(2 分10 秒)

4 下列何種情況,一小國政府課徵進口關稅有可能使國家整體福利上升?


16 下列有關 WTO 之敘述,何者正確?
(C)WTO 係於杜哈回合(Doha Round)談判後正式成立
(D)會員國可自主選擇是否簽署「政府採購協定」(Government Procurement Agreement)


1 The numbers in the table below indicate hours of labor per unit of output X and output Y of countries A and B. According to the table, if they trade based on the principle of comparative advantage, which of the followings is correct?
(A) A would import X from B.
(B) B would export Y to A.
(C) They would not want to trade with each other.
(D) More information is needed to determine the trade pattern.


4 The restriction on the number of imported cars in a small country can be accomplished through tariffs or import quota. Country A currently restricts the same number of imported cars either with import tariffs or with import quota. When the country’s domestic automobile demand increases, how would the domestic automobile equilibrium price alter under the implementation of tariff and import quota, respectively?
(A) Unchanged, Unchanged.
(B) Increase, Decrease.
(C) Unchanged, Increase.
(D) Uncertain, Uncertain.


5 In to the figure below, PW stands for world price of goods and the number Q on the horizontal axis is in thousands. When the tariff is imposed, the government collects __①__ and the deadweight cost caused by the tariff equals __②__ .
(A)①$50,000 ②$25,000
(B)①$60,000 ②$10,000
(C)①$10,000 ②$50,000
(D)①$220,000 ②$30,000


6 Which of the following measures is used as nontariff barriers?
(A) Monetary policy conducted by the Central Bank.
(B) Government procurement policies.
(C) Exchange rate policy.
(D) Fiscal policy.


7 According to the product life cycle model, which of the following statements regarding comparative advantage is correct?
(A) Comparative advantage may move from one country where a product is invented to another as the product matures.
(B) For agricultural or homogeneous industrial goods, comparative advantage is determined by the stage of the life cycle these products are in.
(C) Comparative advantage always stays in the country where a product is invented no matter what stage of the life cycle it is in.
(D) Comparative advantage depends upon a country’s relative endowment of skilled workers and its ability to invent.


10 If the central bank of a country does not want to see its currency rise in value compared to other currencies, it may pursue __①__ monetary policy to __②__ its domestic interest rate, thereby weakening its currency.
(A)①contractionary ②lower
(B)①expansionary ②raise
(C)①contractionary ②raise
(D)①expansionary ②lower


13 Based on perfect capital mobility and fixed exchange rates, which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Monetary policy is super powerful.
(B) Fiscal policy is less effective than monetary policy.
(C) Fiscal policy is useless.
(D) Monetary policy is useless.


9 CPTPP 的會員國中不包括下列那一個國家?


10 一國國際收支逆差如何解決?下列那一個政策是錯誤的?


