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【題組】41 How much does one need to pay if staying on Pearl Island one night during a weekday?


There is very little information about the great Master in the history of Chinese education, Confucius (551-479 BC), and his writings. He had many students, or disciples. Most of ______46______ scholars know today comes from the writings of the students who studied under Confucius. ______47______ his death, a few of his students began to record the teachings of Confucius. They also tried to ______48______ some of the history texts and poetry that Confucius edited. However, ______49______ all of the writings that have been attributed to Confucius, we are still not completely sure ______50______ parts were actually written by Confucius himself. Despite the uncertainty, future scholars will continue the task of keeping and exploring Confucius’s teachings.
(B) between
(C) into
(D) among


When his two daughters were growing up, Walt Disney often accompanied them to local amusement parks on Sunday. There he noticed that the youngsters entertained 26 quite easily but the adults had little to do. To his way of thinking, a park should appeal 27 the sense of wonder and exploration (to the child) in everyone. His vision 28 a reality on July 17, 1955, when Disneyland opend in Anaheim, California. Now, it’s the start of a new millennium, and “the little park that Walt built ”is 29 forty-five years of magic with ongoing festivities, including a dazzling new parade, that 30 on the true stars of this long-running show: the incomparable Disney characters. Disneyland has grown and changed over the past forty-five years. Attractions have come and gone, but the park’s appeal has remained constant.
(A) herself
(B) himself
(C) themselves
(D) ourselves


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
Chloe and Kevin enjoy going out to Italian restaurants. They love to eat __46__ , share a dessert, and have espresso.Chloe and Kevin’s __47__ is coming up. Kevin wants to plan a night out at an Italian restaurant in town. He calls therestaurants to make a __48__ but they have no tables __49__ . Kevin knows that Chloe loves Italian food more thananything else. But the only two Italian places in town are too busy. So, Kevin is now pacing around the house andfeeling __50__ . He still has no idea where to spend the night.

(A) anniversary
(B) imagination
(C) information
(D) temperature



Arithen Chang剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分