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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 四技二專統測_外語群英語類:專業科目(二)英文閱讀與寫作 (初階英文閱讀與寫作練 習、中階英文閱讀與寫作練習、高階英文閱讀與寫作練習)#107844
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▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 1−5 題 
       As the pandemic spreads around the world, many physical activities must be replaced by online activities. Advances in technology have changed the traditional tourism industry and the experiences of visitors. It __1__ virtual tourism with a new cutting edge technology, Virtual Reality ( VR). Virtual reality is mostly used in the marketing of tourist products and guided tours for the development of social tourism. By creating an online experience that allows users to experience __2__ and interactive tourism while staying indoors, it simulates and outperforms on-site tourism. People may use virtual reality to provide customers with the most authentic experience of an area without needing to be there physically. Although virtual tourism has received a lot of attention as a new type of tourism industry, __3__ remain about the attitudes and evaluations of this modality. Some scholars believe that a new type of tourism has emerged as a result of virtual tourism. It provides a variety of benefits, including preserving a destination’s historic appearance and making tourism __4__ tourists with disabilities. On the other hand, opponents of online tourism argue that tourists are unable to have high-quality experiences. For travelers to be completely aroused and __5__ , they must engage all of their senses with the physical environment. Some heritage managers also worry that these virtual experiences will weaken the destination’s objective authenticity. They reject this approach because the information presented through virtual tourism may weaken the on-site tourism attraction.

(A) runs out of
(B) gives rise to
(C) looks down on
(D) makes up for


(A) unaware
(B) surgical
(C) obscure
(D) immersive


(A) revivals
(B) disputes
(C) infections
(D) expenditures


(A) suspicious of
(B) inattentive to
(C) accessible for
(D) isolated from


(A) awakened
(B) eliminated
(C) insulted
(D) blushed


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 6−10 題
        Andre and Edouard Michelin, two French brothers, began their careers by establishing a rubber manufacturing. Because of an incredible __6__ of events, these two brothers ended up producing two products that are still available today: Michelin tires, and the Michelin Guide to restaurants and hotels. In the year 1900, France had less than three thousand automobiles. The Michelins created the first Michelin Guide in order to encourage more people to drive. The Michelins realized that more and more people were buying the guide for the dining information, and in 1926 they started to __7__ stars. There was only a one-star rating initially, but in 1931, the three-star rating was implemented. Today, restaurants work very hard to win these stars. One star is given to very good restaurants that always prepare food of excellent quality. Two stars mean the restaurant serves excellent cuisine of outstanding quality. Three stars, which are very hard to receive, mean the food is __8__ and unique, using only the best ingredients. Usually, restaurants that receive any stars in the Guide are quite expensive, so the book has another group called Bib Gourmand that describes __9__ places to eat. In this way, customers don’t have to spend too much money. The Michelin Guide now has twenty-eight editions, covering more than twenty-five nations. With ten three-star restaurants, it's no surprise that Paris is the city with the most. Additionally, there are eighty Bib Gourmand restaurants in Hong Kong and Macau __10__ . People around the world can choose the restaurants based on their budgets.

(A) spray
(B) ration
(C) parcel
(D) chain


(A) rewind
(B) award
(C) evacuate
(D) oppose


(A) emotional
(B) executive
(C) exceptional
(D) excessive


(A) affordable
(B) inevitable
(C) disposable
(D) honorable


(A) combine
(B) combined
(C) combining
(D) combination


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第11–15題
          Art conservation is a challenging and complex field that involves examining, analyzing, documenting, and treating art and objects of cultural heritage. Artworks are __11__ damage through external factors, such as light, direct physical forces, humidity, or thieves. Therefore, conservators strive to retain as much original material as possible and to employ the most carefully considered methods available to __12__ any further damage or degradation. To be qualified art conservators, they must complete coursework in chemistry, art history and/or archeology, and studio art. They typically hold a master’s degree in the discipline. Professional conservators begin with a visual examination, coupled __13__  advanced knowledge of art history and artistic techniques, which can bring understanding to the creation, production, and condition of artworks. Art conservators must apply some guidelines and standards of practice. For example, the treatment of each piece must be documented with written reports as well as photographs. Modern conservation practice sticks to an important principle, which emphasizes that treatments should not cause __14__ changes to the object. Art conservation has become an important tool of research, and the accompanying documents are also an asset to researchers. These reports are __15__ to the state of an artwork at a specific point in time, with details on any damages, changes, and history.

(A) sympathetic about
(B) flattered by
(C) overthrown by
(D) subject to


(A) gaze
(B) halt
(C) bond
(D) stab


(A) at
(B) with
(C) of
(D) under


(A) permanent
(B) philosophical
(C) passionate
(D) prosperous


(A) invasions
(B) reductions
(C) penalties
(D) witnesses


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 16−20 題
         Multiculturalism in U.S. schools and society is taking on new dimensions of complexity and practicality. In the 21st century, people from different ethnic, racial, and cultural groups live in close physical proximity. But coexistence does not necessarily mean that people create genuine communities. These unfamiliar cultures and languages can produce anxieties, hostilities, prejudices, and racist behaviors among those who do not understand the newcomers or who perceive them as threats to their safety and security.
         The lack of a genuine community of diversity is particularly evident in school curriculums that still do not regularly and systematically include important information about a wide range of diverse ethnic groups. As disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes among ethnic groups continue to grow, the resulting achievement gap has reached crisis proportions. Multicultural education is integral to improving the academic success of students of color and preparing all youths for democratic citizenship in a pluralistic society. People coming from Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa differ greatly from earlier generations of immigrants who came primarily from western and northern Europe. Students need to understand how multicultural issues shape the social, political, economic, and cultural fabric of the United States as well as how such issues fundamentally influence their personal lives.
         Even though some theorists argued that multicultural education is a necessary ingredient of quality education, in actual practice, educators most often perceive it either as an addition prompted by some crisis or as a luxury. Multicultural education has not become a central part of the curriculum regularly offered to all students; instead, educators have downgraded it primarily to social studies, language arts, and fine arts, and they have generally targeted instruction for students of color.
         Another obstacle to implementing multicultural education lies with teachers themselves. Many are unconvinced of its worth or its value in developing academic skills and building a unified national community. Even those teachers who are more accepting of multicultural education are nevertheless skeptical about the feasibility of its implementation. They tend to perceive multicultural education as separate content that educators must add to existing curriculums as separate lessons, units, or courses. Quite the contrary is true. Multicultural education is more than content; it must be a part of everything that happens in the education enterprise. Making explicit connections between multicultural education and subject- and skill-based curriculum is imperative.

【題組】16. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) The Shifts of Multicultural Education
(B) The History of Multicultural Education
(C) The Importance of Multicultural Education
(D) The Pros and Cons of Multicultural Education


【題組】17. Which of the following statements best represents the sentences in the first paragraph “In the 21st century, people from different ethnic, racial, and cultural groups live in close physical proximity. But coexistence does not necessarily mean that people create genuine communities.”?
(A) In this global village, different groups of people have less frequent contacts with each other than ever.
(B) Different groups of people know, relate to, and care deeply about one another because they live in the neighborhood.
(C) It is easy for different groups of people to organize a society to find common ground.
(D) Different groups of people may live nearby, but they may not necessarily understand each other very well.


【題組】18. According to the passage, what can multicultural education possibly do to solve the problem which currently exists in the United States?
(A) to reduce the crisis of enrollment for all youths
(B) to bridge the generation gap between immigrants
(C) to increase the learning achievements for colored students
(D) to promote teacher efficacy and professional development


【題組】19. According to the passage, which of the following statements can be inferred about multicultural education in the United States?
(A) Multiculturalism should be incorporated not only in social studies and language arts, but also in other subjects.
(B) The implementation of multicultural education has nothing to do with academic outcomes among different ethnic groups.
(C) Educators should offer independent courses in multiculturalism to colored students to help them immerse into the society.
(D) The concept of multiculturalism has been systematically incorporated as part of the regular curriculum in order to develop students’ citizenship.


【題組】20. Which of the following statements is the best conclusion for this passage?
(A) Teachers in the U.S. need to provide alternative teaching techniques specially designed for colored students to learn about multiculturalism.
(B) Evidence increasingly indicates that multicultural education makes schooling more irrelevant and ineffective for different ethnic groups in the U.S.
(C) The reality is that diverse ethnic groups and individuals have made contributions to every area of human endeavor and to all aspects of U.S. multiculturalism.
(D) Multicultural education is crucial. Educators and classroom teachers in the U.S. must answer its call to provide students from all ethnic groups with the education they deserve.


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 21−25 題
       Taiwan’s labor supply and demand have been out of balance, resulting in a shortage of basic manpower. In response to this issue, the Council of Labor Affairs decided to open up Taiwan’s job market to foreign workers in October 1989. The statistics on foreign employees in Taiwan are shown in the table above.
        Heavy physical work, exposure to toxic substances, or poor psychosocial working circumstances (e.g., an excessive mental workload) are all typical workplace hazards that cause major work accidents. It is well documented that such exposures can lead to migrant workers’ poor health outcomes, workplace injuries, and even occupational fatalities. When the Nanfang’ao Bridge collapsed in 2019, six migrant workers were killed. Because of this tragedy, people began to pay more attention to the migrant workers’ labor rights, bad housing, and unsafe working conditions. The Yilan Migrant Fishermen Union urged the government not to turn a blind eye to foreign fishermen’s public safety, workplace safety, life quality, and labor rights.
       Some housing arrangements for foreign workers do not conform to health and safety norms. Migrant workers, for example, nestle in over-crowded apartments or other places inapplicable for living, such as vehicles or boats. Combining work and living space might put the worker and his/her family members in danger. Another significant problem among migrant workers is a lack of knowledge about their own legal rights. This is especially true for rural migrants who have a lower level of formal education. Language barriers also have a negative effect on rights awareness.
        To solve the problems mentioned above, in Taiwan, Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor offers free labor consultation and complaint service hotline for foreign workers. There are six major services: (1) consultation service, (2) complaint service, (3) legal advice service, (4) temporary shelter service, (5) translation service, and (6) information service. Consultation service provides aid to migrant workers to deal with problems regarding employment contracts, salary, working hours, occupational risks, and manpower agency service fees. If workers have unreasonable treatment or personal injury, they can file a complaint with the local government bureau of labor to protect their rights. Legal assistance and temporary shelters will be given if workers have any legal questions or look for a place to stay. To break language barriers, during the work period in Taiwan, immediate translation services over the hotline will be offered in hospitals, government offices, or workplaces. Finally, if workers’ problems are under the authority of other government agencies, their contact information will be provided to the workers.

【題組】21. According to the table, which of the following is true?
(A) Thai workers outnumber Filipino workers by nearly 3:1.
(B) About two-thirds of the foreign workers are in the caretaker industry.
(C) The proportions are similar for Indonesian and Thai workers, at 37.14% and 33.40% respectively.
(D) The number of Vietnamese workers in the manufacturing industry is the largest among all the countries.


【題組】22. Which can be inferred from the second paragraph?
(A) The Nanfang’ao Bridge fell apart owing to the foreign workers’ excessive workload.
(B) Office workers’ mental burnout caused by long working hours is not considered a workplace hazard.
(C) The Yilan Migrant Fishermen Union wished to bring in the voices of those long-neglected foreign workers.
(D) Measuring occupational fatalities is particularly challenging among documented migrant populations.


【題組】23. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the word “nestle” in paragraph 3?
(A) reside
(B) glimpse
(C) furnish
(D) decorate


【題組】24. If a Taiwanese doctor tries to communicate medical information to a migrant worker who can’t understand Chinese, which service might be needed by this migrant worker?
(A) legal advice service
(B) complaint service
(C) translation service
(D) temporary shelter service


【題組】25. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
(A) the government’s complaints and workforce
(B) the legal authorities aided by migrant workers
(C) the options for migrant workers to deal with problems
(D) the occupational safety standards set by the government


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 26−30 題
         Whether you are seeking your first job, a promotion within a company, or a better opportunity somewhere else, your success depends on how you present yourself in the interview. When walking into the interview room, you should shake hands with the interviewer with a smile on your face. The first question is usually to ask you to give an introduction about yourself. But you are not supposed to make a long speech. So, just make the speech brief and to the point. ( ① ) 
          Many job applicants go to an interview with portfolios. If you have work experience, academic preparation, or skills that make you unique, you can enhance your marketability by organizing and documenting your experience in a career portfolio. A portfolio is usually a three-ring binder that holds a copy of the items, including your professional statement or career objectives, your resume, a list of references, and examples of your work. ( ② )  A statement about your career goals and how you intend to accomplish them shows potential employers that you are well motivated. For instance, if you are applying to teach in a kindergarten, this statement might also include your philosophy of teaching or working with small children. Besides, the resume gives a complete, yet concise, summary of your education, work experience, skills, and knowledge. State this information honestly. Your reference list provides names of individuals who have personal knowledge of your work performance. ( ③ ) 
         To succeed in a job interview, you should show your personality and professional knowledge. First, you should pay attention to your appearance. You’d better not attend the interview if you don’t look good. Secondly, you need to talk about the achievements you have made. You should show your knowledge and ability, especially the professional knowledge and abilities required for the post you are applying for. This is the most important part of the interview. Finally, the job seekers should appear to be confident and positive. You should have good attitudes about the job. ( ④ )  If you are successful in showing your qualities and characteristics in the interview, the interviewer may decide to employ you on the spot. Last but not least, when finishing the interview, you can express your appreciation to the interviewer.

【題組】26. According to the passage, what is a job applicant often asked to do first in the interview?
(A) to introduce oneself
(B) to present the portfolio
(C) to talk about achievements
(D) to describe career objectives


【題組】27. According to the passage, what should job applicants take notice of firstly in the interview?
(A) their appearances
(B) their motivations
(C) their reference lists
(D) their work experiences


【題組】28. According to the passage, what is the most essential part of a job interview?
(A) giving an impressive self-introduction
(B) praising the interviewer at the end of the interview
(C) shaking hands with the interviewer when entering the room
(D) showing professional knowledge and abilities for the job


【題組】29. Which number indicates the most appropriate place to insert the following sentence? “Never include relatives or friends as references.”
(A) ①
(B) ②
(C) ③
(D) ④


【題組】30. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(A) The job seekers are advised to mention their accomplishments.
(B) The information given in the applicant’s resume doesn’t need to be true.
(C) A great number of job seekers bring their portfolios to the interview.
(D) The applicants should not spend a long time introducing themselves.

(一)中譯英(8 分)
① 近年來,許多發展中國家經歷了社會與經濟的巨大危機。 社會經濟困境改變了能 源方面的投資,並因移動限制嚴重影響產業發展。大多數投資活動因而面臨中斷。 ② 雖然面對政治緊張所帶來的紛亂,有些公司年營收仍創歷史新高。

(二)英譯中(8 分)
        Playing sports has a major influence on a person’s health. It brings good qualities to one’s life. ③ Doing exercise properly and correctly and achieving a fitness goal can strengthen sportsmen’s core muscles and boost their athletic performance. However, sporting activities have both good and disruptive effects on one’s health. ④Positive effects from workouts are accomplished primarily through physical activities, but negative impacts of excessive movements include increased injuries and extreme fatigue.


二、寫作測驗 ( 24 分 )
說明:智慧型手機近年來開始普及,並成為現代人生活不可或缺的一部份。智慧型手機 作業系統會影響手機功能,目前最普遍的作業系統為 iOS ( 蘋果手機 ) 及 Android 系統 ( 非蘋果手機 ) 。下圖為這兩大作業系統 2017 - 2021 在臺灣市占率 ( market share )的變化。請依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇約120字的英文短文。 提示:

【題組】 (1) 對圖表的描述與分析:分別描述 iOS 及 Android 系統在此期間市占率的趨勢變化; 並比較兩大系統的市占率差異。

【題組】(2) 在購買智慧型手機時,作業系統會是你考量的因素嗎?為什麼?

試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 四技二專統測_外語群英語類:專業科目(二)英文閱讀與寫作 (初階英文閱讀與寫作練 習、中階英文閱讀與寫作練習、高階英文閱讀與寫作練習)#107844-阿摩線上測驗
