(4 分18 秒)

7. Born with an inquiring mind, he finds doubts and scruples better than resolves them and always has some argument to ______ himself.
(A) nonplus
(B) ameliorate
(C) incarnate
(D) resound


8. The specific appropriation of some distinctive oath raised the presumption that it implied an ______ pledge of sincerity.
(A) elliptical
(B) unequivocal
(C) umbilical
(D) optical


9. A startling number of these athletes, who are presumably performing ______ feats in their training, are falling way short of their sleep goals.
(A) herculean
(B) promiscuous
(C) petulant
(D) sardonic 


10. Higher rates of mask-wearing are strongly ______ with lower transmission rates, and especially as the country faces extraordinarily high case counts, it’s more important than ever to mask up properly.
(A) impregnated
(B) enshrined
(C) legitimated
(D) correlated


11. Our circumstances have made people more susceptible to ______ bouts of grief as depression and mourning keep lingering without showing a sign of recession.
(A) prolonged
(B) abbreviated
(C) intercepted
(D) recommended


12. Public-health authorities argue that the use of flavored tobacco products can lure young people into a lifetime of ______.
(A) addiction
(B) jurisdiction
(C) contradiction
(D) prediction


13. Many young workers leave their jobs due to low pay, few opportunities for ______, and feeling disrespected at work.
(A) advancement
(B) enforcement
(C) displacement
(D) commencement


14. “______” is often used to describe the darkening of tea leaves during the crafting process, though very few teas undergo microbial activity during processing.
(A) Achievement
(B) Improvement
(C) Fermentation
(D) Experimentation 


15. The opportunity for give and take can only happen when there is ______ trust and understanding.
(A) mutual
(B) exclusive
(C) governing
(D) expressive


5. U.S. inflation data as well as big Tech’s disappointing results sent the global share markets into a(n) ________, while dollar hit its highest in 2 decades.
(A) abeyance
(B) catapult
(C) tailspin
(D) vertigo


1. The professor _______ his theory during the lecture and gave only a vague outline of his ideas, leaving the students confounded.
(A) besmirched
(B) promulgated
(C) recapitulated
(D) adumbrated


2. The _______ effects of the medication caused Judy to drift off into a deep sleep, despite the noise and commotion around her.
(A) soporific
(B) lenient
(C) inclement
(D) nefarious


3. The escalating _______ of the dictator towards his neighbors was met with growing concern and condemnation from the international community.
(A) schadenfreude
(B) harbinger
(C) belligerence
(D) pluviosity


4. The speaker's attempts to divert attention from the real issue by bringing up _______ points only served to confuse the audience.
(A) unanimous
(B) tangential
(C) charismatic
(D) incorrigible


5. The magician's _______ was so skillful and precise that even the most skeptical audience members were convinced of his supernatural abilities.
(A) serendipity
(B) gratification
(C) legerdemain
(D) camaraderie


6. The employee completed the tedious task _______, not bothering to put any care or attention to detail into it.
(A) fastidiously
(B) morbidly
(C) perfunctorily
(D) succinctly


7. The subtle hints _______ that there was a dark underbelly to the glamorous facade presented by the wealthy and powerful elite.
(A) decapitated
(B) exonerated
(C) ameliorated
(D) insinuated


8. Jason’s _______ knowledge of classical literature impressed even the most learned scholars in the room.
(A) vacuous
(B) erudite
(C) boorish
(D) mercurial


9. The court's ruling set a dangerous _______ for future cases, as it undermined the principle of equal protection under the law.
(A) precedent
(B) accomplice
(C) depiction
(D) respondent


10. The _______ atmosphere of the old abandoned mansion was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine, making it clear that the rumors of ghosts haunting the place were not entirely unfounded.
(A) prescient
(B) sinister
(C) ostensible
(D) irascible


11. The breathtaking view of the _______ sky from the mountaintop observatory left the astronomers awestruck, as they marveled at the beauty and complexity of the universe.
(A) implicit
(B) celestial
(C) immoderate
(D) equitable


12. After the power outage, chaos would_______ as people scrambled to find flashlights and candles, and businesses struggled to keep their operations going without electricity.
(A) bask
(B) dilate
(C) ensue
(D) probe


13. The first step to career development should include _______ of personal strengths and interests, so that jobs that suit one’s characteristics can be better identified.
(A) restitution
(B) transcendence
(C) appraisal
(D) mutation


14. Despite the subtle changes in the design, differences between the two generations of the smartphone was immediately _______ to even the most casual observer, as the newer model boasted a larger screen, slimmer profile, and upgraded camera system.
(A) discernible
(B) infallible
(C) accessible
(D) illegible


15. The experienced pilot had to quickly _______ the helicopter to the right in order to avoid colliding with the bird flying directly in front of the aircraft.
(A) thump
(B) douse
(C) flout
(D) nudge


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