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35 Rock climbing can be an exciting but __________ sport, so it’s important to be careful.


15. Frank: Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t help you. Mark: Well, then, _____________ .
(A)that will really help
(B)I’ll have to do it myself
(C)you can’t do this to me
(D)it’s so efficient
(E)keep calm


48 The dogs used for disaster search and rescue use their noses to find living ______who are trapped in the crannies and voids created when a building collapses due to an earthquake, hurricane or explosion.


44 Tainan police began to search for Chang after the prosecutors’ office issued a warrant for his arrest. Chang, a former elementary-school teacher from Tainan, who was convicted of sexually_____ one of his students, had been wanted, after he failed to hand himself over to the authorities to start serving his prison sentence.
(A) supervising
(B) banishing
(C) lingering
(D) assaulting


26.________ is the secret planning by a group of people to do something bad, unlawful or harmful.
(A) Conspiracy
(B) Accomplice
(C) Coercion
(D) Compromise


47 At his second trial, Syed, then 19, was____of first-degree murder, and sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years.


47 Which of the following are NOT man-made pollutants in the ocean?
(B)Marine  algae


3.Illicit or contraband materials such as weapons or drugs found in a public place may be seized by the police without a ___________.
(A) power of attorney
(B) waiver
(C) warrant
(D) subpoena


The mayor of Kaohsiung agreed to provide financial aid to the flood ______.


48 The government is being warned about a network of criminals carrying out a sophisticated system of credit card _______ .
(A) treason
(B) rectitude
(C) fraud
(D) continence


18.A: May I take your order, sir? B: Yes, ___________.
(A) my computer is out of order
(B) I’d like the roast beef dinner
(C) please put our names in alphabetical order
(D) please put the silverware in order
(E) I ordered some paper clips last week


36 A foreign-flagged ship is in distress and requires assistance after ____with an unknown freighter near the Pescadores. The stern of the ship is seriously damaged.
(A) colliding
(B) contesting
(C) contracting
(D) coping


48 Many refugees, in the face of torture and death, decide to seek an _____ in foreign lands.
(A) asylum
(B) overload
(C) overcharge
(D) abolishment


4. While working an 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ________ on May 24, 2015, Police Officers Tsai and Lin received a radio call at 1:50 p.m. to investigate a report of a man with a gun in front of 56 Suren Avenue.
(A) job
(B) shift
(C) task
(D) work
(E) turn


41 Countries that once thought they could escape fiscal upheavals that plagued the United States are now faltering, too.
(A) Countries that once thought they could fight off their own economic crisis are now, just like the United States, failing to do so.
(B) Countries that used to think they would do better than the United States in financial crisis control are now losing control, too.
(C) Countries that used to think they would not be like the United States suffering from the financial crisis are now in big trouble, too.
(D) Countries that once thought they could keep up their own economy are now suffering from the financial crisis of the United States.


Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev, who both came to the US from Kazakhstan, were charged with conspiring to 53 justice by concealing and destroying evidence. Robel Philipos, who graduated from a Cambridge, Massachusettes, high school with Tsarnaev, was charged with lying to investigators about the visit to Tsarnaev’s room. According to FBI 54 , just hours after surveillance camera photos of the Boston Marathon suspects were flashed around the world on April 18, Tsarnaev’s friends 55 he was one of the bombers and removed the backpack along with a laptop from Tsarnaev’s room at the university of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. At a court appearance, the Kazakh students did not request 56 and will be held for another hearing on May 14.
(A) exposure
(B) submission
(C) account
(D) probation


請依下文回答第 28 題至第 31 題: The beautiful scenery and amazing creatures found below the waves are what draw most divers to the ocean. Some divers take up photography as a hobby. Diving magazines have been known to buy photographs of rare sea life from regular divers. Above the surface, hired boats take tourists on whale watching trips. Whale watching during the right season allows people to see not only a variety of whale species, but seals and other sea animals as well. Some of the more eager watchers may even travel hundreds of miles to follow the paths of individual whales. Meanwhile, bird watchers work hard to discover new bird species. Serious bird watchers bring along their life lists, in which they record every species of bird that they have seen in the wild. Like whale watchers, “birders” sometimes hop continents on their mission to add new species to their lists. Collecting parts of animals is a common hobby. While buying or selling ivory is illegal, it can be made into profitable items such as chess sets, piano keys, and jewelry. Animal skins and furs and entire stuffed animals are often found at homes as decorating items. And the hobby of butterfly collecting is one of the oldest in the world. Russian author Vladimir Nabokov was known for his life-long passion for collecting butterflies. The world’s largest collection is found in Costa Rica, a nation with more butterfly species than the entire Africa.
【題組】31 Why are some “birders” traveling far away from home?
(A)To watch a larger number of birds.
(B)To find a greater number of bird species.  
(C)To bring along more bird life lists.
(D)  To hop from continent to continent.


請回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
    Jim Monsma of the Washington Animal Rescue League in Washington D.C. is now using the Feline-ality program, a personality test designed to match cats with prospective owners. The program assesses a variety of behaviors in individual cats, and then tallies those assessments to place the cat into nine personality categories, which can be matched with a family’s situation and desires. It’s not unlike a magazine quiz to find out “Which kind of cat are you?” The program is used at 45 shelters, with additional facilities preparing to use it.
    As part of the personality test on a cat named Barnaby, Monsma brings Barnaby into an unfamiliar room and opens his cat carrier. Barnaby shoots out and takes charge, checking out the room and everything in it. Monsma uses a stopwatch to track how much time Barnaby spends on social interactions. For example, he adds up how many seconds Barnaby spends trying to get on his lap. He also monitors his noises and blink rate, both indicators of sociability. Monsma then initiates some interactions, offering a hand, three different toys, and hugs. Each
transaction earns Barnaby some points. His total comes out high on both scales—he’s both highly sociable and highly confident.
    Equally important to the Feline-ality program is the fact that people differ, too. Adopters fill out a
questionnaire and the results give them a color code, telling them which set of personality types would be best for them to consider. The program aims to end animal-human mismatches, often a reason cats are returned to the shelter, Monsma says. He says the program has helped to increase adoption in shelters that have tested the Feline-ality program, partly because people find the process fun.

【題組】47 Which of the following steps is not taken during the test with Barnaby?
(A)Lead Barnaby into a place that is new to the cat.
(B)Check how much time the cat spends on interactions.
(C)Offer the cat some food to see how fast he eats.
(D)Monitor some indicators of the cat’s sociability.


        If knowledge is power, then literacy is the key to the kingdom. For centuries, the ability to read and write has given power to those who possessed it, although access to book learning—indeed, to books themselves—was often limited to a privileged minority. Today, by contrast, we inhabit a digital age in which written texts are more widely and democratically available than ever before. A prerequisite for access, however, is still the ability to comprehend and appraise those texts. Individuals who lack strong skills for finding, understanding, and evaluating written information cannot easily arm themselves with that information or use it to advance the causes they value. And because a free society depends on an informed and autonomous citizenry, the loss is not theirs alone. As we confront some of the great questions of our time—about war and diplomacy, immigration and citizenship, health care and human rights, and fair access to education and employment—literacy liberates us from dependence on received wisdom and allows us to find and weigh the evidence ourselves. Simply put, literacy is cornerstone of our freedom.
【題組】32 Traditionally, who had access to literacy?
(A)Internet hackers.
(B)Computer programmers.
(C)The privileged minority.
(D)Every individual eager to learn.


請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題: Juvenile delinquents are often defined as children between the ages of 10 and 17 who have committed acriminal act. There are two main types of offenders: repeat offenders and age-specific offenders. Repeat offendersare also known as “life-course 56 offenders.” These juvenile delinquents begin offending or showing othersigns of antisocial behavior during adolescence. Repeat offenders continue to engage in criminal activities oraggressive behaviors 57 after they enter adulthood. The other type of juvenile delinquent behavior,age-specific offenders, begins during adolescence. 58 the repeat offenders, however, the behaviors of theage-specific offender ends before the minor becomes an adult. The behaviors that a juvenile shows duringadolescence are often a good 59 of the type of offender he will become. While age-specific offenders leavetheir delinquent behavior behind 60 they enter adulthood, they often have more mental health problems,engage in substance abuse, and have greater financial problems than adults who were never delinquent asjuveniles.
【題組】 58


 A Spanish bullfighter was __(21)__ in Peru, and his father wants to know why his son’s body was returned to Spain with several organs __(22)__. The bullfighter’s father will travel to Peru and will not rest __(23)__ justice is served. The body of his 22-year-old son was __(24)__ in July on a beach near Lima a week after he went missing. The young man was __(25)__ to death with a blunt object. Four people, three policemen __(26)__, confessed to the crime. They said they wanted to steal the $1,200 the young man had been paid after a bullfighting __(27)__. A(n) __(28)__ was conducted in Peru, and the young man’s body was sent to his family in Spain three days later. A second examination in the Spanish capital showed that he was missing several organs. Even today, the mystery still remains __(29)__. (excerpted from GEPT Cloze Test by Jolihi Press, 2004)

(A) include
(B) including
(C) to include
(D) included
(E) inclusive


32 題至第 36 題:
      The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. But they also believed that a person couldn’t live forever unless the dead body stayed in good condition. So Egyptians tried to preserve the bodies of the dead. These preserved bodies are called mummies. By studying mummies (and written records), today’s scientists have learned how they were made.
      To make a mummy, priests first opened up the dead body. Then they removed most of its organs. Organs were dried and placed in special jars. Next, the inside of the body was washed. It was also packed with linen or sawdust and sewn up. Then, the body was covered in a powder called natron. It took 40 days for this salt-like substance to dry out the body. Finally, the body was wrapped in linen bandages and put in a coffin.
       A few mummies were placed in pyramids. But most were buried in special tombs. The ancient Egyptians knew what they were doing. Many of the discovered mummies have been in good condition. For example, Zahi Hawass, a mummy expert, discovered the mummy of a well-known governor. It was inside a limestone coffin.

【題組】33 Which of the following is NOT a step in making mummies?
(A)Removing most of the organs of the dead.
(B)Washing the inside of the body.
(C)Covering the body with natron.
(D)Leaving the body out in the sun to dry.


An emergency call comes in about a possible bomb in lower Manhattan and an alert pops up on computer screens at the New York Police Department, instantly showing officers an interactive map of the neighborhood, footage from nearby security cameras, whether there are high radiation levels and whether any other threats have been made against the city. In a click, police know exactly what they're getting into. Such a hypothetical scenario may seem like something out of a futuristic crime drama, but the technology is real, developed in a partnership between America's largest police department and Microsoft Corp., and the latest version has been quietly in use for about a year. The project could pay off in more ways than one: The NYPD could make tens of millions of dollars under an unprecedented marketing deal that allows Microsoft to sell the system to other law enforcement agencies and civilian companies around the world. The city will get a 30 percent cut. The Domain Awareness System, known as the dashboard, gives easy access to the police department's voluminous arrest records, emergency calls, more than 3,000 security cameras citywide, license plate readers and portable radiation detectors -- data that raises privacy concerns for some civil liberties groups. But the dashboard system mines existing tools and doesn't create any new surveillance. Right now, it is used only in NYPD offices, mostly in the counterterrorism unit. Eventually, the system could supply crime-fighting information in real time to officers on laptops in their squad cars and on mobile devices while they walk the beat.
【題組】59 Why could the project of the dashboard pay off in more than one way?
(A) Microsoft would donate their profit to the city of New York.
(B) The NYPD could get much income from the sales the system.
(C) The project of the dashboard would also lead to futuristic crime drama business.
(D) The project of the dashboard would bring cooperation with civilian companies.


Stockholm syndrome is a psychological behavior that appears in certain hostage situations. The condition appears when the hostage begins to show loyalty to or sympathy with the people who are 39 him or her. In the most classic cases, victims continue to defend and care about their captors even after they escape captivity. The term 40 in 1973 after the robbery of a bank in Stockholm, Sweden. During the robbery, bank employees were held hostage for six days. During this time, some of the employees became emotionally 41 their captors. They defended the actions of the bank robbers after the ordeal was over. Dr. Joseph Carver, a psychologist, describes this emotional bonding with an abuser as a survival 42 for victims of abuse and intimidation. It develops as an attempt to survive in a 43 environment. The behavior has been observed in battered spouses, abused children, prisoners of war, and concentration camp survivors.
(B) threatening


16-20 題,段落填空。
     There is little doubt that the current wave of globalization has resulted in new   16    flows and networks, some of which have had criminogenic consequences that have generated new    17    concerns. The    18    of people, money, information, and commodities has provided new opportunity for criminal activities. Many countries are finding that their    19    to deliver order and safety is increasingly    20    by global forces.

(A) intoxication
(B) familiarity
(C) security
(D) alongside



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