(18 秒)

37. Having three kids has totally changed her lifestyle. A super _____ house was no longer her top priority. She has learned to accept messiness.
(A) chaotic
(B) big
(C) tiny
(D) tidy


40. Nvidia is getting orders from a wide range of companies, from cloud-computing providers to online-shopping websites, in their _____ to adopt generative AI.
(A) lash
(B) leash
(C) rash
(D) rush


Part B: Cloze
          ChatGPT is a language model that allows people to __49__ a computer in a more natural and conversational way. GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer” and is the name __50__ to a family of natural language models developed by open Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is also known as a form of generative AI because of its ability to produce original results.
          The main concern that has been expressed about ChatGPT in higher education __51__ academic integrity. Educators have sounded alarm bells about the increased risk of plagiarism and cheating if students use ChatGPT to prepare or write essays and exams. This may have deeper implications for subjects that __52__ written inputs or information recall, areas that ChatGPT can better support.

(A) approves of
(B) suffers from
(C) applies for
(D) relates to


        I flew into Basra, Iraq’s largest port. The city straddles the Shatt al-Arab river, which is formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates. The two mighty __53__ inspired the name Mesopotamia. It was from Basra __54__ the fictional mariner Sinbad the Sailor set out on his voyages to supernatural realms in Arabian Nights. __55__ , the start of my own journey was far more mundane. The desert eventually turned to green as we __56__ the highway and entered the vast wetlands. These southern Iraqi marshes are one of the world's largest inland delta systems.
(A) At a distance
(B) By comparison
(C) Not surprisingly
(D) No wonder


