  American women traditionally are expected to be affectionate, passive, conforming, sensitive, intuitive, and dependent—“sugar and spice and everything nice.” They are supposed to be concerned primarily with domestic life, to be nurturing, to care for babies and young children, to fuss over their personal appearance, and to be self-sacrificing for their family. They should not appear to be ambitious, aggressive, competitive, or more intelligent than men. They should be ignorant about and uninterested in sports, economics, and politics. Also, they are not supposed to initiate relationships with men but are expected to be tender, feminine, emotional, and appreciative when in those relationships. 
  There are also a number of traditional sex-role expectations for males in our society: a male is expected to be tough, fearless, logical, self-reliant, independent, and aggressive. He should have definite opinions on the major issues of the day and make authoritative decisions at work and at home. He is expected to be strong, a sturdy oak, and never to be depressed, vulnerable, or anxious. He is not supposed to be a “sissy,” to cry or openly display emotions that suggest vulnerability.

【題組】40 What does the phrase “sugar and spice and everything nice” imply?
(A) Women should be kind.
(B) Women should be sexy.
(C) Women should work hard.
(D) Women should learn to cook.


請回答第 17 題至第 21 題:
    A woman repeated a bit of gossip about a neighbor. Within a few days the whole community knew the story.The person it concerned was deeply hurt and    17    . Later, the woman responsible for spreading the rumorlearned that it was completely untrue. She was very sorry and went to a wise old sage to find out what she could do to   18   the damage.
    “Go to the marketplace,” he said, “and purchase a chicken, and have it killed. Then on your way home, pluck its feathers and drop them one by one along the road.”   19   surprised by this advice, the woman did what she was told. The next day the wise man said, “Now, go and collect all those feathers you dropped yesterday and bring them back to me.”
    The woman followed the same road, but to her   20   the wind had blown all the feathers away. After
searching for hours, she returned   21   only three in her hand. “You see,” said the old sage, “it’s easy to drop them, but it’s impossible to get them back. So it is with gossip. It doesn’t take much to spread a rumor, but once you do, you can never completely undo the wrong.”

(A) Since
(B) Although
(C) Until
(D) Otherwise



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