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試卷測驗 - 99 年 - 99私醫聯招 英文#53918
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1. Human beings are forced to scrutinize the environmental problems they are facing now.
(A) survey
(B) discuss
(C) examine
(D) debate


2. Earthquake 921 wrecked many homes in Taiwan in 1999. Some people still suffer from it now.
(A) prevailed
(B) relieved
(C) developed
(D) destroyed

3( ).

3. Growing betel nut trees on steep mountain slopes leads to loss of topsoil and land deterioration.
(A) upgrading
(B) degrading
(C) improving
(D) developing

4( ).

4. There must be an alternative to people sleeping on the streets.
(A) reason
(B) choice
(C) trick
(D) cause

5( ).

5. More than 11,000 children die every day around the world because of dehydration caused by diarrhoea.
(A) insufficient nutrients
(B) high fever
(C) serious infection
(D) loss of water

6( ).

6. Some turn to alternative medicine out of curiosity; others out of desperation.
(A) hopelessness
(B) careful thought
(C) lack of ability
(D) terrible

7( ).

7. Guests enter through a low doorway that forces them to stoop.
(A) fall
(B) bend over
(C) lift their head
(D) rise

8( ).

8. I made a lot of efforts on my assignment, but it was all in vain.
(A) worthwhile
(B) finished
(C) wasted
(D) successful

9( ).

9. Some countries have tried to eliminate English as their official language as a way of saving their native tongue.
(A) remove
(B) welcome
(C) exchange
(D) receive

10( ).

10. Gordon Parks was an honored author, composer, and painter.
(A) respected
(B) proud
(C) personal
(D) individual 

11( ).

11. People may not see the hard work of the scientists, but _______ people will come to appreciate it.
(A) in theory
(B) on the rise
(C) in return
(D) in the long run

12( ).

12. In the past few years, take-out coffee shops have _______ everywhere.
(A) sprung up
(B) gone out
(C) stood up
(D) shut up

13( ).

13. A: It’s been a week since the storm hit. I heard that some people still don’t have power. B: That must be hard. I don’t think I could _______ electricity for that long.
(A) go without
(B) put up with
(C) lay off
(D) get along with

14( ).

14. A: The mayor really has to focus on lowering the city’s unemployment rate. B: Exactly. If he doesn’t _______ a solution, it’s doubtful that he’ll be re-elected.
(A) come down with
(B) come up with
(C) wipe out
(D) write off

15( ).

15. A: The Ray Corporation just announced that they’re going to _______ 500 workers next year. B: Wow. That’ll leave a lot of people unemployed.
(A) run out of
(B) carry out
(C) lay off
(D) carry along  

16( ).

三、語法與用法(16~30 題,選出最適當的選項)
16. Are you looking forward _______ Ann again?
(A) seeing
(B) to see
(C) see
(D) to seeing

17( ).

17. I asked two people the way to the station but _______ of them knew.
(A) not
(B) either
(C) both
(D) neither

18( ).

18. I prefer tea _______ coffee.
(A) to
(B) than
(C) against
(D) over

19( ).

19. I took the _______ skirt to the dry cleaners.
(A) stained
(B) staining
(C) stain
(D) stains

20( ).

20. Last night police said that they _______ the missing girl.
(A) find
(B) have found
(C) had found
(D) were finding

21( ).

21. A few minutes after _______ on the website, first-time InterShop users should receive an e-mail confirming their password and ID.
(A) register
(B) registered
(C) registering
(D) to register

22( ).

22. _______ the fact that the salary was low, he still decided to take the job offer because he needed to pay the bills.
(A) Despite
(B) Spite
(C) Regard
(D) As

23( ).

23. If precautions _______, more people might have survived from the storm.
(A) had been taken
(B) would have been taken
(C) are taken
(D) have taken

24( ).

24. Only later _______ how much damage had been caused.
(A) Tina did realize
(B) did Tina realize
(C) Tina realize
(D) realized Tina

25( ).

25. If they had studied, they _______.
(A) will pass
(B) would have passed
(C) would passing
(D) would be pass

26( ).

26. The human brain is _______ of other animals.
(A) larger than the brains
(B) the largest
(C) than the larger brains
(D) the brain is larger than that

27( ).

27. Toyota announced yesterday that sales of its vehicles made in America has decreased _______ 25 percent since the exposure of its faulty design.
(A) for
(B) upon
(C) with
(D) by

28( ).

28. In 1776 Thomas Paine’s popular and influential pamphlet Common Sense _______ the American colonists to declare their independence from English rule.
(A) urged
(B) to urge
(C) to be urged
(D) that urged

29( ).

29. The core of the moon is much smaller, in relation to its size, _______ of the planets.
(A) those
(B) than those
(C) ones
(D) than are those

30( ).

30. Regarded as one of the greatest physicists, _______.
(A) the relationship between force and motion was first expressed by Isaac Newton
(B) the first to express the relationship between force and motion was Isaac Newton
(C) Isaac Newton was the first to express the relationship between force and motion
(D) it was Isaac Newton who was the first to express the relationship between force and motion

31( ).

四、閱讀測驗(31~50 題) 
Questions 31~33
    Ice ages, those periods when ice covered extensive areas of the Earth, are known to have occurred at least six times. Past ice ages can be recognized from rock strata that show evidence of foreign materials deposited by moving walls of ice or melting glaciers. Ice ages can also be recognized from land formations that have been produced from moving walls of ice, such as U-shaped valleys, sculptured landscapes, and polished rock faces.

【題組】31. According to the passage, what happens during an ice age?
(A) Rock strata are recognized by geologists.
(B) Evidence of foreign materials is not found.
(C) Ice covers a large portion of the Earth’s surface.
(D) Ice melts six times.

32( ).

【題組】32. The passage covers how many different methods of recognizing past ice ages?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

33( ).

【題組】33. According to the passage, what in the rock strata is a clue to geologists of a past ice age?
(A) Ice
(B) Melting glaciers
(C) U-shaped valleys
(D) Substances from other areas

34( ).

Questions 34~35
    Another program instrumental in the popularization of science was Cosmos. This series, broadcast on public television, dealt with topics and issues from varied fields of science. The principal writer and narrator of the program was Carl Sagan, a noted astronomer and Pulitzer Prize-winning author.

【題組】34. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses _______.
(A) a different scientific television series
(B) Carl Sagan’s scientific achievements
(C) the Pulitzer Prize won by Carl Sagan
(D) public television

35( ).

【題組】35. The paragraph following this passage most likely contains information on what?
(A) The popularity of science
(B) The program
(C) The astronomer Carl Sagan
(D) Topics and issues from various fields of science

36( ).

Questions 36~40
    Today, the speed with which we communicate and the rate at which knowledge becomes available make information literacy a critical skill for the workplace. The Internet and other global communication systems have greatly increased access to information, creating a corresponding need to quickly process it, make decisions about it, and exercise flexibility when dealing with it. Technology has increased the pace of research and development, requiring a continual readiness to adapt to change. Your ability to use, process, and evaluate information has a direct bearing on your capacity to function efficiently.
     In addition to the quantity of information and the rate at which it is received, the variety of media (auditory, graphical, electronic, and hard copy, to name a few) requires proficiency in using a variety of formats to obtain information. Being able to use various media for retrieving and presenting information, as well as having a basic understanding of the technology needed for doing so, is critical. 
     Regardless of the rate at which or the format in which information is received, making wise choices about the information you need and use is critical to your success. Information comes from numerous sources (many of which are unfiltered), so it is essential to be able to judge its quality and legitimacy. You must ensure that information comes from reliable sources and be able to think critically about the information that you receive and use.

【題組】36. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?
(A) How to Develop Information-Literacy Competence
(B) Evaluate Information Effectively Based on Specific Criteria
(C) The Invention of Electronic Communication Devices
(D) The Importance of Information Literacy

37( ).

【題組】37. All of the following are regarded as important EXCEPT _______.
(A) the ability to process information
(B) the capacity to innovate new technologies
(C) the ability to evaluate information
(D) the capacity to use various media for retrieving and presenting information

38( ).

【題組】38. The word“critical"in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) useful
(B) serious
(C) important
(D) incredible

39( ).

【題組】39. According to the passage, why should people evaluate information and its sources critically?
(A) To retrieve and archive information efficiently
(B) To ensure the accuracy of the information
(C) To find the most updated information
(D) To use a variety of formats to obtain information

40( ).

【題組】40. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
(A) information-literacy skills benefit people in their chosen career
(B) most people do not have sufficient information literacy skills
(C) companies are responsible for providing on-the-job training for those who are computer illiterate
(D) most of the information obtained through the Internet is accurate and trustworthy

41( ).

Questions 41~45
     Someone once said that technology is a double-edged sword. Fire, probably mankind’s earliest technology, is a case in point. Fire keeps us warm, provides protection against animals, and cooks our food. Fire can also hurt us, by burning down our homes or as a weapon against us. The latest technology is not different. The Internet, for example, is at once a savior and a villain. 
    The advantages of the Internet are legion. Communication with others on-line has reduced our long-distance telephone bills to zero. It provides more information than any library can. Some teachers and companies use the Internet for long-distance education, helping others learn what they need to know in the comfort of their own homes. 
    The drawbacks of the Internet are also well known. Internet addiction is now a recognized mental problem. Dating over the Internet has resulted not only in people being fooled, but also in people harmed. With the existence of e-mail has come the scourge of spam, a kind of on-line pollution. Lately, another problem has arisen: identity theft. 
    People known as hackers find out personal information such as credit card numbers and use it to their advantage and at their victims’ cost. Some seven million people had their on-line information stolen and used against them last year in the U.S. As this crime grows, so should people’s understanding of the technology they use, or they will understand-the hard way-the meaning of a double-edged sword.

【題組】41. Instead of fire, which of the following could have been used by the writer as an example in the first paragraph?
(A) A chicken
(B) An apple
(C) Air
(D) A knife

42( ).

【題組】42. Which of the following is NOT listed as an advantage of the Internet?
(A) Easy access to information
(B) Directing traffic by using computers
(C) Long-distance education
(D) Long-distance calls

43( ).

【題組】43. Which of the following is NOT listed as a disadvantage of the Internet?
(A) Internet addiction
(B) Social alienation
(C) Phony Internet dates
(D) Identity theft

44( ).

【題組】44. In a broad sense, which of the following could be another example of a person’s personal information stolen by Internet thieves?
(A) One’s birth date
(B) One’s address
(C) One’s bank account number
(D) All of the above

45( ).

【題組】45. The best title for this passage is _______.
(A) Fire and Internet
(B) Careful Use of Knives
(C) Savior or Villain
(D) Easy Way to Use the Internet

46( ).

Questions 46~50
    Money. Fame. Excitement. It sounds like celebrities have the perfect life. Millions look up to them as idols. And yet, the life of a star isn’t as easy as it looks. They face a lot of pressure on a daily basis-from studios, the media, and fans. We expect them to be perfect in every way. Yet, deep down, they’re people just like the rest of us. Sometimes, the pressure is too much to handle.
     For many celebrities, the trouble begins early in their careers. As soon as singers and actors become famous, they lose all privacy. Their lives become public stories for the world to read about. So, stars learn to be careful about what they say and do. Many hire publicists-professionals who help them maintain a good image. 
    Part of living a public life is the pressure to look flawless. While the rest of us may have wrinkles and a bit of extra weight, stars often see natural flaws as career killers. So, they turn to plastic surgery to try and stay perfect. That goes for men and women. Sometimes, their surgeries become a big part of their fame. Other times, they become major gossip topics, such as Michael Jackson’s many operations. 
    Living under the spotlight day after day can be harmful to anyone. Some celebrities, unable to deal with it all, suffer from depression. A related problem is drug and alcohol abuse. A number of stars have died far too young. Some die from a drug overdose. Others take their own lives. 
    Some stars have spoken out about their problems and the issue of celebrity pressure. Brooke Shields admitted she once suffered from depression. When Owen Wilson went through personal problems, other actors asked the press to leave him alone. Kate Winslet has spoken out against plastic surgery. Others, like Robert Downey Jr., have gone through tough times but have come out on top.Perhaps over time, these voices will start to make an impact. For now, we still live in a world that treats stars like public property. For all the good news we print about them, there’s just as much bad news. Learning to live as a superstar is surely a lot harder than it looks.

【題組】46. What happens to many people after they become famous?
(A) They begin to be careful about their actions.
(B) They stop worrying about their image.
(C) They start saying whatever they want.
(D) They find they have more privacy than ever.

47( ).

【題組】47. What does the article suggest about plastic surgery?
(A) Only female movie stars want plastic surgery.
(B) It’s usually a career killer.
(C) Stars often think it’s necessary to have it done.
(D) It can’t make people perfect.

48( ).

【題組】48. What problem suffered by celebrities is NOT mentioned?
(A) Drug abuse
(B) Loneliness
(C) Alcohol abuse
(D) Depression

49( ).

【題組】49. What does the article imply about celebrities?
(A) They never speak publicly about their problems.
(B) Many of them worry about wrinkles.
(C) All celebrities support plastic surgery.
(D) Once a star is in trouble, it’s impossible to recover.

50( ).

【題組】50. Others, like Robert Downey Jr., have gone through tough times but have come out on top. What does the phrase“come out on top"mean?
(A) fail
(B) languish
(C) flounder
(D) succeed


試卷測驗 - 99 年 - 99私醫聯招 英文#53918-阿摩線上測驗
