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【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(161~165)
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        Holi is an ancient Hindu festival that originated in India and Nepal and is now celebrated in many places around the world. The date changes each year depending on the full moon, but it is held some time between the end of February and the middle of March, and lasts a night and a day. It also represents the arrival of spring and the victory of good over evil. An important part of the celebration is forgiving anyone who has upset you and repairing any broken relationships. Holi is sometimes called the festival of colors.
         The festivities start the night before Holi, which is called Holika Dahan. People build bonfires which represent good winning over evil and the end of winter. They perform rituals around the fire. In ancient stories, Holika was a devil whom the God Vishnu destroyed through fire. People start collecting wood for the bonfires several days before so that they can build really big fires.
         The next day is called Rangwali Holi. In the morning everyone goes into the streets and people throw colored powders and water at each other. Some people use water guns and water balloons. After a few hours everyone is soaking wet and covered in a rainbow of different colours. Many people prepare themselves by putting oil on their skin and hair to make it easier to remove the colour afterwards. In the evening people put on clean clothes, go and visit their friends and family and exchange sweets and other delicious food.
         Some people say that the colors are a way of celebrating the many colors of the flowers in springtime. But in the area around Mathura and Vrindavan the people also tell a story about the god Krishna. Krishna was passionately in love with a girl called Radha but he was worried that she would not love him because their skins were different colors. He didn’t need to worry because Radha let him paint her face the same color as his to show that she loved him. It is said that lovers nowadays often paint their faces the same color during Holi to remember this story.
        There is a spirit of togetherness and equality during the Holi festival as people from all backgrounds and walks of life celebrate and have fun together.

【題組】50. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) The celebration of the Holi festival.
(B) The love story of Krishna and Radha.
(C) The rituals people perform around bonfires.
(D) Hindu mythology about Holika and Vishnu.


        It is true that the main reason why parents enroll their children in a school is to learn about academic subjects like math, history, science, and so on, but these are not the only things that children need to learn if they ever want to become successful in the real world. Character education gives them the necessary tools that they will be using more often than those that they learn from the other subjects.
       Character education fosters the development of ethical and responsible individuals by teaching them about the good values that people should have. It teaches the students the values of caring about other people, honesty, responsibility, and other important traits that make for an upstanding citizen. Parents are not the only ones that need to be concerned in developing a student's character; the school and community should also have a role in this. These days, with most families, the children are often left alone with no one to guide them. This is why schools need to implement character education so that the students know the correct path they should walk on.
       The need for character education lies in the fact that a sustained process of teaching, being shown examples of good character, and practicing what they learned are what’s needed to instill good character traits in students. And since students spend most of their time at school, it is the perfect place to instill moral values in them. The reason for teaching good character is to help prepare the students to face the many opportunities and unknown dangers that are in today's society. Character education gives the students the knowledge they need to know what these dangers in society are and to deal with them properly.

【題組】50. What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) The media gives lots of negative influences to students.
(B) Students are facing more pressure from school nowadays.
(C) Nowadays parents have a lot more time to spend with children.
(D) Good character traits can be more valuable than academic knowledge in real life.


        Almost all of us have relatives who came from someplace other than the United States. People who came to America to live are called immigrants.
        From the 1850s through the early 1900s, thousands of immigrants arrived in the United States and lived in New York City. They first came from Ireland and Germany and later from Italy, Eastern Europe, and China, among other places. Because most immigrants were poor when they arrived, they often lived on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where rents for the crowded apartment buildings, called tenements, were low.
        The Lower East Side Tenement Museum is in a building that used to be a tenement and it tells the story of immigrants in the City. It was built in the 1860s and could house 20 families, four on each floor. Each apartment had only three rooms: a living or “front” room, a kitchen, and a tiny bedroom. Often seven or more people lived in each apartment. Not only was the tenement crowded, but also, until 1905, there were no bathrooms inside the building. Residents also did not have electric power until after 1918.
        The Museum has re-created the apartments to look like they did when families lived there. An old photograph there shows what the Rogarshevksy family’s life looked like in 1918. Abraham and Fannie Rogarshevsky arrived with their four children from Russia in 1901. Later, they had two more children in the United States. While they lived in this tenement, a boarder (someone who pays for food and lodging in another person’s home) lived with the family. That would have made nine people living in a three-room apartment!

【題組】41. What is the best title of this passage?
(A) Immigrant life in New York.
(B) Successful immigrants in the U.S.
(C) Racial discrimination in New York.
(D) Electrical power crisis in the U.S.


11. _____ the heavy rain, the outdoor activity could only be cancelled.
(A) Because
(B) Because has
(C) Due to
(D) Due


3. Due to unexpected circumstances, the company had to _____ the event until next year.
(A) postpone
(B) humidify
(C) grant
(D) yearn


【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(161~165)-阿摩線上測驗
