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34 Pasteur attended a famous school in Paris and soon _________ with his research.
(A)lost sight of himself
(B)made a name for himself
(C)caught up with himself
(D)took advantage of himself


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Sherlock Holmes was popular from his first appearance in 1887, in the novelette “A Study in Scarlet.” He was so popular that soon Conan Doyle began to 41 having created him, since Holmes stories so completely overshadowed what Conan Doyle considered his serious work, such as his historical novel. Readers lined up at newsstands for The Strand on publication day 42 a new Holmes story was to appear inside. Because of Holmes, Conan Doyle was, one historian wrote, “as well-known as Queen Victoria.” Holmes fans were truly the 43 middle-class, the exact sort of group whose tastes would be denigrated by snooty critics as populist for more than a century to come. The 44 for Holmes stories seemed endless. The Strand would pay Conan Doyle nicely for whatever he could give them. But he hadn’t meant to spend the rest of his life inventing and solving fiction crimes. By 1893, Conan Doyle had had enough. So he had the evil professor Moriarty push Holmes down the falls. But by 1901, however, public pressure grew so great that Conan Doyle wrote a new story featuring Holmes before his fall. In 1903, in “The Adventure of the Empty House,” he went one step further, resurrecting Holmes with the explanation that only Moriarty had died in the fall, while Holmes had 45 his own death. Fans rejoiced.


請依下文回答第 12 題至第 16 題
        The Buddhist attitude towards death is fundamentally conditioned by a belief in reincarnation.   12    Hindus, Buddhists believe that, after death, the soul is reborn in another body. The kind of body and the station of life into which the individual is reborn   13   upon the kind of life he or she led previously. Those who led virtuous lives and attained merit are reborn into conditions that allow them to practice even greater virtue and to achieve a yet more   14   incarnation. The   15      also holds true; those who lead depraved lives can suffer a series of rebirths, each lower and more wretched than the last. This process is not endless, however. The soul seeks the upward path, and after innumerable incarnations can, through meditation and contemplation, become aware of the universal meaning of things. The Buddha is released from the cycle of death and rebirth,   16   the forms and changes of the material universe, and dwells forever in a timeless, formless, and unchanging state known as Nirvana.

(A) follows
(B) detaches
(C) embodies
(D) transcends


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
Communication is crucial for a social species and particularly for human infants who are dependent on others for years.When children start to learn language, they first learn to __41__ words (as well as emotional tones, etc.) and only later produce words or the signs of sign language. There is no good way to  __42__ exactly what an infant understands, so almost all of the research has been about what words children produce. As an important first step in producing language,a child must learn to produce the sounds of her language, __43__ she already can perceive. These efforts are known as babbling, and similar practice takes place in the hand movements of children learning signed languages. __44__ the child can produce enough of the basic phonemes of her language, the production of words starts and there is no looking back. The generally accepted __45__ is that a child learns an average of ten new words a day between the ages of 2 and 12. At the beginning, the learning is slower, more like ten words per week. With these early words, the child is able to name her experiences and communicate with her caregivers.

(A) which
(B) what
(C) where
(D) that


31 The family followed the road to a _____ where three roads met and turned left to a big open area. That's where they saw a large number of colorful mushrooms.



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