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37. The phone line is engaged. What does it mean?
(A) We got into an argument.
(B) The phone line is busy.
(C) The phone went to voicemail.
(D) The phone hung up on me.
(E) The phone didn’t go through.


28 Many governments pass law to protect animals in danger, such as the tigers which are still ________hunted for their fur.
(A) immortally
(B) illegally
(C) unlikely
(D) annually


45 The poor girl knew that her dream of going to law school was as ____as walking on the moon.
(D) unattainable


35 Sir, thanks for your calling. An officer in the neighborhood will be____ to your home as soon as possible.
(A) dispatched
(B) dispersed
(C) distributed
(D) dissembled


45 Driving ______Influence(DUI)is one of the major factors in the cause of collisions.
(A) Under
(B) Upon
(C) Until
(D) Unable


A:Please don’t borrow my CD without asking. B:I’m sorry. You’re right. I _______________.
(A) never asking
(B) ought to asked first
(C) am asking first
(D) ought asking first
(E) should have asked first


27 The United States will make more medical aid _____ to India in an effort to fight an alarming spike in COVID-19 cases.
(A) available
(B) compatible
(C) dependable
(D) flexible


26. The prison officer is accused of _______ in public office for having an inappropriate relationship with an inmate and bringing him a prohibited item into the jail where she had worked at.
(A) confrontation
(B) reputation
(C) profession
(D) misconduct


The police themselves emphasize their role as _____ fighters and deemphasize their job as peacekeepers and social service providers.


6 Short of fresh food usually happens to many poor families, so eating _______, becomes their only choice.
(B) take-out 
(C) left-over 
(D)hanging -in


50 The EU’s chief foreign policy official called on the Iranian regime authorities “to fully respect and protect the rights of their citizens, including freedom of expression and the right to _______ in public peacefully.”


36 A foreign-flagged ship is in distress and requires assistance after ____with an unknown freighter near the Pescadores. The stern of the ship is seriously damaged.
(A) colliding
(B) contesting
(C) contracting
(D) coping


8. The helicopters _____ over the sea and looked for the divers who had been missing for more than 30 hours.
(A) hovered
(B) rustled
(C) strolled
(D) tackled


22. When a criminal is arrested, he or she has the option to remain _____ .
(A) silence
(B) silent
(C) silently
(D) silenced
(E) silencing


Identify theft is a growing concern, but it’s not 36 . The following is a list of preventative 37 that may save you from being another victim. 1. If possible, leave your debit card at home and use credit instead. It is more difficult to resolve 38 purchases made with debit than credit. 2. If you do decide to use debit, be aware of your 39 when using an ATM. 3. Carry your valuables in a travel pouch. Travel pouches should be worn 40 your clothing for added security.
(A) frontier
(B) border
(C) nationality
(D) surrounding
(E) forthcoming


  Some people are afraid of flying. They are worried that the plane will crash or that someone may hijack it. People who hijack a plane usually threaten to kill the passengers or blow up the plane if they do not get what they want. Hijackers often want money, but sometimes they want other things—to have their friends let out of jail, or to go to another country.  
  The first hijacking occurred on June 16, 1948, on a plane traveling from Macau to Hong Kong. Some men with guns told the pilot that they wanted money. The pilot tried to fight them off, but the hijackers shot him. The plane crashed into the ocean, and nearly everyone on it died. Only one man survived. His name was Wong-yu Man. When the police brought the plane out of the ocean, they looked at it very carefully. They found bullet holes in its walls. That’s how they knew there had been a hijacking.  
  A police officer sat near Wong-yu Man’s bed in the hospital. Before long, Wong-yu Man started to talk in his sleep. “Where are my men?” his said. “Are they all right? Did they get the money?”  
  The police officer wrote everything down. He thought that Wong-yu was one of the hijackers, and he was right. When Wong-yu came out of the hospital, he went to jail for a long time. 

【題組】45 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Wong-yu Man hijacked the plane because he and other hijackers wanted to go to Hong Kong.
(B)This haijacking was a total failure because the plane crashed and all the people died except Wong-yu Man.
(C)When staying in the hospital, Wong-yu Man confessed to the police that he hijacked the plane with his friends.
(D)The plane crashed because the hijackers shot the pilot, killed all the passengers and blew up the plane.


【題組】46.How did the police know that the crash was unusual?
(A)Because no one survived except Wong-yu Man.
(B)Because they found bullet holes in the plane.
(C)Because they took the plane out of the ocean.
(D)Because Wong-yu Man told them the whole story.


One of the easiest ways to help your health is just to sleep eight hours or more every night. _____9_____ , more and more people in the world are not sleeping enough. According to the World Health Organization, over half the people in the world may be sleep-deprived. The result of this is not just a lot of tired people; in the United States alone, sleepy drivers_____10_____ at least 100,000 car crashes and 1500 deaths a year. According to experts, sleep is like _____11_____ . If you sleep only five hours a day, you don’t “get used to it,” but instead, build up a “sleep deficit.” “It’s like a credit card,” says Dr. Mass. “You are only _____12_____ time. You always have to pay it back.” The more hours you don’t sleep, _____13_____ you should sleep to “pay back” the hours on your “sleep credit card.”




請回答第 47 題至第 50 題:
        A vegetarian diet is often praised for its health benefits. What most people are less aware of, however, are the effects that a vegetarian diet, compared to a non-vegetarian diet, can have on the environment.
       How can eating meat have a negative effect on the environment? For a start, all livestock animals such as cows and pigs release methane gas by expelling wind from their bodies. Many environmental experts now believe that methane is more responsible for global warming than carbon dioxide. Another way in which meat production affects the environment is through the use of water and land.
        Many people now see the benefits of switching to a vegetarian diet, not just for health reasons, but also because it plays a vital role in protecting the environment. However, some nutritionists believe a vegan diet, which excludes all products from animal sources, such as eggs and milk, can be deficient in many of the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need. Today, more people may realize that more of us will need to become vegetarian in order to preserve the environment and to help the human race to survive.

【題組】49 This passage would probably be of little interest to .
(A) psychiatrists
(B) nutritionists
(C) environmentalists
(D) vegetarians


請依下文回答第 51 題至第 52 題: 
After five decades of Coast Guard Auxiliary service, friends and family honored a Palm Beach Gardens man Tuesday before burying him at sea. People who knew William P. Kaufmann said he 51 grateful for the memorial service at Station Lake Worth Inlet, a place he thought of as home. Two servicemen presented Kaufmann’s son with a flag before scattering his ashes three miles off shore. Kaufmann, 96, was often spotted wearing his Auxiliary uniform, and he seldom left the house 52 his Coast Guard hat. He was proud to answer anyone who asked about it that he was still an active member, said Pearl Ginsburg, 85, his companion of seven years.



        There is a(n)  27  – a surprising, opposite result – to all this dieting. While many people are becoming thin, other people are becoming overweight. More people are overweight than in the past! In many countries, there is a  28  problem with obesity. There are two main reasons. First, these days, many people often go to fast-food restaurants. At these restaurants, many of the foods (such as fried potatoes and deep-fried meat) are  29  in fat, so are some of the dairy products. Second, dieting doesn’t often work. Sometimes people  30  weight fast, but they usually gain it back again. Almost 95 percent of all people gain back weight after  31  . One problem with obesity is easy to see: overweight people have more sicknesses, such as heart disease and diabetes. (excerpted from Interactions Access by McGraw-Hill, 2007)

【題組】35. Based on the passage, which of the followings does not belong to the group?
(A) overweight
(B) slender
(C) heavy
(D) fat
(E) plump


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
A recreational vehicle is a large vehicle designed for people to live and sleep in when they are traveling on the road. Many recreational vehicles today are equipped with bedding, cookware, and furniture. Therefore, they have made it possible to combine nonstop travel with a real home. They become a home as well as a base where different lifestyles find a way to go on. Simply close your eyes and imagine the free roving life on wheels. Are you itching for such a choice now? 
As a matter of fact, living and traveling in recreational vehicles is becoming a trend in many countries around the world. Ironically, this boom is fueled by a new coronavirus disease since a lot of people agree that one way of dealing with it is to buy a recreational vehicle. Nevertheless, even if you simply decide to become a part-time recreational vehicle traveler, there are still some issues that you have to deal cautiously with. 
To begin with, you should avoid biting off more than what you can chew. Do not go over budget when you purchase a recreational vehicle. Moreover, just because you can afford a new recreational vehicle, this does not mean that you have no other expenses to cover. Oil, fuel, tires, insurance, and turnpike fees will all cost you a great sum of money. You may also have to take care of various problems, such as staying alive on the highway, finding acceptable campsites, encountering mechanical breakdowns, and even putting up with rainy days and campground neighbors.
 If you find the above problems conquerable, you may hit the road now, either alone or with people on the same wavelength. Wish you safe miles! 

【題組】37Which of the following statements is true according to this passage?
(A) Very few recreational vehicles provide bedding, cookware, and furniture even today.
(B) Covering various expenses is one of the major issues for recreational vehicle travelers.
(C)Traveling in recreational vehicles has contributed to the rise of a new coronavirus disease.
(D) Part-time recreational vehicle travelers are free to go over budget when they start a journey.


The tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the cathedral of Pisa in Tuscany, Italy. It leans because when the building was half completed, the soil under one half of the circular structure began to subside and the tower tipped. Work on the tower was begun in 1173, but was discontinued for a century after the subsidence. However, in 1275, architects devised a plan to compensate for the tilt. Two stories, the third and the fifth, were built out of line with the others and closer to the vertical in an effort to alter the tower’s center of gravity. But the leaning has continued to increase gradually throughout the centuries. Pumping to keep water away from the surrounding ground and the injection of cement grout into the foundations and the surrounding subsoil have been tried in recent years, but without success. The tower, which is one of the most unusual in existence, is Romanesque in style and made of white marble. It is cylindrical in shape and has eight stories. The tilt is about 17 feet, or more than five degrees, from the perpendicular. The tower continues to increase its tilt by about a quarter of an inch each year.
【題組】50 Which of the following statements is NOT true about the tower of Pisa?
(A)Its construction began in the twelfth century.
(B)It was not until 1275 that a plan was put forward to solve the problem of its tilt.
(C)Substituting water for cement was adopted to prevent the tower from leaning further.
(D)The third and fifth floors were built out of line with the others.


      The beavers at the Minnesota Zoo seem engaged in an unending task. Each week they fell scores of inch-thick young trees for their winter food supply. Each week zoo workers surreptitiously replace the downed trees, anchoring new ones in the iron holders so the animals can keep on cutting. Letting the beavers do what comes naturally has paid off: Minnesota is one of the few zoos to get them to reproduce in captivity. The chimps at the St. Louis Zoo also work for a living: they poke stiff pieces of hay into an anthill to scoop out the baby food and honey that curators hide inside. Instead of idly awaiting banana handouts, the chimps get to manipulate tools, just as they do in the wild. Last year, when 13 gorillas moved into Zoo Atlanta’s new $4.5 million rain forest, they mated and formed families—a rarity among captives. “Zoos have changed from being mere menageries to being celebrations of life,” says John Gwynne of the Bronx Zoo. “As the wild places get smaller, the role of zoos gets larger, which means intensifying the naturalness of the experience for both visitors and animals.”
【題組】47 What does “surreptitiously” mean in the passage?
(A) Secretly
(B) Carefully
(C) Considerately
(D) Hurriedly



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