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【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(176~180)
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四、閱讀測驗 第一篇: 
        Getting your kids involved in golf at an early age could set them up for success in all aspects of life. Golf is a great way to get the kids physically active in a safe environment. And the benefits go beyond physical fitness—it can benefit their mental and emotional development as well as help develop social and emotional skills that will last their whole lives.
        There are several important benefits of golf for kids’ health and physical fitness. First of all, golf promotes overall physical fitness. Playing golf strengthens the spine and core muscles, and it can encourage children to try other sports and activities. The physical skills they learn in golf, such as hand-eye coordination, can carry over and help them succeed in other sports and develop lifelong healthy exercise habits. Second, golf is a low-intensity and non-contact sport. A low-intensity workout is great for kids as it won’t over-burden their small, growing bodies. This low-impact activity still provides vital exercise that promotes overall health. Golf courses are safe, positive spaces, and the sport is gentle, with little chance of major injury. Unlike other popular kids’ sports such as football and hockey, where there’s a higher chance of tackling injuries, golf is a relatively safe sport for kids to play. Golf also cultivates a love of nature. The game gets kids outside, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the sunshine. Most golf courses are carefully maintained and beautifully landscaped, allowing anyone who plays to enjoy the beauty of the trees and flowers on-site, as well as a wide variety of birds and other animals that live in and around the courses. Most importantly, playing golf benefits vision. One of the consequences of our modern era with computer screens, video games, and smartphones is that kids are developing nearsightedness at a higher rate. A natural way to combat this is with regular outdoor activity and to focus on objects farther away. Golf is a great way to accomplish both of these, helping this issue and preventing the development of nearsightedness in children.

【題組】42. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a benefit of golf playing for children?
(A) Golf is safer than football or hockey.
(B) Golf helps children know more successful people.
(C) Golf promotes a love of nature.
(D) Golf can prevent nearsightedness in children.


16. I didn’t enjoy _____ those papers and I was glad to be rid of them.
(A) make
(B) made
(C) to make
(D) making


19. The woman is a vegetarian. You can give her _____ meat for lunch.
(A) anything but
(B) nothing but
(C) everything in
(D) something in


        Work and play are the words frequently used to illustrate the difference between people’s professional lives and their leisure time. Yet, for some individuals, there appears to be no difference. Welcome to the world of video and computer game testers – people who literally play for a living.
        On the surface, this might sound like an awesome career. But don't start searching the Internet for vacancies just yet. Here, some game testing pros explain why the work is not as wonderful as people might think.
        Firstly, testers don’t usually get to play a whole game from beginning to end. Instead, they are generally assigned a part of the game that they have to play over and over for months. One tester compares it to repeatedly looking at the same short clip of a film. “You can hardly call that watching a movie,” he says. Furthermore, you don’t get to choose the games and will often have to test a game that you don’t even like. 
     Another issue is payment. Testers earn just around US$10 an hour and even those with years of experience might get an hourly wage of no more than US$15. Also, because testers generally work freelance, they are not entitled to the benefits that other employees of the software company get.
    Testing can also be exhausting work. When deadlines for a project's completion approach, testers are often asked to put in overtime hours for little or no compensation. People have reported collapsing from fatigue while working through the night staring at screens and wriggling their fingers to get the job done. As many veterans of the industry will tell you, game testing is not simply fun and excitement. It can be monotonous and uninspiring just like any other job.

【題組】41. What is the main idea of this article?
(A) tips of becoming a game tester
(B) health risks of being a game tester
(C) reality of game testers’ work
(D) new developments of game testing


7. Paul’s assignment was marked as “late” because he forgot to _____ it by the deadline.
(A) accept
(B) indulge
(C) recharge
(D) submit


【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(176~180)-阿摩線上測驗
