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43 After reading the address on the drunk man’s ID card, the police officer _______ him home.
(A) escorted
(B) investigated
(C) adjusted
(D) opposed


32 Your argument is so general that you need to be more _______ about your points.
(A) special
(B) suitable
(C) specific
(D) scientific


31 No one is fully _____ from the disease until more effective vaccines are invented.
(A) durable
(B) immune
(C) hospitable
(D) accessible


39 It is _______ silly to believe that the number thirteen would bring bad luck to your life.
(A) appropriately
(B) commercially
(C) objectively
(D) ridiculously


28 Firefighters _____ the children through the windows of the burning apartment.
(A) fled
(B) exited
(C) rescued
(D) transported


43 The man accused of shooting 10 people on a Brooklyn subway train was arrested on Wednesday and charged with a federal terrorism offense after the suspect called police to come get him. Frank James,62, was taken into _____ about 30 hours after the violence on a rush-hour train, which left people around the city on edge.
(A) transformation
(B) accommodation
(C) custody
(D) influx


10. Firefighters are responsible for rapidly, efficiently, and safely carrying out various duties under emergency conditions which frequently involve considerable _______ .
(A) hazards
(B) disturbance
(C) infrastructure
(D) ignition


7. The driver was apprehended and charged with _______ seven illegal immigrants in a truck over the border.
(A) defending
(B) overtaking
(C) smuggling
(D) dispatching


2. Firefighters not only inspect scenes of fires or accidents to _______ causes, but also to clean up fire scenes by removing debris.
(A) activate
(B) identify
(C) eliminate
(D) witness


30After a severe heart attack, the politician abandoned his____________ to run for the position of prime minister.
(A) adoption
(B) ambition
(C) demotion
(D) detention


26.Money laundering is the illegal process of making large amounts of money generated by criminal activity, such as _________, appear to have come from a legitimate source. (Please choose the possible words.)
(A) drug trafficking
(B) terrorist funding
(C) propagation
(D) endorsement
(E) procrastination


20. In April, the police will be conducting _______ checkpoints throughout the county, and the focus of this enforcement will be impaired driving.
(A) fatality
(B) sobriety
(C) confinement
(D) stimulant


49 The court ordered the convicted woman to make _______ to the family that she had done so much harm to.
(A) simulations
(B) reparations
(C) conventions
(D) incursions


39.The suspect faced a __________ charge for assaulting the victim with a deadly weapon.
(A) felony
(B) libel
(C) serious crime
(D) forgery
(E) defamation


40 People may experience the positive feelings of high self-esteem by being members of some influential or _____ associations.
(A) prestigious
(B) destructive
(C) spontaneous
(D) consecutive


48 Many refugees, in the face of torture and death, decide to seek an _____ in foreign lands.
(A) asylum
(B) overload
(C) overcharge
(D) abolishment


37.To return to normal life, the juvenile delinquents need ______ .
(A) resocialization
(B) rehabilitation
(C) reckless
(D) savory
(E) reluctant


26.You have the right to a/an _____ before any questioning.
(A) lawyer
(B) attorney
(C) commissioner
(D) possessor
(E) prosecutor


27 The head of the stockbroker firm admitted his _______ for the illegal business practices that members of his firm had been following.
(A) culpability
(B) culinary
(C) chastity
(D) cupboard


44 In that country, for sentences in excess of four years, prisoners are eligible to be released on _______ after serving one-third of their sentences.
(A) misdemeanor
(B) parole
(C) dichotomy
(D) penalty


22.Studies examining the effectiveness of severe punishments for drunk driving have suggested that tough laws do not ________ drunk drivers.
(A) alternative
(B) deter
(C) collage
(D) discourage
(E) potential


9. According to historical data, car thefts in a particular _________ are reported at an annual rate of 2.5 thefts per 1,000 cars.
(A) jurisdiction
(B) liaison
(C) legislation
(D) intelligence


35.These underground investment companies ______ money from many naive investors.
(A) swindle
(B) cheat
(C) juvenile
(D) pallid
(E) fabric


3. Among all the _______of a car accident, external bleeding from lacerations and avulsions is the most obvious. If left untreated, however, too much blood loss can be fatal.
(A) correlations
(B) complications
(C) compartments
(D) components


32 Many Taiwanese parents are _____ to believe that children need to start learning English as early as possible.
(A) tendered
(B) inclined
(C) tilted
(D) sloped


28.The thief tried to __________ the policeman of complete integrity but to no avail.
(A) buy out
(B) buy off
(C) bribe
(D) bribery
(E) give a bribe to


28. Migrants who are _______at sea or apprehended ashore will not be allowed to stay in the United States or a U.S. territory. Furthermore, anyone who arrives unlawfully may be repatriated to their country of origin or returned to the country from where the voyage departed from.
(A) transferred
(B) interdicted
(C) detained
(D) escorted


47 Cosmestics sales went up to 50% when the ladies who wish to brighten up their skins heard that the new liquid concealer could _____ the complexion.
(A) illuminate
(B) amplify
(C) animate
(D) humidify


11. Ukrainians are risking their lives by forming a volunteer _____force to help their country repel the Russian invasion.
(A) weeder
(B) depilator
(C) drone
(D) pacemaker


31.The residents __________ the construction of the nuclear plant.
(A) oppose to
(B) are opposed to
(C) object to
(D) are against
(E) oppose


34.Some drivers are ______ to accidents. The police should pay more attention to them.
(A) timber
(B) prone
(C) trench
(D) tamper
(E) liable


36.What are the synonyms of “siege”?
(A) attack
(B) blockade
(C) arrest
(D) relief
(E) seizure


27.Officer Chen never gave up, no matter how bad the situation was. His ________ was incredible.
(A) tenacity
(B) perseverance
(C) persistence
(D) captivity
(E) capture


A 5.2-magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey on Monday, killing at least one person and trapping others in collapsed buildings three weeks after a __36__ 7.8-magnitude quake struck the same region, leaving more than 50,000 people dead in the country and in neighboring Syria. The emergency agency urged people in the affected region not to enter damaged buildings to collect belongings for fear of __37__ or further collapse. Rescuers were also searching for survivors from collapsed buildings. In Turkey, the quake has led to intense __38__ of building practices and of the government checks put in place to make sure that buildings can __39__ shaking. Turkish authorities have expanded a criminal probe into individuals responsible for buildings __40__ by the deadly earthquake that has left millions without homes. The government has also been accused of lax safety enforcement ahead of the quakes.

(A) contaminating
(B) transplanting
(C) devastating
(D) evolving


(A) aftereffects
(B) afterwards
(C) afterclaps
(D) aftershocks


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題:
 With the widespread use of smart phones and other mobile devices, more and more people are starting to make money from applications, or apps. Such appreneurs include people of all ages and they can live anywhere __11__ the app business can be run without an office. To get started, the first step is to sign up as a developer with the platform __12__ you are going to create your apps. __13__ to popular belief, an appreneur does not have to be a programmer himself or herself. Today, a lot of people use apps to play games, learn languages, track their health, and meet new friends, to name but a few. They enjoy the __14__ of instantly getting something they find useful. They are willing to rely on apps to make their lives simpler and more productive. This is exactly why the app market is expected to be __15__ even faster in the years to come. Welcome to the age of apps!

(B) Diligent
(C) Multiple
(D) Physical


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
Here are the facts: 65 million people displaced from their homes by violence and persecution last year. If it was a country, that would be the 21st largest country in the world. Most of those people, about 40 million, stay within their own home country, but 25 million are refugees. That means they cross a border into a neighboring state. Most of them are living in poor countries, relatively poor or lower-middle-income countries, like Lebanon. In Lebanon, one in four people is a refugee, a quarter of the whole population. And refugees stay for a long time. The average length of displacement is 10 years. I went to what was the world’s largest refugee camp, in eastern Kenya. It’s called Dadaab. It was built in 1991-92 as a "temporary camp" for Somalis fleeing the civil war. I met Silo. And naïvely I said to Silo, "Do you think you’ll ever go home to Somalia?" And she said, "What do you mean, go home? I was born here." And then when I asked the camp management how many of the 330,000 people in that camp were born there, they gave me the answer: 100,000. That’s what long-term displacement means.

【題組】48 How long is the average length of displacement for refugees?
(A) 40 years.
(B) 10 years.
(C) 21 years.
(D) 25 years.


Qs 16-20: Answer the questions on the basis of the following paragraph.
       Pickpockets operate most effectively when there are prospective victims in either heavily congested areas or in lonely places. In heavily populated areas, the large number of people around them covers the activities of these thieves. In lonely spots, they have the advantage of working unobserved. The main factor in the pickpocket's success is the selection of the right victim. A pickpocket's victim must, at the time of the crime, be inattentive, distracted, or unconscious. If any of these conditions exist, and if the pickpocket is skilled in his operations, the stage is set for a successful larceny. With the coming of big events, such as large concerts or marketing campaigns, the crowds move towards these activities and so do most of the pickpockets. However, some pickpockets will remain in certain areas all year around. They will concentrate on theater districts, bus and railroad terminals, hotels, or large shopping centers. A complete knowledge of the methods of this type of criminal and the ability to recognize them come only from long years of experience in performing patient surveillance and trailing of them. This knowledge is essential for the effective control and apprehension of this type of thief.

【題組】16.According to the above paragraph, the pickpocket is LEAST likely to operate in a
(A) baseball park with a full capacity attendance
(B) subway station in a remote area late at night
(C) moderately populated dance hall
(D) over-crowded department store


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       Extreme heat is defined as summertime temperatures that are much hotter and/or humid than average. Heat-related illnesses, 41 heat exhaustion or heat stroke, happen when the body is not able to properly cool itself. In such cases, a person’s body temperature rises faster 42 it can cool itself down. This can cause damage to the brain and 43 vital organs.
       The following are tips for preventing heat-related illnesses:
* Stay Cool Indoors: Stay in an air-conditioned place as much as possible.
* 44 Outdoor Activities Carefully: Try to limit your outdoor activity to 45 it is coolest, like morning and evening hours.
* Know the Signs: Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and how to treat them.

(A) ones
(B) another
(C) other
(D) others


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
A recreational vehicle is a large vehicle designed for people to live and sleep in when they are traveling on the road. Many recreational vehicles today are equipped with bedding, cookware, and furniture. Therefore, they have made it possible to combine nonstop travel with a real home. They become a home as well as a base where different lifestyles find a way to go on. Simply close your eyes and imagine the free roving life on wheels. Are you itching for such a choice now? 
As a matter of fact, living and traveling in recreational vehicles is becoming a trend in many countries around the world. Ironically, this boom is fueled by a new coronavirus disease since a lot of people agree that one way of dealing with it is to buy a recreational vehicle. Nevertheless, even if you simply decide to become a part-time recreational vehicle traveler, there are still some issues that you have to deal cautiously with. 
To begin with, you should avoid biting off more than what you can chew. Do not go over budget when you purchase a recreational vehicle. Moreover, just because you can afford a new recreational vehicle, this does not mean that you have no other expenses to cover. Oil, fuel, tires, insurance, and turnpike fees will all cost you a great sum of money. You may also have to take care of various problems, such as staying alive on the highway, finding acceptable campsites, encountering mechanical breakdowns, and even putting up with rainy days and campground neighbors.
 If you find the above problems conquerable, you may hit the road now, either alone or with people on the same wavelength. Wish you safe miles! 

【題組】36What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Annoying Problems with Living and Traveling in RVs.
(B) Advantages of Traveling in RVs and Purchase Considerations.
(C) Desirable Ways of Covering Expenses for RV Drivers.
(D) A New Coronavirus Disease Driving More People to Own RVs.


請依下文回答第 37 題至第 41 題: 
     Police officers are tasked with   37    order and keeping their communities safe. In TVs and in movies, thatusually involves chasing down the bad guys or busting a crime ring. In reality, the term police officer covers a widevariety of roles, including behind the scenes work like handwriting analysis and officer training. Attending a recruitmentevent in your local area can   38   more about all the potential paths. 
     Police officers can work for the city, county, state, or federal government. Their jurisdiction and the size of thepolice department   39   play a major role in shaping their day to day duties. A police officer in a large urban centerlike New York or Los Angeles will usually have a very   40   , such as narcotics, media relations, the K-9 unit (ahomophone upon the word canine, police dog), or SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) team. In contrast, in smallerdepartments, particularly in rural areas, police officers will be expected to cover a wider variety of roles. 
     Most officers start off as patrol officers. Typical day to day duties include assisting in emergency scenes,responding to burglaries, and monitoring the roadways and stopping cars that are driving erratically or speeding. For every incident   41   , a police officer is required to file a report. Doing paperwork is certainly not a glamorous part of the job, but it’s a necessary and frequent task.

【題組】 39
(A) they had worked for
(B) they are working
(C) of their workings
(D) they work for


(A) have occurred
(B) occurring
(C) that occurs
(D) that are occurring


請依下文回答第 36 題至 40 題
        People around the world expressed shock and outrage over a series of __36__ attacks in Paris which left many dead. The attacks began shortly before lunchtime on January 7th, when a pair of gunmen entered the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and opened fire on everyone they encountered. In a matter of minutes, twelve people were dead and another ten were wounded, five of whom were in serious condition. When the assailants exited the building, they were __37__ by a police officer in the street, whom they also shot to death before fleeing the scene __38__ those killed in the magazine’s offices were some of the nation’s most prominent political cartoonists along with a noted economist.
        It quickly became apparent that the attackers were Islamist __39__ who were angry about a series of cartoons that the magazine had published which criticized the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Charlie Hebdo has had a long history of making fun of prominent political and religious figures and had been threatened and even attacked in the past. The scale and brutality of this attack, however, seemed to take everyone by surprise. After a two-day manhunt, the attackers were eventually surrounded by police and killed in an exchange of gunfire as they tried to escape. A day after the attack on the magazine, a separate gunman, working in __40__ with the other two, shot a policewoman to death before taking a number of people hostage in a supermarket. That attacker was also killed by police, but not before murdering four of his captives.

(A) tackled
(B) confronted
(C) surrendered
(D) deprived


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
Here are the facts: 65 million people displaced from their homes by violence and persecution last year. If it was a country,that would be the 21st largest country in the world. Most of those people, about 40 million, stay within their own homecountry, but 25 million are refugees. That means they cross a border into a neighboring state. Most of them are living inpoor countries, relatively poor or lower-middle-income countries, like Lebanon. In Lebanon, one in four people is arefugee, a quarter of the whole population. And refugees stay for a long time. The average length of displacement is 10years. I went to what was the world’s largest refugee camp, in eastern Kenya. It’s called Dadaab. It was built in 1991-92as a "temporary camp" for Somalis fleeing the civil war. I met Silo. And naïvely I said to Silo, "Do you think you’ll evergo home to Somalia?" And she said, "What do you mean, go home? I was born here." And then when I asked the campmanagement how many of the 330,000 people in that camp were born there, they gave me the answer: 100,000. That’swhat long-term displacement means.

【題組】49 According to the passage, how many people were born in the world’s largest refugee camp?
(A) 65 million.
(B) 330,000.
(C) 100,000.
(D) 25 million.


11-15 題 段落填空:請根據前後文及題意,選擇一個最適當的答案。
City Police Department Website – Our Police Fleet We recently purchased 21 Ford police interceptors to __11__ our older patrol cars. In addition, we maintain several traffic cars, all of which are unmarked for maximum effectiveness. All of our squad cars have our department identification clearly painted on their sides. Using the equipment console officers can quickly use the lights and sirens to __12__ their presence. The patrol car also connects officers to headquarters via two-way radios and a mobile data terminal. Officers can use the latter to access department databases. They can also input data and reports directly from the scene of an incident. The rear seating area consists __13__ a suspect enclosure capable of holding up to three individuals. It includes a bullet-proof barrier protecting officers from potentially dangerous suspects.

(A) return
(B) relief
(C) reproduce
(D) replace


(A) signal
(B) submit
(C) surrender
(D) supply


(A) in
(B) of
(C) with
(D) for


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
 We all think we understand the formula for keeping healthy-- eat right, exercise, don’t smoke, skip dessert. But that picture is vastly incomplete, perhaps fatally so. While our individual health is highly dependent on our daily behaviors, it may be even more strongly influenced by the social and environmental conditions in which we live. Smith, a prestigious doctor, argues that the future of our health, and our healthcare system, depends on growing and supporting a new generation of healthcare practitioners who look upriver at the source of our health problems, rather than simply opting for quick-hit symptomatic relief. These “Upstreamists,” as he calls them, are practitioners on the frontlines of health who see that health (like sickness) is more than a chemical equation that can be balanced with pills and procedures administered within clinic walls. They see, rather, that health begins in our everyday lives, in the places where we live, work, eat and play. Upstreamists — who may be doctors, nurses or other clinicians — know that asthma can start in the air around us, or from the mold in the walls of our homes. They understand that obesity, diabetes and heart disease partly originate in our busy modern schedules, in the unhealthy food choices available in our stores and even in the way our neighborhoods are designed. They believe that depression, anxiety and high blood pressure can arise from chronically stressful conditions at work and home. And, just as important, these caregivers understand how to translate this knowledge into meaningful action.

【題組】19What is the tone of the passage?
(A) Sarcastic.
(B) Objective.
(C) Optimistic.
(D) Cheerful.


   (36)   by the French writer Maurice Leblanc in 1905. Arsène Lupin is an elite member of the gang of delightful rogues   (37)   as gentleman thieves. Like Thomas Crown, Danny Ocean, Simon Templar and (to include a gentlewoman ) Selina Kyle, Lupin is elegant and efficient. He prefers disguise and persuasion to   (38)   and is so   (39)   that his victims almost thank him for the honor of   (40)  .

(A) violence
(B) violent
(C) violate
(D) violently


請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題
        With so many people crossing borders every day, how do we know we’re not letting dangerous people into our countries? One response is biometric identification technology. It has been developed to recognize individuals and to identify criminals. In fact, biometric identification is not a new invention. Law enforcement agencies have been using photographs and fingerprints as biometric identifiers since the late 19th century. Today, biometric identification technology, including both physiological and behavioral biometrics, has become increasingly prevalent as a means of enhancing security and protecting individuals' interests.
       Physiological biometrics, such as fingerprints and facial features, use human morphology to identify or recognize individuals. Besides fingerprint scanners, there are software programs that identify faces, palms, and irises. Scanning these physical features ensures that the person being scanned is who he or she claims to be. Unlike personal identification numbers, which are used to access bank accounts, biometric identifiers are extremely difficult, if not impossible, for criminals to steal.
       Behavioral biometrics can also be used to identify people. Certain behaviors are unique to individuals, such as their speech or the way they type. The classic behavioral biometric marker is a person's signature, but it can be problematic as it can be copied. However, people do automatically recognize subtleties in the way a person speaks, such as intonation and regional accents. Typing patterns, likewise, would be very difficult to observe and mimic convincingly.
       Biometrics can have two potential applications: identification and identity verification. Identification uses biometric information to discover the identity of an unknown person. DNA evidence has joined fingerprints as a common tool of law enforcement for this purpose. Today, we use passports to verify our identity when crossing borders, but passports can be stolen or forged. An effective biometric identification system would be difficult to fool. Because of this, many countries are considering biometric additions to or replacements of existing identification system. India, for instance, has already implemented such a system, which utilizes fingerprint and iris scans, in addition to photographs.
      While biometric identification technology shows promise in various applications, there are ethical concerns surrounding the development of biometric identification technology. Critics worry about the possibility of criminal uses of the technology, as legitimate organizations can use biometric scanners to verify personal information. And civil liberties advocates are concerned about the potential for abuse by authorities. Therefore, policymakers will need to balance security and law enforcement against personal freedom and privacy. Ethical considerations must be taken into account when developing biometric identification technology.

【題組】59 What does the word “forged” mean?
(A) built
(B) faked
(C) missed
(D) shaped



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