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請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題: 
        With billions of data points being generated every day, some companies don’t know what to do with big data, and that’s understandable. It’s difficult to manage all of it, but it’s impossible to ignore it. This obvious opportunity leaves a large percentage of executives concerned that their information isn’t correctly represented and entrepreneurs struggling to find a way forward. 
        But big data is worth the struggle. It can help business owners understand how their business functions and how it serves their customers. It can help companies reveal new opportunities, dig up unknown problems and even make more money. It is an asset to any company that takes the time to position it in the right way, but it’s up to each company to take the initiative to do so. The first step is to consider big data within the context of the customer. What kind of interaction does the customer have with the company and how can those individual touch points be used to paint a complete picture? Then, the business needs to figure out creative ways to use that information. 
        Data assets might look different in each industry, but the real value of the data lies not in its type but in whether it can help you increase your value or retain customers. According to Jeff Tanner, professor of marketing at Baylor University, the information you get from your customers empowers you to deliver better value over time and create more opportunities for your business. While it may be possible to assign a cash value to big data, those numbers aren’t likely to make it onto the balance sheet. The data’s real value is revealed when it’s positioned in the context of the following three questions: 1) How will it make the business more predictable? 2) How will it help replicate success for the future? 3) How will it enhance customer engagement?

【題組】21 According to the passage, what should be the first consideration in using big data?
(A) Internet security within the company
(B) Employee promotion in the company
(C) Business management for the company
(D) Customers’ interaction with the company


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
In the four minutes it probably takes to read this review, you will have logged exactly half the time the average 15- to 24-year-old now spends reading each day. That is, if you even bother to finish. If you are perusing this on the Internet, the big block of text below probably seems daunting, maybe even boring. Who has the time? Such is the kind of recklessly distracted impatience that makes Mark Bauerlein fear for his country. “As of 2008,” the 49-year-old professor of English at Emory University writes in “The Dumbest Generation,” “the intellectual future of the United States looks dim.”
The way Bauerlein sees it, something new and disastrous has happened to America’s youth with the arrival of the instant gratification go-go-go digital age. The result is, essentially, a collective loss of context and history. The problem is that instead of using the Web to learn about the world, young people mostly use it to gossip about each other and follow pop culture, relentlessly keeping up with the ever-shifting lingua franca of being cool in school. Social life is a powerful temptation and most teenagers feel the pain of missing out.
And all this feeds on itself. Increasingly disconnected from the “adult” world of tradition, culture, history, context and the ability to sit down for more than five minutes with a book, today’s digital generation is becoming insulated in its own stultifying cocoon of bad spelling, civic illiteracy and endless postings that hopelessly confuse triviality with transcendence.
At fault is not just technology but also a newly indulgent attitude among parents, educators and other mentors, who, Bauerlein argues, lack the courage to risk “being labeled a curmudgeon and a reactionary.”

【題組】49 Which of the following is NOT a problem that current American young people face?
(A) Bad spelling.
(B) Civic illiteracy.
(C) Loss of history.
(D) Lingua franca.


31 The government prohibits the passage of foreign troops and planes across its __________ .
(A) territory
(B) directory
(C) dormitory
(D) inventory


22 Because John did not get enough exposure to sunlight, his test results showed that he was at the risk of vitamin D ______ .
(A) deficiency
(B) superfluity
(C) degeneration
(D) sufficiency


15 I learn everything and want to get more certificates to prove that I am just as _____ as possible in this area.
(A) complete
(B) competent
(C) compliant
(D) communal



Sam PENG剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分