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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 臺北市立永春高級中學正式教師試題:英文科#120014
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1. The jails in this country are filling up with political prisoners, but how many political dissidents have been __________ since a military crackdown on an anti-government protest movement ended last month remains shrouded in mystery.
(A) incorporated
(B) incarcerated
(C) incarnated
(D) incremented


2. The advertising sector is a __________ for economic confidence given that it is a gauge of how much the world's companies are spending.
(A) bandwagon
(B) benchmark
(C) blabbermouth
(D) bellwether


3. Freedom of speech does not tantamount to slandering others nor giving ______ remarks on others unless we have full proof to our allegations.
(A) disparaging
(B) disorienting
(C) disseminating
(D) disemboweling


4. A property maintenance worker who ________ shot a man in broad daylight after a fight broke out between them over a drug debt has been jailed for life with a non-parole period of 15 years.
(A) belligerently
(B) brazenly
(C) bilaterally
(D) blearily


5. The police tried hard to elicit pertinent facts from the witness to __________ the charge of moral turpitude against the high city official.
(A) instantiate
(B) expatiate
(C) potentiate
(D) substantiate

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II. 文意選填(20%) (1) The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, a longstanding pillar of American entertainment, has announced its permanent closure after more than a century of captivating audiences. The decision comes amidst a backdrop of declining ticket sales and 6 operational costs. This choice has in turn rendered the circus’s traditional touring format economically 7 . The news of the circus’s closure has 8 a poignant mix of nostalgia and melancholy, marking the end of an era for many who have cherished its performances throughout the years. Renowned for its iconic big top tents and awe-inspiring acts, the circus has been a cultural 9 , captivating audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The 10 of the Ringling Bros. circus signifies more than just the conclusion of a show. It also symbolizes the end of a cultural institution that has left a(n) 11 mark on American history. Its legacy will be remembered by generations who have experienced the wonder and excitement of its performances firsthand, 12 the artistry and dedication of its performers. In recent years, the circus has faced a myriad of challenges that have contributed to its decline. Changing consumer preferences, with a shift towards digital entertainment options, have impacted ticket sales. Additionally, the circus has been 2 13 with criticism from animal rights activists, leading to changes in its performances and further affecting its appeal. Despite these challenges, the Ringling Bros. circus has remained a symbol of 14 and creativity, adapting its shows to reflect changing times while maintaining its commitment to providing quality entertainment. The closure of the circus marks the end of an era, but its 15 will last in the hearts and minds of those who have been touched by its magic. This even reminds us of the enduring power of live performance in shaping cultural identity.
(B) legacy
(C) showcasing
(D) bombarded
(E) evoked (AB) cessation (AC) touchstone (AD) unviable (AE) escalating (BC) indelible


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(2) Morocco has initiated a groundbreaking step towards a sustainable future with the launch of the National Energy Transition Consortium. This consortium aims to __16__ the country’s transition to a more sustainable energy system. It brings together various __17__ from government, academia, industry, and civil society. The __18__ event, which took place on May 10, 2024, was attended by high-level officials, including the Minister of Energy, Mines, and Environment, Aziz Rabbah. In his remarks, Minister Rabbah emphasized the importance of __19__ in achieving Morocco's energy transition goals. He highlighted the consortium's role in fostering cooperation and innovation to drive the country's sustainable development __20__ forward. The National Energy Transition Consortium will __21__ around several key areas, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, and green technologies. It will work to develop strategies, policies, and projects that promote sustainable energy practices and reduce the country’s __22__ on fossil fuels. The consortium will also serve as a platform for knowledge sharing and capacity building, __23__ that Morocco has the necessary expertise and resources to achieve its energy transition objectives. Overall, the launch of the National Energy Transition Consortium marks a significant __24_ in Morocco's journey towards a more sustainable future. By bringing together diverse professionals and __25__ their expertise, the consortium has the potential to drive meaningful change. Moreover, it accelerates the country's transition to a more sustainable system.
(A) ensuring
(B) launch
(C) expedite
(D) milestone
(E) reliance (AB) collaboration (AC) leveraging (AD) revolve (AE) agenda (BC) stakeholders


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III. 篇章結構 (10%) According to a senior British diplomat, Nick Leak, the poor language skills of British youth played a role in the UK’s decision not to remain in the Erasmus+ European student exchange 3 programme after Brexit. He commented, “ 26 ” He even stated this caused a financial burden, rendering Erasmus+ too costly for UK taxpayers. 27 Research by experts like James Milton and Paul Meara at the University of Swansea in 1998 found no evidence that British students are any worse than their peers. Rather, they are let down by an environment that deprioritizes international language learning. Their study revealed British 14-15 year-olds had only 210 hours of French lessons, compared to 400-660 hours for their German and Greek counterparts. 28 Two and a half decades later, little has changed. In 1998, Milton and Meara noted French lessons amounted to two 45-minute periods weekly. Current data shows over half of English secondary schools offer merely one to two hours per week for languages, increasing to two to three hours at GCSE level – which itself is not compulsory. Undoubtedly, some British youth view language study as an obligation rather than a choice, hampering motivation. Nevertheless, others feel a personal connection to certain languages and value multilingualism, even as novices. Their self-driven reasons for learning boost perseverance. 29 There is no evidence to suggest that British young people are inherently unable to learn foreign languages. However, evidence does indicate that the UK’s environment is detrimental to international language learning, and achieving proficiency may be difficult for school students without significant additional engagement. 30 None of these issues are likely to be resolved by making European study more challenging.
(A) This contrasts with many nations where English is the default foreign language, often mandated, providing clear instrumental motivations for speakers of other tongues to learn it.
(B) It will be key for foreign language learners to assess the added value of artificial intelligence and their role in relation to it, as more sophisticated self-directed learning becomes possible.
(C) Some challenges are structural, such as the dominance of global English, while others result from a lack of prioritization of languages in the curriculum.
(D) Nonetheless, the notion that the British are inherently inept at acquiring foreign languages is one that linguists have long questioned.
(E) There’s always been an imbalance between our inability to speak languages very well and therefore to take advantage of the outward mobility opportunities, and people wanting to come to the UK. (AB) The limited instruction time meant even high-achieving British pupils would likely have poorer foreign language proficiency.


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4 二、手寫題: 請依題號順序在答案卷上作答 IV. 英文科命題 (20%) 學科能力測驗中閱讀測驗及混合題型評量考生綜合運用詞彙(含慣用語)、語意、語法、語 用以及篇章結構的知識,理解文意脈絡、擷取文章重要訊息,並加以分析、比較與推理的能 力。 請根據以下的文本設計三題閱讀測驗及兩題混合題型,共五題,請注意每一題的閱讀測驗及 混合題型需評量不同的閱讀能力、策略或學習表現。 In today’s society, jobs that are often deemed heroic, such as teaching, healthcare, or firefighting, are paradoxically some of the lowest paid. Despite their crucial roles in society, these professions frequently receive less financial compensation than less vital roles. This disparity raises questions about the value we place on different jobs and the societal structures that determine their worth. The discrepancy in pay for heroic jobs can be attributed to several factors. One reason is that these roles are often seen as vocational or callings, with individuals choosing them out of a sense of duty or passion rather than for financial gain. Additionally, jobs that involve caring for others, such as nursing or teaching, have historically been undervalued, possibly due to gender stereotypes or biases. Another factor is that the market value of these jobs is often lower, as they may not generate as much profit as other industries. Addressing the issue of low pay for heroic jobs requires a shift in societal attitudes and policies. Recognizing the value of these professions in terms of their contribution to society's well-being is crucial. This could involve reevaluating pay scales, providing better support and resources for workers, and challenging stereotypes that undervalue caring professions. Ultimately, it is about redefining the concept of success and acknowledging the importance of these roles in shaping a more compassionate and resilient society.

V. 英文科課程設計 (20%) 在高三下英文科加深加廣選修課程中,高中英文老師需要重新設計課外內容來因應「英文閱 讀與寫作」或「英語聽講」的課程。 有鑑於此,課程設計非常的重要,請設計一個學期「英文閱讀與寫作」或「英語聽講」的課 程大綱給要修習的學生,課程大綱須包含學習目標、教學策略及方法、18 周課程大綱及評 量方式。 5

VI. 英語課程採英語授課與差異化 (25%) 目前高中職教育階段鼓勵推廣英語文課程進行用英語教學(Teaching English Through English) 的教學理念及實踐方法,但因為本校有雙峰化現象、有些學生能力有限,英文老師進行用英 語來進行英文課程時,該如何運用差異化教學策略及搭學習鷹架來提升永春高中學生在老師 用英語授課時的學習動機及成效,請寫一篇 250 個字以上的英文文章來進行說明。

試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 臺北市立永春高級中學正式教師試題:英文科#120014-阿摩線上測驗
