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試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 臺灣銀行 109年新進人員甄試試題_5職等/一般金融人員_6職等/理財專員:英文#87994
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26. After years of efforts, nations around the world agree endangered ________ must be protected.
(A) spates
(B) species
(C) specialty


27. When one has dental problems, he needs to find a good ________ to fix them.
(A) bilingual
(B) carpenter
(C) dentist


28. The organization is working closely with scientists and governments world-wide to share knowledge and ________ about HIV disease.
(A) abstracts
(B) expertise
(C) intensity


29. Wuhan in China saw the ________ of COVID-19 in the end of 2019.
(A) asterisk
(B) eternity
(C) outbreak


30. Many of our international friends flew all the way from their own countries to participate in our annual ________ of marching bands.
(A) charisma
(B) diagnosis
(C) festival


31. Understanding the mechanics of how our brain cells work could play a role in ________ dementia, the disease of losing intelligence.
(A) combating
(B) denoting
(C) flattering

7( ).

32. Once a hard drive of a computer is broken, it is almost impossible for technicians to ________ the data originally saved on it.
(A) decompose
(B) hibernate
(C) predestine

8( ).

33. The girl that stands next to our manager has worked in our department ________ she finished college.
(A) ever
(B) ever since
(C) no matter when
(D)never ever

9( ).

34. Lisa and Jill, ________ that they need to finish their project by Friday, have been staying in the library for some time.
(A) knew
(B) know
(C) knowing

10( ).

35. If I ________ the leader of our class, I would not suggest that we have a trip to Japan this year.
(A) am
(B) be
(C) was

11( ).

36. Stores like 7-11 and Family Mart in Taiwan, which allow their customers to do almost everything, are very different ________ the ones in Korea.
(A) from
(B) in
(C) to

12( ).

37. Participants of the conference can claim their conference bags ________ arrival at the conference site.
(A) by
(B) for
(C) to

13( ).

38. Everybody is going to the movie on Saturday ________ for Mom. She said she wanted to take care of our pet dogs and cats.
(A) besides
(B) except
(C) divided

14( ).

39. The University would like all of the students to take a course in computer programming. ________, they are required to create their own apps.
(A) Beside
(B) By and large
(C) Scarcely
(D) In the past .

15( ).

40. Do you remember how long ________ since you quit smoking?
(A) is it
(B) it is
(C) the time
(D)the day

16( ).

   The southern white-faced owl is a fairly small owl in the family Strigidae. It is native 41 the southern half of Africa. It was formerly regarded as a subspecies of the northern white-faced owl but the two are now commonly treated as separate species. It is 22–28 centimeters 42 and weighs 185–220 grams. The upperparts are grey with dark streaks and there are white spots on the scapular feathers. The underparts are whitish with dark streaks. The face is white with a black border and black around the large orange eyes. The head has two short ‘‘ear’’ tufts with black tips. Juvenile birds have a greyish face. Their call is a series of fast, 43 hoots. It is uttered at night and frequently repeated. These fast, staccato notes followed by a longer and higher pitched ‘hoot’ are extensively used during breeding season and pairs of owls often sing together. 44 range extends from Gabon eastwards to southern Kenya and southwards to Namibia and northern South Africa. It inhabits savanna and dry woodland. It is usually seen alone or in pairs. It mainly hunts large insects, as well as the occasional small mammals, birds and reptiles. The eggs are usually 45 in the old nest of another bird. The clutch contains two or three eggs which are incubated for about 30 days. The young birds leave the nest about a month after hatching.

(A) as
(B) on
(C) to

17( ).

(A) fat
(B) long
(C) short

18( ).

(A) bubble
(B) bubbled
(C) bubbling

19( ).

(A) It
(B) It’d
(C) It’s

20( ).

(A) laid
(B) lain
(C) laying

21( ).

 Parasite, the stealth hit by legendary director Bong Joon-ho, is a twisted tale of the haves and have-nots. The extreme disparity between the two families - the affluent Parks and the poor Kims - is shown through their two homes. One a gleaming mansion up on the hills above Seoul; the other a dingy semi-basement. In real-life Seoul, though, banjihas are where thousands of young people end up living, while they work hard and hope for a better future.
   The banjihas are not just a quirk of Seoul architecture, but a product of history. These tiny spaces actually trace their roots back decades, to the conflict between North and South Korea. In 1968, North Korean commandos slipped into Seoul on a mission to assassinate South Korean President Park Chung-hee. The raid was thwarted, but the tension between the two Koreas intensified. That same year, North Korea also attacked and captured a US Navy spy ship, the USS Pueblo. Armed North Korean agents infiltrated South Korea, and there were a number of terrorist incidents. Fearing an escalation, in 1970 the South Korean government updated its building codes, requiring all newly built low-rise apartment buildings to have basements to serve as bunkers in case of a national emergency. Initially, renting out such banjiha spaces was illegal. But during the housing crisis in the 1980s, with space running short in the capital, the government was compelled to legalize these underground spaces to live in. In 2018, the UN noted that despite having the world’s 11th largest economy, South Korea’s lack of affordable housing was a substantial barrier - particularly for young people and poorer people. 
    For under-35s, the rent-to-income ratio has remained at around 50% during the last decade. So the semi-basement apartments have become an affordable response to rapidly-growing housing prices. Monthly rents are around 540,000 Korean won ($453), with average monthly salaries for people in the 20s around 2m won ($1,679). Nevertheless, some banjiha dwellers struggle to overcome the social stigma. But not all.

【題組】46. Which of the following titles best describes the passage?
(A) Introduction to Parasite, the Oscar winning movie.
(B) Banjihas that help decrease the rent-to-income ratio.
(C) On-going tension between North Korea and South Korea.
(D)Reasons that people still live in banjihas in the 21st century.

22( ).

【題組】47. What does the word disparity in the first paragraph mean?
(A) Poverty.
(B) Similarity.
(C) Difference.

23( ).

【題組】48. Which of the following statements about North Korea is NOT true?
(A) North Korean terrorists helped decrease the rent-to-income ratio from 50% to 30%.
(B) North Korean navy in late 1960s had successfully attacked and captured a spy ship of the U.S.
(C) North Korean army once tried to assassinate the President of South Korea but eventually failed.
(D)North Korean agents succeeded in creating terrorist incidents to escalate the tension between the two countries.

24( ).

【題組】49. How did banjihas become important in Seoul?
(A) They could be easily built in Seoul in 1970s with the help of North Korean soldiers.
(B) They were affordable for younger people and poorer people during the housing crisis.
(C) They were low enough for banks in Seoul to handle nation-wide emergencies in 1980s.
(D)They were needed greatly because North Korean commandos needed places to hide themselves.

25( ).

【題組】50. Which of the following phrases is closest in meaning to a banjiha?
(A) Semi-basement apartment.
(B) South Korean housing crisis.
(C) North Korean soldiers’ house.
(D)A bunker for national emergency.


試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 臺灣銀行 109年新進人員甄試試題_5職等/一般金融人員_6職等/理財專員:英文#87994-阿摩線上測驗
