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    “Stay inside” is no longer a safe way to escape from unhealthful air. Recent studies have shown that indoor air pollution is almost always two to five times worse than outside pollution. Buildings create their own pollution, and the air inside many homes, office buildings, and schools is full of pollutants including chemicals, bacteria, and smoke. These pollutants are causing a group of unpleasant and dangerous symptoms such as eye or throat discomfort, headache, dizziness, and tiredness, which experts call “sick building syndrome.”

     There is a possible solution to the problem of “sick” buildings. A scientist at NASA was trying to find ways to clean the air in space stations. He discovered that houseplants actually remove pollutants from the air. But we don’t know enough yet. There are many questions. For instance, which pollutants can plants remove? Which can’t they remove? How many plants are necessary to clean the air in the room? When we are able to answer these questions, we might find that plants offer an important pollution-control system for the 21ˢᵗ century.

【題組】41 The phrase “sick buildings” refers to the buildings which ____ .
(A) are unfriendly to the disabled
(B) are about to fall down
(C) provide a place for the sick to stay in
(D) have indoor air quality problems


One _____ common at weddings in the United States is throwing rice at the bride and groom as they leave the place where the wedding ceremony takes place.


Many people cannot tell the difference between the lotus and the water lily because the flowers and leaves have a similar appearance and both kinds of flowers grow in quiet ponds or lakes. In some ways, however, these flowers are very different. First of all, lotus flowers usually reach up out of the water, while the water lily rests on the floating leaves. Secondly, the pads or ridged leaves of the lotus flowers are completely rounded while those of the water lily have a split in them from the outer edge to the center. Finally, the lotus flower has the religious significance of purity in Asia while the water lily is mostly associated with feminine beauty and nymphs (water spirits), as in Greek culture. Although they have different characteristics and meanings, both the lotus and the water lily are highly appreciated in various cultures. 
【題組】 The common natural habitat for the water lily and the lotus is
(A) on the bank of a river.
(B) in a pond or a lake.
(C) above a waterfall.
(D) in a fast-running brook


3 Jane was very happy that her speech last night attracted a large _____.
(A) audience
(B) circle
(C) auditorium
(D) people


17 He didn’t know the word, chic, and______ .
(A) either I did
(B) I did either
(C) neither did I
(D) I did neither


