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【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(276~280)
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12. He tried very hard to _______ up the spilt milk. His mom would be angry seeing dirty spots on the floor.
(A) dash
(B) fetch
(C) mop
(D) paste


  More than 100,000 people have downloaded the Taipei Bus Station app since it was released last year. 
Consumers have shown more interest in  36  ticket purchases due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Taipei Bus Station officials said at a press conference on Friday. The app allows passengers to buy tickets, select seats, and board  37  a simple QR code. With their phones, people can also check departure times and see how many seats are available on each  38  . Passengers can purchase tickets from five bus companies. Passengers can switch their tickets 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time,  39  it is with the same bus company. In order to encourage more people to use the app, between May 29 and Aug. 31, bus riders who use the app to make purchases will get NT$20 to NT$40 cash back on each ticket. This  40  is expected to attract more people to use the new app.

(A) code
(B) bus
(C) rider
(D) ticket


        Holi is an ancient Hindu festival that originated in India and Nepal and is now celebrated in many places around the world. The date changes each year depending on the full moon, but it is held some time between the end of February and the middle of March, and lasts a night and a day. It also represents the arrival of spring and the victory of good over evil. An important part of the celebration is forgiving anyone who has upset you and repairing any broken relationships. Holi is sometimes called the festival of colors.
         The festivities start the night before Holi, which is called Holika Dahan. People build bonfires which represent good winning over evil and the end of winter. They perform rituals around the fire. In ancient stories, Holika was a devil whom the God Vishnu destroyed through fire. People start collecting wood for the bonfires several days before so that they can build really big fires.
         The next day is called Rangwali Holi. In the morning everyone goes into the streets and people throw colored powders and water at each other. Some people use water guns and water balloons. After a few hours everyone is soaking wet and covered in a rainbow of different colours. Many people prepare themselves by putting oil on their skin and hair to make it easier to remove the colour afterwards. In the evening people put on clean clothes, go and visit their friends and family and exchange sweets and other delicious food.
         Some people say that the colors are a way of celebrating the many colors of the flowers in springtime. But in the area around Mathura and Vrindavan the people also tell a story about the god Krishna. Krishna was passionately in love with a girl called Radha but he was worried that she would not love him because their skins were different colors. He didn’t need to worry because Radha let him paint her face the same color as his to show that she loved him. It is said that lovers nowadays often paint their faces the same color during Holi to remember this story.
        There is a spirit of togetherness and equality during the Holi festival as people from all backgrounds and walks of life celebrate and have fun together.

【題組】46. According to the passage, how long does the Holi festival last?
(A) One month.
(B) A single night.
(C) A night and a day.
(D) One full week, 7 days.


         Most accidents happen because of people’s carelessness. They can be avoided if people learn to be more   16   . For example, before going on a trip by driving, we should check the engines, brakes and tires of our vehicles, so as to reduce the risk of   17   . At our homes, we should also make sure there are at least some fire extinguishers nearby that are within their effective dates, then we can   18   when it breaks out and before it goes beyond control. For older houses or apartments, we need to inspect whether there is any problem or damage in their structure or exterior in order to keep them   19   when the Nature strikes in the form of   20   .

(A) heart attacks
(B) car crashes
(C) road blocks
(D) traffic jams


        Getting your kids involved in golf at an early age could set them up for success in all aspects of life. Golf is a great way to get the kids physically active in a safe environment. And the benefits go beyond physical fitness—it can benefit their mental and emotional development as well as help develop social and emotional skills that will last their whole lives.
         There are several important benefits of golf for kids’ health and physical fitness. First of all, golf promotes overall physical fitness. Playing golf strengthens the spine and core muscles, and it can encourage children to try other sports and activities. The physical skills they learn in golf, such as hand-eye coordination, can carry over and help them succeed in other sports and develop lifelong healthy exercise habits. Second, golf is a low-intensity and non-contact sport. A low-intensity workout is great for kids as it won’t over-burden their small, growing bodies. This low-impact activity still provides vital exercise that promotes overall health. Golf courses are safe, positive spaces, and the sport is gentle, with little chance of major injury. Unlike other popular kids’ sports such as football and hockey, where there’s a higher chance of tackling injuries, golf is a relatively safe sport for kids to play. Golf also cultivates a love of nature. The game gets kids outside, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the sunshine. Most golf courses are carefully maintained and beautifully landscaped, allowing anyone who plays to enjoy the beauty of the trees and flowers on-site, as well as a wide variety of birds and other animals that live in and around the courses. Most importantly, playing golf benefits vision. One of the consequences of our modern era with computer screens, video games, and smartphones is that kids are developing nearsightedness at a higher rate. A natural way to combat this is with regular outdoor activity and to focus on objects farther away. Golf is a great way to accomplish both of these, helping this issue and preventing the development of nearsightedness in children.

【題組】43. What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Computers and smart phones can help children learn better in school.
(B) Playing sports benefits children’s health but not social skills.
(C) Golf is a non-contact sport, so children will not get COVID playing golf.
(D) Some golf-related skills can be useful in other sports as well.


【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(276~280)-阿摩線上測驗
