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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2019難度:3,4,5,6(441~460)
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11. All over the world, business owners and website managers are on the lookout for bloggers _______ can produce quality, compelling, shareable content.
(A) which
(B) who
(C) what
(D) where


1. The number of tourists from China has been on the ___.
(A) decline
(B) deceit
(C) diminish
(D) desecrate


20. I've got three identical blue suits.
(A) convenient
(B) cheap
(C) similar
(D) casual


3. A study shows that the chance of an accident is much higher for drivers who are ______ in phone conversations while driving.
(A) contained
(B) engaged
(C) included
(D) located

5( ).

The fashion industry in Africa has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years. African fashion design has caught the eyes of international celebrities including former US first lady, Michelle Obama, Rihanna, and Beyoncé, 11 . Global demand for African-inspired fashion has led to incredible sales for some African designers and brands. Folake Folarin–Coker, founder of Tiffany Amber, is one of the best-known fashion designers in both the African and global fashion industry. Born in Lagos, Nigeria, she received her education in Europe, 12 she got an opportunity to interact with various cultures at a young age. 13 , she has a master’s degree in law from Switzerland, but as fate would have it, her passion for fashion led her into fashion design. Folake’s tasteful and colorful creations have earned her global 14 , making her the first African fashion designer to showcase her talent at the New York Mercedes Fashion Week for two consecutive years. She has also been widely 15 in international media such as CNN. In 2013, she was listed as one of the Forbes Power Women in Africa.
(A) Generally
(B) Ideally
(C) Relatively
(D) Interestingly

6( ).

第 53 至 56 題為題組
       Researchers in Japan have installed on a train a speaker that barks like a dog and snorts like a deer in order to prevent collisions with animals on the tracks.
       The country has been troubled by a problem with trains colliding with deer on its railways. According to Japan’s transport ministry, there were 613 cases of train services suspended or delayed for at least 30 minutes resulting from collisions with deer and other wild animals in 2016-17.
       Deer are attracted to railway lines because of a need for iron in their diets. They lick the rails to pick up iron filings caused by the action of wheels against tracks. This dietary need has led to a constant battle to keep the deer separate from the unforgiving nature of tons of onrushing rolling stock. In the past, flashing red lights and even lion faces have been unsuccessfully trialed in an attempt to keep deer off the tracks.
        This new device has been invented by a team at the country’s Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI). RTRI officials explain that deer have a habit of repeatedly snorting short, shrill sounds to alert other deer when they perceive danger. The barking of the hound, which drives deer to panic, strengthens the effect of the warning noise, according to the RTRI. When the deer hear a combination of a 3-second- long recording of a deer’s snort and 20 seconds of a barking dog, they panic and flee rapidly.
        RTRI researchers say late-night tests, at times when deer are most frequently seen by railway tracks, have resulted in a 45 percent reduction of deer sighting. Future plans include static barking sites where deer are commonly seen, but “the noises will not be blared in areas where people live beside the tracks.”

【題組】55. Which of the following is true about the deer issue discussed in the passage?
(A) RTRI’s new invention prompts deer to run away.
(B) People living near the tracks complain about deer snorts.
(C) 45 percent of train delays in Japan was caused by deer collision.
(D) A combination of sound and visual devices attracts more deer to the tracks.

7( ).

第40 至 43 題為題組
 The planet’s deepest point is in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, which lies miles below the sea surface. According to a new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, even in this remote locale, creatures cannot escape pollution. 
     A team of researchers recently sent a remotely operated vehicle into the depths of the Mariana Trench. They found that extraordinarily high levels of forbidden industrial chemicals are contaminating marine life more than 7 miles deep in the trench. The small hard-shelled marine life that the robotic submarine brought to the surface was polluted with toxic chemicals, with toxin levels 50 times greater than those of the most heavily polluted rivers in the world. 
   These pollution levels were not the only alarming aspect of the discovery. The types of compounds found were all considered “persistent organic pollutants” (POPs), meaning they stick around in the environment for a very long time. Two of the most prevalent types are PCBs and PBDEs. PCBs were once used in many industrial applications, but were outlawed in the United States in the 1970s after being linked to cancer. Similarly, PBDEs were used in a wide range of products—from electronics to couch cushions. Neither chemical breaks down in the environment. 
  These compounds stick to the surface of materials like plastic. Many creatures mistakenly eat this colorful but toxic material, causing the POPs to build up in their bodies, lurking in their fat tissues. When these sea creatures die, their POP-riddled bodies sink to the ocean floor, where deep-sea marine life eat their remains. POPs are therefore transferred to other creatures along the food chain. 
  The Mariana Trench is many miles away from any industrial source. This suggests that these pollutants travel over long distances despite having been prohibited worldwide decades ago.

【題組】 40. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) The decrease of polluted creatures in the food chain.
(B) Using remote control in research on marine pollution.
(C) Pollution of the deep sea by persistent toxic chemicals.
(D) Types of chemical pollution caused by industrial applications.

8( ).

Collaborative online international learning (COIL) is a recently developed form of education that promotes global learning between colleges and universities from different countries around the world. With the aid of modern technology such as the Internet and videoconferencing, students from schools in different countries can    41    their learning with peers of different cultural and language backgrounds. This is also an affordable way of international learning through    42    students can establish friendship with people of similar age and learn together without having to spend much money going abroad in order to do so. As the word, collaborative, indicates, this is a pedagogy that focuses on a student-centered approach of learning with teachers playing merely the role of    43    . They need to build up a sounding collaboration by developing    44    learning strategies and activities that can boost students' motivation in learning and their willingness to learn with and through each other. Through modern technology such as videoconferencing, students could discuss topics that are of interest to them and communicate with each other crossculturally. This is one fruitful way of gaining one's own global literacy and cross-cultural   45   . That is the reason why some universities in both the United States and Japan play an active role in encouraging this kind of learning world-wide.


9( ).

I am one of those people who spend much time in coffeehouses talking to and observing others. One time I met half a dozen gentlemen who were talking about the different kinds of people in Europe. One of these men stated that he had all of the wonderful qualities of the English in his person. He went on to say that the Dutch were all greedy and hungry for money. The French were not to be trusted. The Germans were a bunch of drunks. The Spanish were too proud. In bravery, kindness, generosity, and every other virtue the English were better than the rest of the world. The rest of the company, all Englishmen, accepted his statements as truth. I sat there and said nothing, so a companion of mine asked me if what that man said was not true. I replied that I could not judge until I had spent some time in those countries. Perhaps I might find that the Dutch were thrifty and saved their money, that the French were very polite, that the Germans are hard-working, that the Spanish were very calm and quite, and even that the English, although brave and generous, might be too bold and free-swinging when things went well and too sad when they did not. Soon after I said this, I lost the goodwill of my companions, and they all left me alone. 
 I paid my bill and went home. There I began to think about the silliness of national prejudice. I thought of the ancient wise man, when asked the country of his citizenship, replied that he was a “citizen of the world.” We have now become so English, French, Dutch, Spanish, or German that we are no longer citizens of the world. We are so much the citizens of one small society that we no longer think of ourselves as members of that grand society that includes all of humankind.

【題組】50. Which of the following ideas is supported by the passage?
(A) National prejudice prevents us from being part of all humankind.
(B) The Englishmen are not citizens of the world.
(C) The Dutch do not get along with the French.
(D) The English are flawless and are far better than others.

10( ).

請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題: 
        With billions of data points being generated every day, some companies don’t know what to do with big data, and that’s understandable. It’s difficult to manage all of it, but it’s impossible to ignore it. This obvious opportunity leaves a large percentage of executives concerned that their information isn’t correctly represented and entrepreneurs struggling to find a way forward. 
        But big data is worth the struggle. It can help business owners understand how their business functions and how it serves their customers. It can help companies reveal new opportunities, dig up unknown problems and even make more money. It is an asset to any company that takes the time to position it in the right way, but it’s up to each company to take the initiative to do so. The first step is to consider big data within the context of the customer. What kind of interaction does the customer have with the company and how can those individual touch points be used to paint a complete picture? Then, the business needs to figure out creative ways to use that information. 
        Data assets might look different in each industry, but the real value of the data lies not in its type but in whether it can help you increase your value or retain customers. According to Jeff Tanner, professor of marketing at Baylor University, the information you get from your customers empowers you to deliver better value over time and create more opportunities for your business. While it may be possible to assign a cash value to big data, those numbers aren’t likely to make it onto the balance sheet. The data’s real value is revealed when it’s positioned in the context of the following three questions: 1) How will it make the business more predictable? 2) How will it help replicate success for the future? 3) How will it enhance customer engagement?

【題組】22 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a benefit of big data?
(A) Creating revenues
(B) Revealing problems
(C) Deciding job positions
(D) Understanding customer services

11( ).

請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題
         In contrast to other host cities who have often taken on the Olympic Games without clear objectives, the organizers of the Barcelona Olympics set one major goal: the transformation of Barcelona into one of Europe's great centers of tourism and business. For this reason, the organizers worked to   26   the direct costs of hosting the Games while focusing their investment on improvements that would benefit the city for years to come. The construction of sports venues   27   less than 10% of the construction costs; the rest of the money went to expanding roads, green spaces, housing, hotels, and business centers. Most notably, the Olympic Village was built to reconnect the city with its waterfront; an attractive port was added, and over two miles of beaches were created. In terms of its direct profit from the Games, Barcelona had a modest surplus of about $5 million.   28   , the positive effects in future years were immense. The improvements to the waterfront and roads greatly improved the quality of life. Furthermore, the Olympics helped   29   Barcelona from an often-overlooked city to a prime destination for tourism and business. In 1990, it was ranked as only the 11th-best European city to do business in, but by 2011 it had   30    to number four. Tourism doubled, and the Olympics generated over 20,000 permanent jobs for the city.

(A) transform
(B) migrate
(C) transmit
(D) initiate

12( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
         It is believed that the color choices you make reflect a deeper meaning about your personality traits. For example, introverts and extroverts are likely to choose different colors – blue and red respectively. The colors you choose to wear might also say something about how you are feeling that day. Some days you may feel like wearing something lighter, something red, or something blue. These choices are often a reflection of how you are feeling at the moment. Additionally, wearing certain colors may cause you to react differently to certain situations.
         The research also shows there may be a link between car color and serious injuries as a result of car accidents. From a safe perspective, it is recommended to choose expansive color with bright colors rather than contractive color with dark colors. Cars in light colors make lighter and cleaner impression than those in other colors. The study in Australia identified a clear statistically significant relationship between vehicle color and crash risk. Compared to white vehicles, a number of colors, generally those lower on the visibility index, were associated with higher crash risk. The association between vehicle color and crash risk was strongest during daylight hours. The analysis results also suggested that vehicle color has an association with crash severity with lower visibility colors having higher risks of more severe crashes, although environmental factors can also modify the relationship between vehicle color and crash risk. Further work is required to quantify this.

【題組】44 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Vehicles with dark colors have higher crash risk during daylight hours.
(B)Vehicles with light colors have higher crash risk during daylight hours.
(C)Vehicles with dark colors have lower crash risk during daylight hours.
(D)Vehicles with light colors have more severe crashes during daylight hours.


10 In some countries parents found guilty of _______ their children will be fined or put in jail.
(A) promising
(B) neglecting
(C) permitting
(D) reflecting

14( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
        About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly  41  a tumor on my pancreas. I didn’t even know  42  a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was  43  certainly a type of cancer that is incurable and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor’s  44  for preparing to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you’d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up  45  it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

(A) yet
(B) almost
(C) never
(D) hardly

15( ).

    Today, we all know that we should wash our hands to stop the    27    of disease. But this idea was not always accepted by   28   in the past. In 1846, Ignaz Semmelweis worked in a hospital. At that time, childbirth was dangerous for women. Many women had a deadly infection   29   childbed fever after giving birth. Everyone was afraid   30   it, and nobody knew what caused it. Ignaz   31   that doctors often did autopsies before helping with childbirth while the midwives never did this. He   32   to suspect that the infection was spread from dead bodies through touch. He ordered hospital workers to wash their hands after autopsies. Soon, the rate of childbed fever dropped   33   the hospital. However, when Ignaz told other doctors about the importance of washing hands, they didn’t agree. Back then, they had not even discovered   34   yet. The doctors thought that washing hands had nothing to do with avoiding infection. Ignaz got angry with people’s responses. He was so rude to those 35 disagreed with him that he got himself fired. He ended up in a mental hospital, 36 he died two weeks later from an infection like the one that had cost him his career.
(AB) who (AC) scientists (AD) where (AE) called (BC) of (BD) spread (BE) throughout (CD) noticed (CE) began (DE) germs


16( ).

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        A new mother finally gets her baby to sleep and steps into a hot shower — with her glasses on. At a familybarbecue she can’t __36__ the name of a relative she rarely sees. Many women experience “mommy brain”as a(n) __37__ , the lost ability to remember people’s names or keep their attention undivided. __38__ sciencereminds us that if we look at the changes without judgment, we may find that they come with advantages. Astudy found that even two years __39__ pregnancy, women had brain changes in regions involved in theability to understand what is going on in the mind of another person, strengthening a mother’s ability to pickup on a baby’s __40__ communications through facial expressions and gestures.

(A) element
(B) deficiency
(C) allowance
(D) strength

17( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. It was first made intoanimation in 1973. Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for itsrecreational and educational benefits.
Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boynamed Nobita, a fifth grader. Unlike normal cats, Doraemon does not have ears. He has a blue body, caused by a mousebite, an event that later indirectly had his body metal taken off. As is known, Doraemon eats and sleeps like a normalperson and his favorite food is dorayaki, a Japanese treat filled with red bean paste.Among many of Doraemon’s fantastic gadgets, the fourth-dimensional pocket is definitely the most eye-catching one.Whenever it is necessary, Doraemon can take out from this magic pocket inestimable kinds of futuristic tools, such as
“Anywhere Door,” “Take-copter,” “Gulliver Tunnel,” and “Time Cloth,” to name but a very few. Interestingly, somegreat inventions in this day and age have literally been created after Doraemon’s gadgets.One of the major themes in the comic book Doraemon is the discussion of Nobita’s personality. Despite Nobita’sdisability to handle daily life well, Doraemon encourages him in one way or another to fight for what he needs. Doraemonknows that despite his many flaws, Nobita is honest and kind-hearted, and sometimes even courageous when his belovedones are in danger, including Shizuka of course, a neighborhood girl whom he has a crush on. Today, Doraemoncontinues to provide children with laughter and imagination. It is popular not only in Japan but also in many other partsof the world.

【題組】46 What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To reveal what really motivates Fujiko F. Fujio to create Doraemon.
(B) To describe important features and qualities that are typical of Doraemon.
(C) To explain how Doraemon’s fourth-dimensional pocket may work step by step.
(D) To argue why Doraemon is more popular than many other Japanese comic books.


39 You should_______ homemade juice in 2 hours. Don’t store it for too long.


45 Nina felt ________ and couldn’t help shedding tears when she learned that she failed the exam for the third time.
(A) discouraged
(B) impressive
(C) ambitious
(D) competitive


49 This credit card allows you to________ up to NTD 10,000 a day from most ATMs.
(A) ascend
(B) perceive
(C) withdraw
(D) suppress


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2019難度:3,4,5,6(441~460)-阿摩線上測驗
