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Two years ago, a group of elders in a village in north-western Uganda agreed to lend their land to refugees from South Sudan. About 120,000 are now in the surrounding area. Here they live in tarpaulin shelters and mud-brick huts on a patch of scrub where cows once grazed. Kemis Butele, a gravel-voiced Ugandan elder, explains that hosting refugees is a way for a remote place, long neglected by the central government, to get noticed. He hopes for new schools, clinics and a decent road – and “that our children can get jobs.”
 There are more than 20 million refugees in the world today, more than at any time since the end of the second world war. Nearly 90% reside in poor countries. In many, to preserve jobs for natives, governments bar refugees from working in the formal economy. Uganda has shown how a different approach can reap dividends. The government gives refugees land plots and lets them work. In some places, the refugees boost local businesses and act as a magnet for foreign aid. Mr. Butele and many other Ugandans see their new neighbors as a benefit, not a burden. Sadly, such attitudes are still the exception.
Refugees are “brothers and sisters,”say many Ugandans. Mr. Butele was once one himself. But the welcome is also a pragmatic one. Northern Uganda is so poor that some locals pose as refugees to receive food aid. Others see refugees as buyers for local goods. Elsewhere in Uganda has indeed seen such positive spillover. One study from 2016 found that the presence of Congolese refugees in western Uganda had increased consumption per household. Another estimates that each new refugee household boosts total income, including that of refugees, by $320-430 more than the cost of the aid the household is given. That rises to $560-670 when refugees are given cash instead of rations.

【題組】50 Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Ugandans welcomed refugees because the central government promised new schools, clinics and a decent road.
(B) Most refugees stayed in poor countries in order to boost local businesses and act as a magnet for foreign aid.
(C) A study found that the presence of refugees in Uganda had decreased consumption per household.
(D) Each new refugee household boosted total income more than the cost of the aid the household was given.


        For over a hundred years, dentists have been repairing cavities by removing the decayed tooth tissue with a drill and filling the hole with metal or plastic material. Depending on the cavity’s depth, this method can be unpleasant to downright painful for the patient, and it has to be repeated periodically. 
        “You’re really in that cycle of repair and replacement for the rest of the tooth’s life,” said Rebecca Moazzea, senior lecturer at King’s College. 
        A damaged tooth’s enamel can be replaced naturally, but the process is too slow to stop the work of bacteria that build up in tiny cracks. Now, a British company called Reminova has developed a method for speeding up this natural remineralization of early-stage cavities. 
        “We’ve just found a way to make that a much faster process,” said Jeff Wright, Reminova’s chief executive officer. “Driving healthy calcium and phosphate minerals into your enamel, and through a natural process, it will bind on and add to the enamel that’s there.” 
        Here’s how it works: After cleaning the early-stage cavity with a method that does not require drilling, the dentist covers it with a mineral solution and applies an electrical current that is too weak for the patient to feel. The deposited mineral quickly hardens, completely filling the cavity. 
        Researchers say this method could be especially useful for children. 
        “If children have a better experience of going to the dentist, so they haven’t had necessary drilling and injections for routine fillings, then they’ll be much more positive in later life and probably become much more regular patients,” said Dr. Barry Quinn, a consultant at King’s College. 
        Dentists point out that the new method is most efficient on early-stage cavities, which makes regular dental checkups essential. The whole treatment lasts about as long as a regular drill-and-fill procedure. 
        Researchers say they are confident that the new method can be further developed for treating later-stage cavities. And they remind us that regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste helps prevent cavities in the first place.

【題組】18 What is the core technique of the new dental care method?
(A) It uses a special kind of plastic in filling the cavity which protects the tooth more effectively.
(B) It provides better protection of the tooth by accelerating the natural remineralization process.
(C) It uses a special chemical which can grow the bacteria in the cavity.
(D) It uses an artificial enamel to replace the infected enamel in the cavity.


2 The dog became frisky suddenly, _____ in its owner’s arms and barking excitedly.
(A) wiggling
(B) whining
(C) whispering
(D) wielding


       Is there any immortal creature in the world? Despite only being only three millimeters in diameter on average, adult versions of immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii) have a huge party trick: they can roll back their biological clock when injured or on the verge of starvation. This means, in theory, they could live forever. Could humans harness their abilities to eradicate ageing completely?
       As scientists have known, the reason of human ageing is a process called trans-differentiation. “This is about how a fully formed specialized adult cell can become another type of specialized adult cell. It’s how a cell can adapt,” explains Dr. Maria Pia Miglietta. The exact mechanism behind trans-differentiation is still a mystery to scientists. However, as Miglietta explains, the answer will likely be found in the jellyfish’s genes. “It most certainly has something to do with the DNA,” she says. “It’s the DNA that programs a cell––certain genes being ‘turned on’ or ‘off’ will determine what sort of cell it is. We’re far away from any kind of real-world application,” says Miglietta. “But we hope that studying what happens in these jellyfish can tell us how their genes change cells––and how these changed cells integrate with others. This is the base of understanding cellular regeneration and tissue regeneration.” 
      However, there are many challenges. These jellyfish have only been studied sporadically since the early 1980s, meaning experts have only a few decades’ worth of data. While an immortal jellyfish can age in reverse, it can also be easily killed by predators including various fish, sharks, turtles and even other jellyfish. “They’re incredibly sensitive, from the water temperature to their plankton and fish egg diet,” says Miglietta. “The real paradox is they’re actually really hard to keep alive!”

【題組】48 According to the passage, which of the following factors is NOT the challenge to the research about the jellyfish Turritopsis dohrnii?
(A)The data collected is not enough, and the research is not continuous.
(B)Turritopsis dohrnii are under threat of too many predators.
(C)Turritopsis dohrnii are very delicate and often don’t live long enough.
(D)Turritopsis dohrnii is too large to find the tissues about regeneration.



Sam PENG剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分