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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(476~480)
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        In the summer of 2007, a group of international students were attending college in England. They had a long period of time between semesters for travel, so they decided to hitchhike as far as they could in other European countries. In many places, they were successful. They put their thumbs out or pointed them backwards and smiled; friendly drivers stopped. As soon as the first traveler got a “yes” answer from a driver, he motioned with his hand or fingers for his friends to come—or he held both thumbs up in an “OK” sign or made a circle with the thumb and the next finger of one hand. The young tourists saved money, saw a lot of the countryside, and had many interesting conversations and experiences.
        However, the international students were not so lucky in Greece and Turkey. Most drivers ignored them; few drivers stopped to give them rides. Some drivers shouted terrible words at the travelers; others even got out of their trucks and wanted to start a fight. The students felt unwelcome, confused, and afraid. After they traveled back to where they were studying they learned that it were their hand gestures that had caused them trouble.

【題組】In mentioning Greece and Turkey particularly, what does the writer intend to do?
(A)To impress the readers with the idea that the two countries are actually very terrible places
(B)To offer an example indicating the possible trouble the travelers may encounter in different cultures
(C)To entertain the readers with a very funny example from two unpopular countries in Europe
(D)To offer some biased opinions towards the two countries


Dr. Heidi Larson 
Larson Veterinary Clinic 
9179 Highbury Ave. 
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-3862 

Dear Dr. Larson: 

Your accountant, Rusty Silhacek, is my neighbor. He mentioned that your office stays very busy, so I wondered if you could use some extra help. I would like to apply for a position as a part-time veterinary assistant. 

As far as animal care goes, I’m experienced in feeding, bathing,
exercising, and cleaning up after small and large animals. I truly love animals and have always given them special attention and care. I would be available to help after school and on weekends. 

I would be happy to come in for an interview at your convenience. You can contact me any weekday after 3:00 p.m. at 
523-4418. Thank you for considering my application. 

Andrea Rodriguez 

【題組】A veterinary is a doctor who takes care of ________.
(A) accountants
(B) assistants
(C) animals
(D) women.


請回答第 36 題至第 40 題 There are many, many words in the English language. But there are still lots of things that we don’t have names for! For example, what should we call all the coke, popcorn, and candy that 36______ the floor after a movie is finished? There is no name for that! Wouldn’t it be useful if there 37______ a word we could use to describe it! Well, this site has a word for it: CINEMUCK! But it’s a made-up word because you won’t find 38______ in any dictionary. Actually, lots of real words 39______ made-up words. You’ll find a long list of made-up words and their definitions at this funny site. Now, go to the site and see if you can guess why a certain word 40______ to describe something?


What is acceptable at home doesn’t necessarily apply in other countries. Here are four distinctive customs for you to use as a passport to new experiences and friendships. (1) Be careful when presenting flowers to a friend or business associate in Russia. Yellow flowers signify deceit or a relationship break-up. Skip red carnations, too. Traditionally, red carnations are placed on the graves of the dead, or are offered to surviving war veterans. (2) Who needs a watch? Here’s one place where being early or on time is viewed as being rude. In Venezuela if you are invited over to someone’s home for a meal, it’s recommended that you arrive 10 to 15 minutes later than the requested time. Early or punctual guests are viewed as being too eager, even greedy. (3) In Bolivia, it’s rude to discuss business during a social occasion such as a wedding, or a dinner party. The dining experience is meant to enrich personal relationships, not to make deals. If you’re attending a business lunch or dinner, wait until your host brings up the subject of work before diving into the topic. Your Bolivian counterpart will want to chat about family before tackling business issues. (4) When doing business in Turkey, it’s the custom for your host to pay for your meal. Requests to split the bill will be viewed as a polite gesture, but won’t be accepted. If you would like to pay your fair share, Turks recommend inviting your host to a follow-up meal. At that time, you can reciprocate and extend the same courtesies that were offered to you.
【題組】47 What does the passage say about doing business in Turkey?
(A)Don’t discuss business in a wedding.
(B)Don’t be late for the meetings.
(C)Don’t split the bill with the host.
(D)Don’t send your business associates yellow flowers.


36 You have stayed ____ all morning, and you don’t look well. You should go out and enjoy the sunshine.


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(476~480)-阿摩線上測驗
