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【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(156~160)
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16. Riding a bike to school not only reduces air pollution but also _____ strong and healthy.
(A) it makes us
(B) that it can make us
(C) makes us
(D) making us


           Ruth Handler and her husband Elliot founded the toy company Mattel in 1945. Fourteen years later, Ruth would introduce Barbie Millicent Roberts, better known __36__ “Barbie doll” to the world. Inspired by watching her daughter play with make-believe paper dolls of adult women, Handler realized there was an important slot in the market for a toy that __37__ little girls to imagine the future. Barbie’s appearance was __38__ after a doll named the Bild Lilli, which had been inspired by a German comic-strip character. Originally marketed as a sexy gift that men could buy in tobacco shops, the Lilli doll later __39__ extremely popular with children. Mattel bought the rights to Lilli, and Handler created her own __40__ .

(A) as
(B) in
(C) than
(D) to


6. Loud singing and laughing outside the classroom _____ the professor’s lecture.
(A) skimmed
(B) disrupted
(C) rowed
(D) pronounced


     Everyone from nine months to ninety-nine years old is finger swiping these days, and children are growing up in a society that much prefers technology to tradition. Art has gone digital in many ways, but there is still much value to be found in drawing with pen and paper. Drawing the old-fashioned way is a great platform for developing children’s problem-solving skills and improving their fine motor skills. The opportunity to express themselves through their art also helps them become more self-aware of their thoughts and feel more confident about bringing what is inside of them out into the open.
     While most children enjoy art and crafts to some degree, not all may find drawing as interesting or satisfying as kicking a ball in the field. There are some ways recommended by art teachers for parents to create a favorable environment for their children to fall in love with the art of drawing. For example, give children lots of opportunities to draw freely, without pressure or direction. Sometimes, children may shy away from drawing because they are worried that they cannot “do it right”, so be mindful not to expect your children to draw a certain way. Instead, let them have the space to experiment, draw what they want, and make mistakes. Another recommended way is to offer a wide range of drawing mediums. Not all drawing needs to be done with paper and pens, pencils, crayons, or markers. Try using soft chalk pastels, charcoal, water color paint, puffy paint and so on. And instead of paper, try drawing on paper napkins, foil, cardboard, glass, wood, balloons, and even skin. Parents can also offer interesting subjects to draw. Let children choose something that relates to them. If you have a LEGO lover in the house, arrange a LEGO scene and ask your child to draw it. Or bring children on a sketch walk around town and ask them to draw anything interesting that captures their eyes. A supermarket is a great place for them to get inspiration for their art as well. Museums, events and festivals are also a wonderful way to encourage artistic growth and development.

【題組】17. According to the passage, which of the following is the best way to encourage children to draw?
(A) Let children draw freely and provide different types of paints
(B) Give children iPads and Apple Pencils to draw
(C) Buy children LEGO sets frequently
(D) Instruct children on how to draw before they start drawing


       Technology will allow homes in the future to be “smart.” Appliances will__31__with each other-and with you. Your stove,__32__ , will tell you when your food is cooked and ready to eat. Refrigerators will suggest recipes__33__ food items you already have. The technology is possible because of tiny information-storing devices called RFID chips. People already use them to__34__pets and farm animals. Future RFID chips will store information about all the items in your cabinets. For example, they will record the date that you bought each item. __35__ devices will “read” this information using radio waves. When you need more food, your cabinets will tell you to buy it.

(A) input
(B) communicate
(C) create
(D) imitate


【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(156~160)-阿摩線上測驗
