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【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(131~135)
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33. Whether it’s snowboarding or bungee jumping, Jason is always ready for a new ________.
(A) delivery
(B) costume
(C) schedule
(D) adventure


12. All electronic _____ must be turned off during the takeoff and landing of a flight.
(A) shocks
(B) outlets
(C) cabins
(D) devices


       Poverty has long been a part of history, and, as a result, there have been various efforts to combat poverty in America. During the Great Depression, soup kitchens were established to help folks who couldn’t afford meals. In the years that followed, more structured forms of government assistance have been implemented. As a result, this has required officials to define a poverty line based on income levels. So, how have government agencies gone about establishing a federal poverty level — and how has it changed over time?
       As one can see in the federal government’s official poverty level resources, there are three sets of guidelines. One set pertains to the 48 contiguous states (or continental) states; one applies to Alaska; and the third covers Hawaii. Both Alaska and Hawaii have separate guidelines because the cost of living in those states is so different. For example, it’s more expensive to ship food and “common goods” to those states.
       However, Puerto Rico and U.S. territories, such as the Virgin Islands, Guam, and Micronesia, do not have separate poverty guidelines. If a government agency that regularly uses poverty guidelines is operating in those territories, the agency has the authority to set specific guidelines for those territories on a project-by-project basis.
       As of 2021, a household of one person who makes $12,000-$16,000 annually is considered impoverished. Moreover, a family of four that earns $26,000-$33,000 per year is currently considered to be living at the poverty level. While the guidelines stop at households of eight, additional people are counted by adding $4,500-$5,700 each to the allowable household annual income.

【題組】43. Why do Alaska and Hawaii have their over separate official poverty guidelines?
(A) Poverty is not considered as a serious problem there.
(B) They were the last two states that joined the United States.
(C) The living expenses in the two states are not the same as those in other states in the U.S.
(D) They never experienced the Great Depression.


13. Mr. Pawson was hoping that after the _____, he would be able to make more money to support his family.
(A) instance
(B) promotion
(C) gesture
(D) caveat


5. Janet tried to _____ the pencil marks on her paper so others would not see what she wrote on it.
(A) inform
(B) detain
(C) beam
(D) erase


【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(131~135)-阿摩線上測驗
