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32 Until they obtain citizenship through _____ , immigrants may be denied full rights of citizenship precisely because they are not citizens.
(A) alienation
(B) internalization
(C) internationalization
(D) naturalization


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        The idea of parallel universes, worlds that exist side by side along with our own, used to be viewed with suspicion by scientists as being the realm of cranks and at best, mystics. Any scientists who dared to work on parallel universes were often subject to ridicule.
        However, the tide has turned dramatically today and the issue of parallel universes has come to fascinate scientists well beyond mere speculation. Physicists and astronomers around the world are now wondering what parallel universes may look like and how they were born. It has been postulated that parallel universes occupy the same space as our own in some ghostly manner.
        Like our own universe, a parallel universe is an intersection of time and space and contains matter, stars, galaxies, and living things. In other words, parallel universes are very similar to our own. There may be human beings who are duplicates of ourselves. Furthermore, they are connected to us multidimensionally through mechanisms explainable only by the theory of quantum physics. Normally, parallel universes do not interact with each other. However, some scientists believe that at times the so-called wormholes may open up, making it possible to communicate and travel between them.
        It is very likely that our universe is not alone at all. Instead, it is one of many possible parallel universes. Still, some scientists smugly refuse to admit that parallel universes or dimensions can exist next to ours, just beyond our grasp.

【題組】 39 Where is a parallel universe most likely to be found according to this passage?
(A) A system where no wormhole exists.
(B) The same space as our own universe.
(C) A plane in which galaxies can be found.
(D) The birthplace of physicists and astronomers.


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題
         In contrast to other host cities who have often taken on the Olympic Games without clear objectives, the organizers of the Barcelona Olympics set one major goal: the transformation of Barcelona into one of Europe's great centers of tourism and business. For this reason, the organizers worked to   26   the direct costs of hosting the Games while focusing their investment on improvements that would benefit the city for years to come. The construction of sports venues   27   less than 10% of the construction costs; the rest of the money went to expanding roads, green spaces, housing, hotels, and business centers. Most notably, the Olympic Village was built to reconnect the city with its waterfront; an attractive port was added, and over two miles of beaches were created. In terms of its direct profit from the Games, Barcelona had a modest surplus of about $5 million.   28   , the positive effects in future years were immense. The improvements to the waterfront and roads greatly improved the quality of life. Furthermore, the Olympics helped   29   Barcelona from an often-overlooked city to a prime destination for tourism and business. In 1990, it was ranked as only the 11th-best European city to do business in, but by 2011 it had   30    to number four. Tourism doubled, and the Olympics generated over 20,000 permanent jobs for the city.

(A) In the meantime
(B) Inversely
(C) As a result
(D) On the other hand


請依下文回答第 17 題至第 20 題
        An experimental Ebola drug healed all 18 monkeys infected with the deadly virus in a study,   17   hopes that the treatment might help fight the outbreak raging through west Africa — once more of it can be made. The monkeys were given the drug, ZMapp, three to five days after they were infected with the virus and when most were showing symptoms. It is not known how well the drug would work in people, who can take up to 21 days to show symptoms and are not infected   18   the lab monkeys were. Several experts said it is not possible to   19   a window of opportunity for treating people, but that it was encouraging that the animals   20   when treated even after advanced disease developed.

【題組】 20
(A) progressed
(B) regressed
(C) recovered
(D) prevented


【題組】 19
(A) conclude
(B) broadcast
(C) estimate
(D) isolate


10 The heavy rains have eroded the riverbank, so all the roots of the trees and bushes are now _____.
(A) exported
(B) excelled
(C) expelled
(D) exposed


8 The hotel was full and the owner consented to give us a discount, _____ we would put up with the inconvenience of all four of us sleeping in one room.
(A) despite
(B) concerning
(C) provided
(D) regardless


6 _____ place first in 1954 and then opened to international competitors in 1960, the Macau Grand Prix has been a firm favorite on the racing circuit ever since.
(A) Ultimate
(B) Making
(C) Taking
(D) Preliminary


      It’s essential to lie with maps. A map must distort reality in order to portray a complex, three-dimensional world on a flatsheet of paper. In other words, a map is a   45   model, but the symbols it uses for parks and other places are not drawnto the same scale. A map cannot show everything, or it will hide critical information in a fog of   46   . The map, therefore,must offer a selective view of reality. There’s no escape from the cartographic   47   : to present a useful and truthfulpicture, an accurate map must tell white lies.



33 Filled with trees, shrubs, and meadows, city parks provide people with a tranquil spot to _____ themselves.


32 We should care more about the content of the proposal rather than _____ things like how to format section headings.


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