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36 Mr. Woodgate, clearly disturbed by the charge, scarcely made an_____ in public.


40 To develop various skills and a sense of responsibility, college students are encouraged to _____ club activities outside of regular school hours.
(A)abstain from
(B)intercede with
(C)participate in
(D)succumb to


32. The police found the fugitive _____ unconscious in an alley in the middle of the night.


33. The city government has planned to _____ the bus service to people in rural areas.


34. Buttigieg served for six years as an _____ officer in the Navy Reserves to collect information in Afghanistan.


36. It took Dennis lots of _____ and hard work to learn to draw with his toes after losing both arms.


38. Facial _____ check-in programs have been installed in hotels and airports to quickly identify people by scanning their faces.


Touch is the earliest sense to mature. It manifests itself in the final embryonic stage and comes into its own long before eyes, ears, and the higher brain centers begin to work. Soon    41    birth, infants begin to employ their other senses to interpret reality. During the same period, they are highly   42     touch. They are being nuzzled, cuddled, cleaned, patted, kissed, and in many cases breastfed. So important is touch to human communication    43    researchers now know that people who are denied caregivers’ touch can develop serious biological and emotional problems. As you move from infancy into childhood, you learn the rules of touching. You are taught whom to touch and where they may be touched. By the time you reach  44   , your culture has taught you how to communicate with touch. You use touch out of social politeness,   45    sex, consolation, support, and control. In the U.S., people learn to shake hands with nearly everyone, hug certain people, and be intimate with still other people.



There are around 380 underwater cables in operation around the world, spanning a length of over 1.2 million kilometers (745,645 miles). In 2012, Hurricane Sandy slammed into the U.S. East Coast, knocking out several key exchanges where undersea cables linked North America and Europe. The entire network between North America and Europe was isolated for a number of hours. For us, the storm brought to light a potential challenge in the consolidation of transatlantic cables that all landed in New York and New Jersey. But most often when a cable goes down, nature is not to blame. There are about 200 such failures each year and the vast majority are caused by humans. “Two-thirds of cable failures are caused by accidental human activities, fishing nets and trawling and also ships’ anchors,” said an expert. “The next largest category is natural disaster, mother nature -- sometimes earthquakes but also underwater landslides.” A magnitude-7.0 earthquake off the southwest coast of Taiwan in 2006, along with aftershocks, cut eight submarine cables which caused internet outages and disruption in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines.

【題組】46. Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?
(A)How Vulnerable Undersea Cables Are.
(B)How Humans Can’t Live Without Undersea Cables.
(C)How Undersea Cables Were Laid.
(D)How Undersea Cables Connects the World.


