(4 秒)

        There is much we can learn from dogs. In childhood, they are our best companions, __26__ to understand our every emotion.
        Capitan was a beloved German shepherd with a glossy, dark coat and kind, knowing eyes. He was always__ 27__ Miguel’s side, the two of them inseparable as Miguel pushed into his later years. When Miguel passed away, Capitan disappeared — only to turn up later at the cemetery, lying on Miguel’s grave. He grieved the separation __28__ death brought. Despite many attempts __29__ him home, Capitan always ran away, back to the cemetery 15 blocks from the house.
        After 12 years at Miguel’s gravesite, Capitan also passed away. He was mourned as a community member, __30__ to many in the town and an example of the love that connects all living things.

(A) seem
(B) seeming
(C) seemed
(D) to seem



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