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A ________ typhoon landed last night, leaving hundreds of houses in low-lying areas flooded.
(A) famous
(B) regular
(C) violent
(D) capable


8. The life of people living in the desert will be much harder without the use of camels in ________ and food.
(A) transportation
(B) imagination
(C) registration
(D) observation


12. Realizing that he had stepped on my foot, the man ________ to me politely.
(A) proposed
(B) apologized
(C) introduced
(D) complained


18. Every year, the city government holds a firework ________ to welcome the new year.


10. This kind of schooling may be good to some students, but not all children may ________ from it.
(A) benefit
(B) prevent
(C) deposit
(D) combine


16. There was a storm yesterday, so Mary ______ go out all day.
(A) don’t
(B) doesn’t
(C) didn’t
(D) wasn’t


5. If everything is on _____ , the construction work can be completed by the end of December as expected.
(A) rule
(B) battle
(C) temple
(D) schedule


9. My parents ________ their 20th anniversary by taking a vacation in Hawaii.
(A) declined
(B) improved
(C) decorated
(D) celebrated


4. Famous artists often have excellent ________.
(A) imagination
(C) relation
(D) examination


7. Be careful with the hot soup. You might burn yourself if you _____ it.
(A) tack
(B) spill
(C) follow
(D) negate


A: What do you do for a living? B: ___________________
(A) I’m living in Taoyuan.
(B) Nice to meet you, too.
(C) I like living in the country.
(D) I am a government employee.


20. The tennis player keeps _________ and improving, even though he is a renowned champion.
(A)to practice


To ________ road accidents, we should always follow traffic rules.
(B) bring
(C) enter
(D) create


Can you ________ how old Ms. Wang is? She is 50, but she looks as if she were only 30.
(A) drop
(B) cross
(C) guess
(D) throw


42. A: Do you feel like going to a movie with me? B: __________________________I’ve got tons of homework to do.
(A) Not really. I’m busy.
(B) Sure. I’m free tonight.
(C) Yes. Pick me up at eight, will you?
(D) I’d love to! Thanks for inviting me.


A: I miss the days when a bowl of noodles only cost NT$20. B: Yeah, it seemed not long ago. A: Prices have really been increasing a lot recently. B: I know. ___________________
(A) I’m glad you like it so much.
(B) But these instant noodles are on sale.
(C) The pay is not so much as I expected.
(D) Everything is much more expensive now.


I like all ________ of music—pop music, country music, jazz and so on. 

(A) kinds 

(B) shapes 

(C) chances 

(D) examples


Mr. Jackson was ________ dead and the police arrested his murderer soon afterwards.
(A) sold
(B) shot
(C) sewn
(D) saved


34. A: Could you give me a ride to work tomorrow?
B: Sure, I’ll pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow morning, and I’ll buy breakfast for you.
A: Great, ______
(A)See you next week
(B)It’s honored of you to do it.
(C)I really appreciate it.
(D)It’s the best decision.


In order to get hands on the latest tablet computer, a crowd of ________ buyers have been waiting outside the shop for more than three days.
(A) secure
(B) annual
(C) original
(D) eager


16. When you come here tomorrow, we ______ you how to use the facilities in the hotel.
(B)will teach
(C)is teaching
(D)have taught


四、閱讀測驗 In cold and freezing weather, hot springs may come to mind to most people. Taiwan lies over the area between two plates. Due to this unique geography, our beautiful island is dotted with 99 delightful hot springs. Many of Taiwan’s best loved hot springs are in Yangmingshan, Peitou, and Wulai, each within an hour's drive from downtown Taipei, and each offering visitors its own special scenery. If you're a nature lover, the winter is a good time to hike in the hills of Yangmingshan and take a dip in a hot spring. And winter is when the cherry flowers are in full bloom there. If you're a history buff, head for Peitou Hot Spring Museum, and you'll be intrigued by all the Japanese-style architecture at the hot spring resorts and the area's many historic sites. Less than an hour south from downtown Taipei is Wulai, Taipei County's only Aboriginal mountain village. The visitors to Wulai can learn about the culture of the Atayal tribe and try out their distinctive food. The beautiful waterfalls and gorges along Nanshih Creek will make you wonder if you've come to a fairyland! Wintertime is hot spring season in Taiwan. So go on. Make your winter!
【題組】48. Where might you find this passage?
(A) In a travel magazine.
(B) In a children’s story book.
(C) In a book on home design.
(D) In an article on beautiful beaches.


四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: Research has shown that reality TV has an impact on the values of young girls and how they view real-life situations. Reality television is a big part of our television viewing culture. It may be clear to many adults that not all is real in the world of reality TV. However, how do children and adolescents understand the world of reality TV? What could reality TV be teaching adolescent girls, in particular, about what is valued in the real world? And, how does it affect their attitudes, beliefs, self-image, and behavior? Many reality shows portray women idealizing beauty and thinness, giving the impression that a woman’s value is based on her appearance, and that popularity is derived from beauty. Competition shows such as America’s Next Top Model promote this ideal, as women compete with one another to gain a modeling contract that can help them make lots of money. Other common values emphasized by reality TV include materialism, and an idealization of a hard-partying and celebrity lifestyle without regard for consequences. Both Rich Kids of Beverly Hills and Shahs of Sunset feature the lives of privileged young adults living in southern California. They take expensive trips, wear designer clothes, spend a lot of money on parties, and are rarely seen working regular jobs. While reality TV seems to place emphasis on sex appeal, materialism, and hard-partying, it does not emphasize the fact that many women on these shows are highly intelligent and successful in their real lives. For instance, Adrienne Maloof, a former cast member on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, is a successful business woman as a co-owner of several companies. However, it was her divorce and quarrels with other female cast members that were her main focus on the show.
【題組】 41. What is the passage mainly about?
(A)Why reality TV shows are so popular
(B) How reality TV shows influence young people
(C) Who appears most frequently in reality TV shows
(D) How reality TV shows are made


第二篇: Scientists have discovered dozens of genetic variations that decide how tall we are, which can help us understand why humans are so different from one another. The discovery could also lead to new treatments for growth disorders as well as many other conditions 36 heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Professor Guillaume Lettre, of Montreal University in Canada, said: “Of these 83 genetic variations, some influence adult height 37 more than two centimeters, which is enormous.” Height is mostly determined in our DNA—children from tall parents tend to grow up to be taller, and 38 from short parents are shorter. But growth from a small baby into an adult, and the role of genetics, is one of the most poorly understood areas of human biology. According to Professor Lettre, the identified genes will be helpful in 39 a person’s risk of developing certain growth disorders. There is also the hope that scientists may 40 be able to use this knowledge to develop a new medicine for growth disorders.
(A)one day
(B) which day
(C) another day
(D) the other day


第二篇: Research says that husbands do not help enough around the house. A study from an American university says it is 36 for men to do an equal share of housework. Researchers looked at 182 working couples. Both partners worked the same number of hours in full-time jobs. Men did five hours a week 37 housework than their wives after their baby was born, even though both parents worked the same number of hours in their job. They spent 16 hours or so a week 38 with the baby. Becoming a parent added about 21 hours per week to a mother's work. Most of this was 39 her baby. New fathers did not do extra work because they did not realize the mother was doing so much more. 40 reason is that after a baby is born, fathers follow the traditional roles in society, where the mother takes care of the baby and the father works. This happens even when the mother is working the same number of hours in her job.


