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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(491~495)
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To: HRManager@company.com 
From: “Stella Simpson” <stellasimpson@hotmail.com> 
Subject: Job Application 
Dear Human Resources Manager, 
I’m writing to show my interest in the Sales Adviser position you advertised on JobMarket.com. I hold a college degree in tourism. Therefore, I have both the knowledge and the skills required for this position. Having been working in a five-star hotel for five years, I am experienced in working with people in the tourism industry. My responsibilities include helping customers check in and out of the hotel, answering questions on the phone, and dealing with customers’ requests and complaints. 
Although my duty does not include selling products to customers, I have been fully aware of their needs and know how to help them solve problems. Having served in this industry for several years, I am a person who is friendly, helpful, patient, and can certainly work under stress. If given the chance, I am available for interview at any time and place. I can be reached either through mail or phone. Thank you for your attention and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 
Yours sincerely, 
Stella Simpson 
Stella Simpson 
 168 Main Street 
Sydney NSW 1000 
Cell: 843-495-1378 
Email: stellasimpson@hotmail.com 

【題組】38 Which industry is she most likely to work for if she is given the job?
(A) computer
(B) tourism
(C) health care
(D) education


Many processes within our bodies are timed to a cycle of about twenty-four hours. If the body temperature is taken every hour or so throughout the day or night, each person is found to have a certain pattern. The temperature rises and falls about two degrees every twenty-four hours. Some people’s temperatures rise very rapidly after awakening and then begin to fall in the afternoon and evening. For others their temperatures rise very slowly at first, reach a peak in the late afternoon or evening, and do not begin to drop until quite late in the day. In all cases, a person’s temperature is at its lowest during the time of sleep. People tend to feel most wide-awake and can work best at the high point of their temperature. You may have noticed that some people jump out of bed bright and early and are cheerful and active during the early part of the day, then grow tired in the evening and go to bed quite early. Others find it difficult to get up in the morning and do not seem able to get going very well until afternoon; during the evening, they are wide-awake and hate to go to bed. People can usually adjust to a different schedule if necessary, but it seems to be more difficult for some people than for others.
【題組】48 Which of the following statements is true?
(A)When people are sleeping, their body temperature does not change.
(B)A person’s body temperature is at its lowest point in the middle of the day.
(C)Some people are more active in the morning and others are more energetic in the evening.
(D)It is always easy to change a person’s schedule because our body temperature follows a certain pattern.


Sarah is a wonderful girl, but she is driving her mother crazy. Why? Because she talks constantly on her cell phone. Sarah thinks cell phones are the greatest invention of all time. She loves being able to stay in touch with all of her friends wherever she goes. However, Sarah’s mother gets annoyed because she’s tired of hearing the cell phone ring . She considers it an unwelcome interruption to family conversations. Now she has given Sarah two rules. First, no answering the cell phone during dinnertime. Two, no using the cell phone while driving. It is very dangerous to drive and talk on a cell phone. Sarah has promised to follow these rules, and she tries not to use her cell phone too much when she is with her mother.
【題組】41 What can you infer about Sarah’s mother from the paragraph?
(A)She doesn’t have a cell phone.
(B)She likes to hear the cell phone ring.
(C)She thinks that cell phone is the greatest invention of all time.
(D)She is quite bothered by Sarah’s constant talking on the phone.


5 When Sarah was sick, her loving father tried to________ by singing to her.
(A) heat her up
(B) cheer her up
(C) clean her up
(D) shake her up


25 With the little money I got from my part-time job, I certainly cannot________ to buy the luxury car.
(A) afford
(B) approach
(C) organize
(D) overcome


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(491~495)-阿摩線上測驗
