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6. The doctor informed Mr. Wang that the operation went well and that his wife would ________ soon.
(A) resign
(B) reserve
(C) recover
(D) retrieve


24. Lisa is very excited about the upcoming party, and _________ am I.


23. ________ more and more superrich people in Russia, and they have expensive tastes.
(A) There is
(B) There are
(C) There have
(D) There has


20 The weather ________ may not be precise enough.


I’m not ________ you! Our team has just won both the gold medal and the silver medal.
(A) caring
(B) kidding
(C) meeting
(D) reminding


9. Drunk driving should be strictly prohibited; one should never get behind the wheel after drinking ________.
(A) alcohol
(B) nicotine
(C) caffeine
(D) vitamins


1. The customer decided to file a _________ after waiting for 20 minutes in line in front of the checkout counter.
(A) complaint
(B) notice
(C) dispatch
(D) receipt


Due to the winter storm, hundreds of flights were ________ and many passengers had to stay in airports.
(A) chosen
(B) canceled
(C) collected
(D) criticized


14. Free Internet ________ is provided in the airport, so you can surf the Net with your laptop or mobile device.
(A) parcel
(B) faucet
(C) access
(D) engine


33. My house is neither luxurious ________ expensive. In fact, it’s very small and over 30 years old.
(A) and
(B) but
(C) nor
(D) also


It takes a lot of ________ to learn a foreign language. If you practice every day, you can surely master it.
(A) effort
(B) reason
(C) basis
(D) proof


The female singer A-Mei, also known as Amit, is ________ to millions of people in Asia.
(A) familiar
(B) towering
(C) lonesome
(D) convenient


We can find almost all the information we need ________ surfing the Internet.
(A) by
(B) for
(C) with
(D) since


________ she told me I was her good friend, she never talked to me about her problems.
(A) Since
(B) When
(C) Though
(D) Because


36. It was the horrible traffic jam ________ caused the employee to be late for work.
(D)in which


Can you ________ how old Ms. Wang is? She is 50, but she looks as if she were only 30.
(A) drop
(B) cross
(C) guess
(D) throw


2. The fire broke out around midnight. ________ all the people in the building got out in time.
(A) Sadly
(B) Gently
(C) Luckily
(D) Patiently


16.The eagle is a ________ of bravery, strength, and freedom in the U.S.A.
(A) partner
(B) symbol
(C) manner
(D) duty


You like this movie, and ________.
(A) so do I
(B) so am I
(C) neither do I
(D) neither am I


31. Either John or Mary ________ to do the dishes after we finish dinner.
(A) has
(B) are
(C) have
(D) had


24. We will leave _____ he gets home.
(A) as well as
(B) so good as
(C) so well to
(D) as soon as


I had a(n) ________ last night. The horror movie I watched before going to bed probably caused it.
(A) checkup
(B) operation
(C) nightmare
(D) appointment


26. Mary called to ask ________ I would like to have dinner with her or not.
(A) how
(B) when
(C) where
(D) whether


四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: If you want to teach your children about money, giving them pocket money is a good idea. They’re going to need a place to put it, which is how the three-jar system came into existence: one for spending, one for saving and one for giving. Almost every child understands the first jar and has a long list of things they want to spend money on right now. The save jar teaches patience, a concept that parents are constantly trying to reinforce in all sorts of ways. But the give jar is more mysterious. Give to whom? And why give at all? Quite often our answer is to give back because it’s the right thing to do. However, it won’t satisfy your children’s curiosity, so let me suggest another one: One great reason to give is to honor your own family’s history of being helped. First, this is an opportunity to tell stories about you and your relatives that your children may not have heard before. People they know, perhaps even their mother or father, have benefited from someone else’s donations. And since your family was lucky enough to receive help, it’s only fair that you help some other families, too. In our family, we tell several stories about it. Telling these stories has helped make our present-day volunteer work and donations more real. When my wife and I showed our now 9-year-old daughter how we divided the money we wanted to donate, she understood why we were so generous with others. There are stories waiting for you to tell your children. And once you do, chances are they will know just what to do with that money accumulating in their Give jars.
【題組】45. According to the passage, which of the following statement is true?
(A)The author doesn’t know how to teach his children to be patient and to be honest.
(B)The author lets his 9-year-old daughter know clearly that she won’t be generous with others.
(C)The author doesn’t like the idea of three-jar system because it leads to the biggest waste of money.
(D)The author believes that one great reason to give is to honor the family’s history of being helped.


A new technology is being adopted in the world of photography. Some photographers are now adding location information to their digital pictures, a practice 41 “geotagging.” Geotagging is becoming increasingly widespread because people want to know 42 pictures come from. Some people like to see detailed information about the place they are going to visit. Geotagging 43 them to just click on points on a map and find pictures of the location. Currently, most photographers geotag their photos 44 matching the stamp on a picture with the location on a GPS log. Cameras that include geotagging features are starting to 45 the shelves in stores. Even some cellphones are now capable of geotagging. This new technology could really change the way we learn about our world.
(A) how
(B) when
(C) where
(D) what


