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15. The supermarket caught on fire this morning.
(A) Really? What did she say?
(B) Was anybody hurt?
(C) What about going for a ride?
(D) How do you like the class?
(E) Any message for me?


50 Those who plan to travel abroad are urged to have the COVID-19 ______ before their departure to build immunity against the virus.
(A) vaccine
(B) accentuation
(C) diagnosis
(D) infection


15. Foreigner: Excuse me. How can I get to your office to apply for my police criminal record certificate? Can I take the bus? Duty officer: If you are not considering taking the MRT, you can take bus 236. Foreigner: How often does the bus leave for your office? Duty Officer: _________________________.
(A) Early in the morning
(B) Twenty minutes later
(C) It runs always
(D) In ten minutes
(E) Every half an hour


23. While I was talking on the phone, the doorbell suddenly __________ .
(A) was ringing
(B) was rung
(C) had been ringing
(D) rang
(E) has rung


The police themselves emphasize their role as _____ fighters and deemphasize their job as peacekeepers and social service providers.


34. Recently, the Taipower Company submitted an application to Taiwan’s Atomic Energy Council (AEC) for authorization to restart a nuclear reactor at the No. 2 nuclear plant in Wanli, New Taipei. Various environmental groups and some legislators have raised their voices in ______ to Taipower’s action.
(A) acquiescence
(B) approval
(C) acceptance
(D) objection


44 All of the following are symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome except ______ .


46The fishing boat slowly sank into the ocean after it accidentally crashed into a hidden________ .
(A) oyster
(B) iceberg
(C) pebble
(D) lobster


24 Almost half of the audience has fallen asleep; _____ , the speech is very boring.
(A) appropriately
(B) accidentally
(C) adequately
(D) apparently


50 Individuals who are knowingly involved in the supply, prescription, delivery, storage and display of counterfeit and controlled drugs could ___________imprisonment of up to seven years, plus a fine of up to NT$5 million, the law stipulates.
(A) be tantamount to
(B) be accustomed to
(C) be object to
(D) be subject to


38 Nowadays both husband and wife have to share ________ chores, such as cooking and cleaning.
(A) democratic
(B) automatic
(C) domestic
(D) dynamic


48 Changes in Arctic sea ice, and the geopolitics of _____ of the outer continental shelf, are influencing future governance and uses of the Arctic Ocean.
(A) decomposition
(B) deduction
(C) delimitation
(D) desolation


29, The famous actor was arrested and charged with public intoxication, obstruction and ________  conduct after becoming aggressive toward a police officer while he was in drunken state.
(A) disturbed
(B) discharged
(C) disorder
(D) disorderly


1. After being _______by the police for two days, Johnson signed a confession.
(A) witnessed
(B) grilled
(C) probated
(D) incited


39.When polite requests failed to serve the purpose, the demonstrators ________ explicit threats.
(A) appealed to
(B) answered to
(C) resorted to
(D) turned to
(E) attended on


請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題
       The Customs Administration’s canine division last year helped customs officers __51__ 758kg of illegal drugs, which were valued at NT$330 million (US$11.86 million). Most of the narcotics detected by sniffer dogs were ketamine, the agency said. Taiwan has 37 detection dogs, with each dog working with one dog handler. Detection dogs are put __52__ duty whenever high-risk flights arrive, and they must finish __53__ the luggage in about 10 minutes, it added. With the establishment of the Maritime Express Consignments Clearance service at the Keelung Customs Office and the construction of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport’s Terminal 3 expected to be completed in 2026, the center said it is aiming to expand the canine division from 37 to 44 sniffer dogs by 2025. The center said that its main task in the next few years is to train more Labradors to find tobacco, narcotics or explosives __54__ the Military Police Command, the National Fire Agency, the National Police Agency, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine, and other agencies. The success rate of training Labrador puppies to become detection dogs has reached more than 20 percent, as puppies born from second-generation dams tend to be stronger and healthier, it said. As the __55__ of puppies is expected to double in the next three years, people living south of Taoyuan or north of Yunlin County are encouraged to become foster families of puppies, the center said, adding that companies in central Taiwan can offer facilities for puppy training.

(A) intercept
(B) intrigue
(C) impact
(D) imply


       Much of the illegal drugs trade is still carried on by sea, putting both shipowner and mariner at risk. Drugs may be carried on board as a part of the cargo, secreted within the ship by a third party for collection elsewhere, or carried by a courier who may be a passenger or member of the crew. Heroin products mainly come from the following four areas: Golden Crescent (India/Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Middle East), Golden Triangle (Burma, Laos, and Thailand), Lebanon, and Mexico.
【題組】50 According to the paragraph, who might be the one to carry illegal drugs onto the ship?
(A)crews or passengers
(B) mariners
(C) shipping agents
(D) carriers


請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題: 
     The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a short-range coastal tracking system currently used on ships. It was developed to provide identification and positioning information to both 51 and shore stations. Ships of 300 gross tonnage or more sailing on international voyages, freighter ships of 500 gross tonnage or more sailing in local waters, and all passenger ships 52 size are required by the International Maritime Organization to carry AIS equipment. AIS transponders automatically broadcast information at regular 53 . Navigational status data is transmitted every 2 to 180 seconds, depending on a ship’s activity. In addition, voyage related data is broadcast every 6 minutes. These signals are received by AIS transponders installed on other ships or by land-based systems. 
     The AIS signals have a horizontal range of about 40 nautical miles, 54 that AIS traffic information is only available around coastal zones or in a ship-to-ship zone. AIS communication takes place using two VHF frequencies, 161.975 MHz and 162.025 MHz. Although only one radio channel is necessary, each station transmits and receives over two radio channels to avoid interference problems and to allow channels to be shifted among ships 55 communication loss.

(A)free from
(B)irrespective of
(C) in contrast to 
(D)by order of 


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
 Several years back, I visited Iceland in the dead of winter. I was researching a book on global happiness, and the small Nordic nation intrigued me. What was this country, adrift in the freezing North Atlantic, doing 41 atop the world's happiness rankings?
 In pursuit of answers, I buttonholed anyone willing to talk, dined on rotten shark, drank excessively, and, of course, 42 a dip in the Blue Lagoon, the otherworldly geothermal waters that have become synonymous with Icelandic bliss. Shortly after I left, Iceland's largest banks 43 belly up and the nation's economy teetered on the verge of 
 collapse, collateral damage from the global financial meltdown of 2008. The unemployment rate spiked eightfold. Trust in institutions, like the banks and parliament, plummeted. I assumed that the nation's happiness also nosedived. I was wrong. "The economic crisis had a 44 effect on happiness," according to health scientist Dora Gudmundsdottir, author of an exhaustive study published in the Social Indicators Research Journal. Not only did the nation's overall happiness dip only slightly during the crisis, but 25% of Icelanders reported greater happiness. What was going on?
 I emailed Karl Blöndal, a newspaper editor I had met in Reykjavik. “A lot of individuals have been hit hard, pensioners lost their savings. But one thing about living in a small community is that everyone you know is 45 reach,” he explained. “Those who lose their jobs are not isolated, the risk of estrangement is not the same as it would be in bigger societies.”

(A) obverse
(B) absolute
(C) limited
(D) significant


        __36__ April 3, 2004 Greg Carpenter was found guilty of two accounts of first-degree rape and first-degree sodomy of a female less than 11 years of age, and was __37__ 22 years, each count, to be served consecutively. Carpenter appealed his conviction, and in August of 2004, he was freed on $60,000 bail. However, Carpenter failed to report to the Muhlenberg County __38__ Center, and his bond was forfeited.        Since Carpenter allegedly fled while on bail, a state warrant was issued on December 23, 2005, in Carbondale, Illinois, for his __39__ . In May 2006, a state warrant was also issued, after Carpenter was charged __40__ a sex offender registration violation.

(C)sentenced to
(E)sentencing to


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
        Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world, a gossip that makes us pre-judge people before we ever lay eyes on them.  36  , it is not surprising that stereotypes have something to do with the dark world of prejudice. Explore most prejudices and you will find a cruel stereotype at the core of each one. Why is it that we stereotype the world in such irrational and harmful  37  ? In part, we begin to  38  people in our childhood years. Early in life, as every parent whose child has watched TV knows, we learn to spot the Good Guys  39  the Bad Guys. Some years ago, a social psychologist showed very clearly how powerful these stereotypes of childhood vision are. He secretly asked the most popular kids in an elementary school to make errors in the morning gym exercises.  40  , he asked the class if anyone had noticed any mistakes during gym period. Oh, yes, said the children. But it was the unpopular students in class—the “bad guys”—they remembered as being out of step.



請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題: These are salad days for organizers of petition drives. Never has it been so easy to circulate demands and 31 virtual signatures. Not long ago, ardent activists clutched clipboards outside grocery stores or student unions as 32 passers-by pretend not to notice them. But social media streamlines the search for the 33 . It follows that these are glum times for college presidents. Zealous students at well-known institutes have leveraged social media to drive away invited graduation-day speakers. They make it look so easy that students elsewhere will surely be tempted to 34 the fun. For example, Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice backed out of the Rutgers graduation ceremony after students 35 her as a “war criminal” for her role in the Bush Administration’s war on terror.
【題組】 31


A: Did you enjoy the conference last week? B: (9) A: You don’t seem very sure. B: Generally it went well, (10) .
(A)Very much.
(B)Not at all.
(C)Sort of.
(D)No more.


The tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the cathedral of Pisa in Tuscany, Italy. It leans because when the building was half completed, the soil under one half of the circular structure began to subside and the tower tipped. Work on the tower was begun in 1173, but was discontinued for a century after the subsidence. However, in 1275, architects devised a plan to compensate for the tilt. Two stories, the third and the fifth, were built out of line with the others and closer to the vertical in an effort to alter the tower’s center of gravity. But the leaning has continued to increase gradually throughout the centuries. Pumping to keep water away from the surrounding ground and the injection of cement grout into the foundations and the surrounding subsoil have been tried in recent years, but without success. The tower, which is one of the most unusual in existence, is Romanesque in style and made of white marble. It is cylindrical in shape and has eight stories. The tilt is about 17 feet, or more than five degrees, from the perpendicular. The tower continues to increase its tilt by about a quarter of an inch each year.
【題組】46 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A)Of all the tourist attractions in Italy, the tower of Pisa is undoubtedly the most popular.
(B)The collaboration of the Italian government and people has made the tower of Pisa become famous.
(C)The best way to study Italian culture is to visit the tower of Pisa.
(D)espite the effort over the past years, the tower of Pisa still keeps tipping.


        If knowledge is power, then literacy is the key to the kingdom. For centuries, the ability to read and write has given power to those who possessed it, although access to book learning—indeed, to books themselves—was often limited to a privileged minority. Today, by contrast, we inhabit a digital age in which written texts are more widely and democratically available than ever before. A prerequisite for access, however, is still the ability to comprehend and appraise those texts. Individuals who lack strong skills for finding, understanding, and evaluating written information cannot easily arm themselves with that information or use it to advance the causes they value. And because a free society depends on an informed and autonomous citizenry, the loss is not theirs alone. As we confront some of the great questions of our time—about war and diplomacy, immigration and citizenship, health care and human rights, and fair access to education and employment—literacy liberates us from dependence on received wisdom and allows us to find and weigh the evidence ourselves. Simply put, literacy is cornerstone of our freedom.
【題組】33 What does the word “cornerstone” mean?
(D) Etiquette.



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