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【精選】 - 財政學 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等) - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆經濟學概論與財政學概論 - ..(2876~2900)
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請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
        Issues concerning women’s bodily integrity and autonomy, such as abortion, rape, and sterilization, are subject to strong opinions that give rise to equally charged political policies. As with other issues pertaining to women’s bodies, prostitution discourse is largely concerned with determining whether this social practice is exploitative, empowering, or a consequence of immorality.
         Prostitution is here defined as a social practice by which men gain sexual access to the bodies of predominantly women, children, and sometimes other men, through the exchange of money, goods, or housing.Prostitution, as a social construct, arises from “men’s dominance and women’s subordination.”
         Most people take one of three salient positions on prostitution. The first position argues that prostitution is a consequence of deficient moral character. This position draws heavily from patriarchal and religious traditions that equate female sexuality with temptation and male sexuality with dominance and sanctioned insatiability. The second position, the “sex work” position, asserts that prostitution is a valid form of labor and argues that prostitution is not inherently harmful to women. This position further contends that women have aright to decide what they will do with their bodies and that sex work, though oppressive for some, is potentially both lucrative and empowering for other women. The third position asserts that prostitution is a consequence of social, political, and economic inequality and argues that women are predominantly conscripted into prostitution because of their social vulnerability. Political regulation of prostitution activity varies according to each nation’s underlying economic and social justice commitments.

【題組】17 According to the passage, which of the following is true of the practice of prostitution?
(A) Man’s gaining sexual access to the body of different species should be sanctioned.
(B) Patriarchal dominance is prevalent in the act of prostitution.
(C) Sex work harms female subordination.
(D) Female sexuality is inherently harmful.


5 依司法院大法官解釋,有關職業自由及平等權,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(C)藥事法與規範其他醫事人員執業處所之規定雖有不同,尚不生牴觸憲法第 7 條平等原則之問題
(D)入出國及移民法有關「跨國(境)婚姻媒合不得要求或期約報酬」之規定,與憲法保障人民平等權之意 旨尚無違背


45 依行政訴訟法規定,下列何者非確認訴訟之種類?


12 下列敘述,何者牴觸我國關於預算案的現行憲法規範及憲法實踐?


14 下列何者不屬於減輕道德危險問題的處理方式?


22 有關中央統籌分配稅款之財源,下列何者錯誤?
(A)所得稅收入 10%
(B)土地增值稅收入 10%
(C)貨物稅收入 10%
(D)營業稅收入減除依法提撥之統一發票給獎獎金後之 40%


37 In today’s global economy, a second language may______ you with the ability to understand the way business is done overseas and maximize your potential.
(A) equip
(B) evade
(C) erupt
(D) exert




14 透過教育券的發放,以期改善學校經營效率,下列何者為其直接發放對 象?


41 下列何者不屬於綜合消費稅的性質?


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
       There are many amazing underground creatures. The stars of the underground show are earthworms,__16__ their role in building soil, their importance to gardeners, and the fascination they afford schoolchildren. Earthworms are giants compared with most other soil__17__ . The earthworm’s body is made of__18__ cylinders, which look like many little rings joined together. They are__19__ that chew their way through soil, feeding on plant and animal detritus and on microbes, digesting and thoroughly mixing organic and inorganic components before eliminating it as humus. This__20__breaks complex organic molecules down into simpler forms more suitable for uptake by plants.

(A) organisms
(B) fossils
(C) fungi
(D) obstacles


17 公務人員甲於某年 8 月 1 日依法提出辭職,並指定於同年 10 月 1 日起離職,惟有權機關遲至 9 月 1 日仍 未作成准駁之決定,下列敘述何者正確?
(C)有權機關已逾越法定准駁期間,視為同意辭職,生效日為 9 月 1 日
(D)有權機關已逾越法定准駁期間,視為同意辭職,生效日為 10 月 1 日


33 Plastic bags are not _____, that is, decades after they are buried in a landfill, they become nothing but still plastic bags.


33 下列何者為稅式支出?


40 下列何者不是社會保險年金制度的功能?


33 When our cells are damaged––for instance, by toxins or_______ from the environment––we may experience discomfort and inflammation.


16 關於行政指導之敘述,下列何者錯誤?


13 在現行憲政體制下,下列何者非司法院院長的職權?


15 下列何者非屬公務人員考績之類別?


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
        When he moved from South Africa to New York City, Norman Rosenthal, a psychiatrist, noticed he felt more depressed during the cold, short days of the city’s winters than he had in his home country. Years later, he published the first paper to scientifically name the winter blues: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Subsequent studies have found that the seasonal depression affects those in northern latitudes more and that about 10 percent of SAD sufferers have symptoms in the summertime instead.          The most commonly reported symptoms of winter depression are hypersomnia, the desire to sleep more than usual, as well as an increased appetite and lack of interest in things. According to experts, most people experience symptoms in young adulthood, but SAD can begin at any stage of life. The condition also varies by sex. About three times as many women as men get SAD.
       But why does less daylight make some people clinically depressed? One leading theory is that the change in daylight disrupts our bodies' release of melatonin, a hormone the brain releases every night to promote sleep. As the supply of daylight dwindles in winter, melatonin may wear off later. That means in the morning the body is still in a state of biological night. As for summer SAD, triggers might include the heat and humidity. Instead of feeling lethargic, summer SAD patients more often feel irritable and agitated.
       Experts say a professional diagnosis is a crucial first step toward treatment and self-diagnosis is not suggested. One common treatment is sitting in front of a bright box of light for 30 minutes to signal to the body that it’s time to wake up. But the drawback to light boxes is that they only work on the day that you use them, so you need to use them daily. Another treatment that may have longer lasting benefits is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a form of talk therapy. As negative thinking tends to breed negative emotions, CBT aims to encourage more neutral thoughts. For example, “I hate winter” might be reframed as “winter isn’t my favorite season, but I still find things to enjoy.” Moreover, finding wintertime hobbies may also help. People with SAD often have hobbies that are summer specific, such as growing gardens or beach going. Instead of hibernating under a blanket, people are encouraged to find indoor hobbies, such as knitting, reading, or going to the gym, to boost their mood. Whether using light or talk therapy, there is no reason to not seek mental health treatment, even if symptoms are only present for a few months out of the year.

【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) SAD affects men more than women.
(B) Summer SAD is less common than winter SAD.
(C) Winter depression is often triggered by humidity.
(D) Sufferers of winter depression are likely to lose appetite.


23 關於行政裁量之敘述,下列何者錯誤?


17 考慮休閒、勞動的選擇下,利用無差異曲線分析課徵定額稅或課徵比例所得稅,下列敘述何者 錯誤?


22 下列何項稅目沒有統籌分配的規定?


32 These plants are able to ______ and produce fruit even with limited sunlight.
(A) vanish
(B) revolt
(C) thrive
(D) linger


2 立法委員選舉採行單一選區兩票制,一票選人,一票選黨,並分別計算區域選出立委及政黨比例代表之當選名額。此種制度在學理上稱為:


【精選】 - 財政學 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等) - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆經濟學概論與財政學概論 - ..(2876~2900)-阿摩線上測驗
