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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺南市市立國民小學教師(含代理教師)聯合甄選試題_ 基礎科目:英文#115116
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31. The teacher is going to have her honeymoon. She needs a _____ teacher to teach in her class.
(A) exchange
(B) substitute
(C) instead
(D) replace


32. There are currently three commodities worth investing in. One is gold, _____ is silver, and the other is copper.
(A) some
(B) other
(C) the other
(D) another


33. My requests to my kids to clean their rooms always fell on _____ ears.
(A) unresponsive
(B) swollen
(C) both
(D) either


34. The _____ is a short summary of the story that narrators generally provide before the narrative begins.
(A) abstract
(B) conclusion
(C) title
(D) topic


35. The Mayor shared his fond ____ during his school days in Tainan, where he relished shopping for model toys, seeing movies, and having specialty snacks.
(A) memoir
(B) motions
(C) memories
(D) momentum


36. The sun’s rays can produce a vitamin called vitamin D which is great to keep our bones healthy, but too many rays absorbed by our skin can be dangerous, and may cause ____ damage.
(A) last
(B) lasted
(C) lasting
(D) the last


37. Having three kids has totally changed her lifestyle. A super _____ house was no longer her top priority. She has learned to accept messiness.
(A) chaotic
(B) big
(C) tiny
(D) tidy


38. The Montessori learning materials are designed for being handled and explored with all the _____, such as letters and numbers made of sandpaper, which the child can trace with their finger.
(A) minds
(B) feelings
(C) senses
(D) logics


39. _____, bungee-jumping is really no more dangerous than any other sport.
(A) If you should fail to take the necessary safety measures
(B) As falling from such a height can be quite frightening
(C) Only a handful of deaths are known to have occurred
(D) As long as you do it under experienced guidance


40. Nvidia is getting orders from a wide range of companies, from cloud-computing providers to online-shopping websites, in their _____ to adopt generative AI.
(A) lash
(B) leash
(C) rash
(D) rush


41. Many studies have looked at _____ echinacea works to prevent or shorten the course of a cold, but none were conclusive.
(A) how well
(B) what can
(C) what good
(D) of which


42. _____ the waterfall is the city’s most notable attraction, the park is home to much more than that.
(A) In addition
(B) Furthermore
(C) Though
(D) Surely


43. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake _____ Southern Turkey and Northern Syria has damaged a number of historical landmarks and places of worship.
(A) ravaged
(B) that ravaged
(C) being ravaged
(D) been ravaged


44. In 2015, an “emoji” was nominated as its Word of the Year. This sparked a _____ on whether or not emoji count as words.
(A) difference
(B) debate
(C) agreement
(D) indifference


45. She looked sad, but she wasn’t _____ or out of control. She’s not crazy. She’ll make it.
(A) challenged
(B) satisfying
(C) intervened
(D) hysterical


46. I had an exceptional lobster roll the other day, sitting with my family on the dock at Archie’s Lobster in Bass Harbor, as gulls _____ a southwest breeze.
(A) geared up
(B) put forward
(C) raised up
(D) soared on


47. The _____ ranks of the millionaires’ club come even as a growing number of people, nearly 40 million at last count, are living in poverty.
(A) swelling
(B) dumping
(C) sticking
(D) breaking


48. Eating out seems to have been as popular 5,000 years ago as it is today, with _____in Iraq uncovering an ancient tavern dating back to 2,700 BCE.
(A) archaeologists
(B) dermatologists
(C) epistemologists
(D) immunologists


Part B: Cloze
          ChatGPT is a language model that allows people to __49__ a computer in a more natural and conversational way. GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer” and is the name __50__ to a family of natural language models developed by open Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is also known as a form of generative AI because of its ability to produce original results.
          The main concern that has been expressed about ChatGPT in higher education __51__ academic integrity. Educators have sounded alarm bells about the increased risk of plagiarism and cheating if students use ChatGPT to prepare or write essays and exams. This may have deeper implications for subjects that __52__ written inputs or information recall, areas that ChatGPT can better support.

(A) interact with
(B) clutter with
(C) provide with
(D) collide with


(A) give
(B) given
(C) giving
(D) to give


(A) approves of
(B) suffers from
(C) applies for
(D) relates to


(A) care for
(B) turn to
(C) rely on
(D) wink at


        I flew into Basra, Iraq’s largest port. The city straddles the Shatt al-Arab river, which is formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates. The two mighty __53__ inspired the name Mesopotamia. It was from Basra __54__ the fictional mariner Sinbad the Sailor set out on his voyages to supernatural realms in Arabian Nights. __55__ , the start of my own journey was far more mundane. The desert eventually turned to green as we __56__ the highway and entered the vast wetlands. These southern Iraqi marshes are one of the world's largest inland delta systems.
(A) batteries
(B) cannons
(C) membranes
(D) waterways


(A) that
(B) when
(C) what
(D) why


(A) At a distance
(B) By comparison
(C) Not surprisingly
(D) No wonder


(A) mocked at
(B) pulled over
(C) set off
(D) veered off


Part C: Reading Comprehension
           Hurricanes bring destruction ashore in many different ways. When a hurricane makes landfall, it often produces a devastating storm surge - ocean water pushed ashore by wind - that can reach 20 feet (6 meters) height and moves several miles inland.
          Storms surges and flooding are the two most dangerous aspects of hurricanes, accounting for three-quarters of deaths from Atlantic tropical cyclones, according to a 2014 study. A third of the 1,200 deaths from Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall off the coast of Louisiana in 2005, were caused by drowning. Katrina is also the costliest hurricane on record, with damage totaling $125 billion.
          A hurricane’s high winds are destructive and may spawn tornadoes. Torrential rains cause further damage via flooding and landslides, which may occur many miles inland.
         Although extremely potent storms have formed in the Atlantic, the most powerful tropical cyclones on record have formed in the Pacific, which gives storms more room to grow before they make landfall. Hurricane Patricia, which formed in the eastern Pacific off Guatemala in 2015, had the strongest winds recorded, at 215 miles an hour. The strongest Atlantic storm was Wilma in 2005, with winds of 183 miles an hour.
          The best defense against a hurricane is an accurate forecast that gives people time to get out of the way. The National Hurricane Center issues hurricane watches for possible storms within 48 hours and hurricane warnings for expected storms within 36 hours.

【題組】57. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) What are hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones?
(B) How hurricanes are formed.
(C) How climate change affects hurricanes.
(D) Why hurricanes are dangerous.


【題組】58. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) A third of the deaths from Hurricane Patricia were caused by drowning.
(B) The winds of Hurricane Wilma were stronger than Hurricane Patricia.
(C) The most powerful tropical cyclones ever recorded have formed in the Pacific.
(D) A storm surge occurs when wind pushes ocean debris ashore.


【題組】59. According to the passage, which of the following statements regarding Hurricane Katrina is true?
(A) It made landfall off the coast of Seattle.
(B) It caused 3,600 deaths.
(C) It occurred in 2015.
(D) It caused over 100 billion dollars in damages.


【題組】60. According to the passage, what is the best defense against a hurricane?
(A) Accurate weather predictions.
(B) Stable infrastructure.
(C) Traditional sewer systems.
(D) High-rise buildings.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺南市市立國民小學教師(含代理教師)聯合甄選試題_ 基礎科目:英文#115116-阿摩線上測驗
