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8. He bought a _______ diamond ring for his beloved wife. It is truly beautiful and expensive of course.


4 These pictures always _______ me of the good old days with my parents.
(A) rid
(B) remind
(C) deprive
(D) approve


30. According to a study, people who don’t get ________ sleep put on weight. The reason is that lack of sleep leads to lower energy levels and therefore people don’t feel like taking exercise.


31. The cocaine dealer caught _______ while making a delivery to Swansea was the man who had once fled to Spain after a police crackdown in the wake of a journalist assassination.
(A) red-handed
(B) reluctant
(C) hot-tempered
(D) distinctive


14 The ________ broke into the house, shone his flashlight around, and opened the safe, only to find there was nothing valuable to steal.
(A) calendar
(B) magnifier
(C) burglar
(D) skyscraper


35 In this rescue effort, Coast Guard boats and helicopters have been____ to locate the ship in distress. Coordinates are crucial to conduct search and rescue effectively.
(A) developed
(B) dismissed
(C) dispatched
(D) distinguished


3. ___________ is the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods.


26. The president’s speech will be broadcast _______ on television and radio so that more people can listen to it at the time when it is delivered.
(A) simultaneously
(B) temporarily
(C) comparatively
(D) permanently


43 A suspect of an assault case is being ____at the local Criminal Investigation Squadron to find out the details and evidences of the case.
(A) interrogated
(B) insisted
(C) confiscated
(D) constricted


24 Though short, this paper is full of _____ ideas.
(A) ordinary
(B) organic
(C) oral
(D) original


42 Peter spent 20 years in and out of the drug rehabilitation centers only to find himself relapsing into drug ____over and over again.
(A) addition
(B) addicted
(C) adjustment
(D) admission


36 He said that he had received three gifts at that time, one of which ___________ disappeared shortly afterward.
(A) unwittingly
(B) mischievously
(C) mysteriously
(D) disagreeably


1. While conducting a random stop and license check, the traffic police ________ and inspected suspicious vehicles on the roads.
(A) interpreted
(B) intervened
(C) intercepted
(D) interacted


40 Beethoven is regarded as a ______ musician. His classical masterpieces have been highly admired by his fans all over the world.
(A) conservative
(B) invaluable
(C) legitimate
(D) prestigious


41 Only after testimonial statements made by out-of-court declarants are tested in the crucible of cross-examination, may such evidence be______ in a criminal trial without violating the defendant’s confrontation rights.
(A) admitted
(B) permitted
(C) agreed
(D) alleged


3.Even though the rent for the apartment was quite low, I found that the cost of its________ was high.
(A) integrities
(B) privileges
(C) statements
(D) utilities


7.Because of his 「novel」 approaches to scientific problems, Edison was able to patent dozens of inventions.


38.Officer Huang seldom makes a patrol in the morning. _________________
(A) So does Officer Chen.
(B) Officer Chen is too.
(C) Officer Chen doesn't too.
(D) Nor does Officer Chen.
(E) Officer Chen doesn't either.


10. Any evidence that is ________  to the defendant in a criminal trial is considered exculpatory, which shows that the defendant is not guilty of wrongdoing.
(A) intentional
(B) significant
(C) circumstantial
(D) favorable


請回答第 39 題至第 41 題: Helicopter parents are a new breed, a never-before seen group of overly involved, overly anxious parents. They 39__________ like helicopters over their children, monitoring their every move. Taiwan is home to three million children between the ages of five and fourteen, and over one million preschoolers and high school students. Their parents 40__________ an estimated population of six million, which averages 1.5 children per couple. Born mostly between 1961 and 1976, these six million parents went through compulsory education or college around the time when martial law was lifted, and were trained to see educational achievement as the 41__________ for all success. For them, going to the top school means getting the top job.
(A) crumble


Qs 11-15: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the context. 
       The government urged people who are planning to work in Southeast Asia to exercise extra __11__ , as Taiwanese jobseekers were reportedly abused and coerced into engaging in fraudulent activities in Cambodia. Promises of free round-trip tickets, favorable treatment and a salary of more than NT$100,000 per month had Taiwanese __12__ the employment scam. As fraud rings excel __13__ enticing people by promising them benefits that they will never see, anyone could have been targeted, __14__ nationality or background. As for deterrence measures, it is high time for Taiwan to impose stricter laws and harsher punishments for scammers and their accomplices. Most scammers convicted in Taiwan receive jail sentences of less than a year, while money mules typically receive less than four months in prison, and the __15__ rate is high.

(A) respective of
(B) regarding
(C) in terms of
(D) regardless of


請依下文回答第 44 題至第 47 題: I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels. However, my parents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that would never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension. I know that the irony strikes with the force of a cartoon anvil, now. They hoped that I would take a vocational degree, but I wanted to study English literature. A compromise was reached that in retrospect satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages. Hardly had my parents’ car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor. I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Classics; they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day. Of all the subjects on this planet, I think they would have been hard put to name one less useful than Greek mythology when it came to securing the keys to an executive bathroom.
【題組】45 According to the passage, what was the author’s major in college?
(C)Modern languages
(D)Chinese literature


請依下文回答第 53 題至第 57 題:
 We take all personal crimes very seriously and will record and investigate this 53 even if you do not want to give your details. However, you must know that the investigation and ability to 54 the suspect(s) is severely limited if the police cannot contact you. You may specify how you are contacted and if contacting you would cause you any difficulties. We will not pass on your details without your consent and would ask you to consider giving your details 55 . Once submitted, our Contact Handlers will review the form’s contents within 24 hours, 56 the risk and take appropriate action. Please be assured that we will 57 contact you if you have given us permission to do so.



With growing frequency, statistics reveal a considerable prevalence of vandalism and violence in schools all over the United States. The annual reports by the FBI attest to the perennial rise of juvenile delinquency and crime in society at large. Information released by the New York City Board of Education in December 1975 should cause considerable anxiety. In “Fun City,” the number of acts of crime in the public schools during September-November 1975 was 55% higher than for the corresponding period in 1974. The major criminal actions were assaults on teachers and robberies of teachers, pupils, and others. The blame for this situation has frequently been laid at the door of the current status and mood of society. Among the contributory factors cited are the deplorable economy, racial tensions and clashes, the availability of weapons, and widespread accessibility of drugs and liquor, the daily depiction of violence in television programs, the inconsistent and light punishment meted out by the courts, and parental and pedagogical permissiveness. Efforts at coping with the waves of school vandalism and crime have been hampered by judicial and social restrictions upon suspension, exclusion, and corporal punishment, accompanied by an insistence upon a broad definition of pupil rights.
【題組】41 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)The authorities are allowed to suspend students.
(B)Attacks and robberies account for most crime actions in schools.
(C)Weapons are not easily accessible to students.
(D)Racial tension has not been an issue since the abolition of segregation laws.


Questions 38-40
        Top officials are now calling lead the No, I environmental threat to children. The new concern is based on evidence that far smailer doses of lead than previously believed can harm children. Studies conducted over the last ten years suggest that ingesting the lead equivalent of three granules of sugar a day can slow development and make children less intelligent. If that's true, even the dust created by a lead-painted window rubbing against its sill can be toxic to children, and old setworks of lead water pipes pose serious hazards. This makes lead a health risk in many homes, from crumbling inner city tenements to suburban houses that were once thought to be relatively safe from lead. U.S. public health officials estimate than 3 million tons of leaded paint still line the interiors of 57 million private American homes or nearly 60 percent of the housing stock.

【題組】38. The passage states that small doses of lead in children can result in
(A) mental imbalance and mood swings.
(B) severe headaches and possible eye disorders.
(C) mental retardation.
(D) restricted growth.



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