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試卷測驗 - 102 年 - 中國醫藥大學學士後中-英文#24676
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1. Mr. Johnson was _____ as the principal of this school three years ago.
(A) appointed
(B) transformed
(C) installed
(D) propagated
(E) subdued


2. A _____ friend is always around and renders help in times of trouble.
(A) despondent
(B) faithful
(C) false
(D) treacherous
(E) legitimate


3. The theatergoers were _____ by the actor’s powerhouse performance as Romeo.
(A) retreated
(B) prevailed
(C) ostracized
(D) exhilarated
(E) fractured


4. The old man has developed a _____ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.
(A) chronic
(B) productive
(C) flexible
(D) versatile
(E) reversible


5. Argentina is a country of startling _____, both in the varied origins of its people and in the diversity of its landscape.
(A) disguises
(B) previews
(C) contrasts
(D) visionaries
(E) foregrounds


6. The rising tensions between North Korea and South Korea caused all the embassies and business offices to _____ their personnel.
(A) occupy
(B) depart
(C) swerve
(D) repudiate
(E) evacuate


7. In the 1950s, scientists and technologists _____ that by now the world would be free from disease, traversed by cars, and fueled by minerals from distant planets.
(A) enhanced
(B) enrolled
(C) enquired
(D) entwined
(E) envisaged


8. A recent _____ of jellyfish could threaten not only marine biodiversity, but also the health of tourists in beach resorts around the Mediterranean and Black Sea.
(A) downgrade
(B) magnificence
(C) bloom
(D) proliferation
(E) height


9. Tokyo is notorious for its earthquakes.
(A) honorable
(B) mirthful
(C) colossal
(D) infamous
(E) gloomy


10. Police officers take an oath to uphold the law and to protect the public.
(A) perish
(B) disdain
(C) maintain
(D) violate
(E) amplify


11. At the eye of the political storm is the prime minister whose despotic governance is undermining Turkish democracy and stripping away freedoms.
(A) republican
(B) autocratic
(C) suspicious
(D) bilateral
(E) discrete


12. The etiquette expert was celebrated for her absolutely impeccable manners.
(A) flawless
(B) culpable
(C) impertinent
(D) continuous
(E) complex


13. Three years ago, the shoe factory was heralded as a symbol of the positive impact that NATO troops and their battles in Afghanistan were having in local economy.
(A) boosted
(B) imposed
(C) performed
(D) estimated
(E) prefigured


14. The party was once again facing its quadrennial predicament: the candidate sufficiently liberal to win the nomination would be too liberal for the general election.
(A) dilation
(B) dilemma
(C) destruction
(D) campaign
(E) anticipation


15. It is a mystery why some humans were willing to make difficult explorations which might jeopardize their reputation, fortune, or even life.
(A) embark
(B) accomplish
(C) imperil
(D) elicit
(E) award


II. Sentence Structure: Choose the best answer from the box below for each blank in the passage.
Questions 16-20
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a serious form of pneumonia. It is caused by a member of the coronaviruses, a virus family which can cause the common cold. Infection with theSARS virus causes severe breathing difficulty and sometimes death.
    When someone with SARS coughs or sneezes, infected droplets spray into the air. You can catch the SARS virus if you 16  . The SARS virus may live on hands, tissues, and other surfaces for up to 6 hours in these droplets and up to 3 hours 17  . While the spread of droplets through close contact caused most of the early SARS cases, SARS might also spread by hands and other objects the droplets have touched. Airborne transmission is a real possibility in some cases.Live virus has even been found in the stool of people with SARS, where it has been shown to live for up to 4 days. The virus 18  for months or years when the temperature is below freezing.
    With other coronaviruses,  19  is common. This may also be the case with SARS.Symptoms usually occur about 2 to 10 days after coming in contact with the virus. There have been some cases  20  . People with active symptoms of illness are contagious, but it is not known for how long a person may be contagious before or after symptoms appear.

(A) becoming infected and then getting sick again (re-infection)
(B) where the illness started sooner or later after first contact
(C) breathe in or touch these particles
(D) after the droplets have dried
(E) may be able to live


(A) becoming infected and then getting sick again (re-infection)
(B) where the illness started sooner or later after first contact
(C) breathe in or touch these particles
(D) after the droplets have dried
(E) may be able to live


(A) becoming infected and then getting sick again (re-infection)
(B) where the illness started sooner or later after first contact
(C) breathe in or touch these particles
(D) after the droplets have dried
(E) may be able to live


(A) becoming infected and then getting sick again (re-infection)
(B) where the illness started sooner or later after first contact
(C) breathe in or touch these particles
(D) after the droplets have dried
(E) may be able to live


(A) becoming infected and then getting sick again (re-infection)
(B) where the illness started sooner or later after first contact
(C) breathe in or touch these particles
(D) after the droplets have dried
(E) may be able to live


III. Cloze: Choose the best answer for each blank in the passage.Questions21-25 There are 75,660 active patients waiting for a transplant in the U.S. Some will never make it to the top of the list. That was the worry of the parents of 10-year-old Sarah Murnaghan, 21 of end-stage cystic fibrosis at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Murnaghan made headlines this week when her parents filed a lawsuit to change the existing transplant policy that says kids under 12 must wait for pediatric lungs to become available. On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Michael Baylson ruled that Murnaghan should be 22 on the adult waiting list for a lung. The story highlighted the frustration of families waiting for organ transplants and the ethical issues involved with giving priority to certain patients. Dr. Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist at New York University, worries the ruling sets a bad 23 for patients to run to the court if they don’t like their spot on the waiting list. 24 pleas from several Pennsylvania congressmen and heavy press, U.S. Health and Human Services refused to get involved in the case since there were many other kids in the same condition. Due to the shortage of organ donors, many people are forced to wait months and even years for a chance at a transplant. 25 , they don’t survive that long. Even when they do, it’s not uncommon for their body to reject the new organ.
【題組】 21.
(A) die
(B) died
(C) dying
(D) to die
(E) was dying


(A) placed
(B) replaced
(C) displaced
(D) misplaced
(E) outplaced


(A) showcase
(B) sample
(C) inspiration
(D) scenario
(E) precedent


(A) Except for
(B) Apart from
(C) Because of
(D) In spite of
(E) Along with


(A) After all
(B) Too often
(C) From now on
(D) For good
(E) All of a sudden


IV. Discourse Structure: Choose the best answer from the box below for each blank in the passage. Questions 26-30
     Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder of the brain and behavior. Here is one way to think about what having OCD is like: Imagine that your mind got stuck on a certain thought or image. Then this thought or image got replayed in your mind over and over again. You don’t want these thoughts but it feels like an avalanche. Along with the thoughts come intense feelings of anxiety. Anxiety is your brain’s warning system.  26  On the one hand, you might recognize that the fear doesn’t make sense; yet it still feels very real, intense, and true. When scientists compare pictures of the brains of groups of people with OCD, they can see that some areas of the brain are different from the brains of people who don’t have OCD.
      27  However, research suggests that differences in the brain and genes of those affected may play a role. OCD involves problems in communication between the front part of the brain and deeper structures.  28  Pictures of the brain at work also show that in some people, the brain circuits involved in OCD become more normal with either serotonin medicines or cognitive behavior therapy.
       Some research shows that OCD does run in families.  29  No one really knows what other factors might be involved. Perhaps an illness or even ordinary life stresses may induce the activity of genes associated with the symptoms of OCD. Some experts think that OCD that begins in childhood may be different from the OCD that begins in adults.   30 

(A) These brain structures use a chemical messenger called serotonin.
(B) Unfortunately we still do not know the exact cause or causes of OCD.
(C) It is an emotion that tells you to respond, react, protect yourself, and do something.
(D) Other studies note that genes seem to be only partly responsible for causing the disorder.
(E) Studies have shown that genes play a larger role when OCD starts in childhood compared to when it starts in adulthood.


(A) These brain structures use a chemical messenger called serotonin.
(B) Unfortunately we still do not know the exact cause or causes of OCD.
(C) It is an emotion that tells you to respond, react, protect yourself, and do something.
(D) Other studies note that genes seem to be only partly responsible for causing the disorder.
(E) Studies have shown that genes play a larger role when OCD starts in childhood compared to when it starts in adulthood.


(A) These brain structures use a chemical messenger called serotonin.
(B) Unfortunately we still do not know the exact cause or causes of OCD.
(C) It is an emotion that tells you to respond, react, protect yourself, and do something.
(D) Other studies note that genes seem to be only partly responsible for causing the disorder.
(E) Studies have shown that genes play a larger role when OCD starts in childhood compared to when it starts in adulthood.


(A) These brain structures use a chemical messenger called serotonin.
(B) Unfortunately we still do not know the exact cause or causes of OCD.
(C) It is an emotion that tells you to respond, react, protect yourself, and do something.
(D) Other studies note that genes seem to be only partly responsible for causing the disorder.
(E) Studies have shown that genes play a larger role when OCD starts in childhood compared to when it starts in adulthood.


(A) These brain structures use a chemical messenger called serotonin.
(B) Unfortunately we still do not know the exact cause or causes of OCD.
(C) It is an emotion that tells you to respond, react, protect yourself, and do something.
(D) Other studies note that genes seem to be only partly responsible for causing the disorder.
(E) Studies have shown that genes play a larger role when OCD starts in childhood compared to when it starts in adulthood.


V. Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer to each question below according to what is stated and implied in each passage. Questions31-35
        The water has receded. One year after northeastern Japan was battered by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and 130-ft. tsunami waves, the haunting images of devastation are gone. Cars no longer dangle on the upper floors. The twisted hulls of wrecked fishing trawlers have been hauled from downtown streets.
        The extraordinary resilience and cohesion of Japanese society helped the nation cope with the unprecedented multiple disaster—quake, tsunami, and crippled nuclear reactors. At least 20,000 people died, with countless homes and livelihoods destroyed, many never to be rebuilt again. Naoto Kan, the then Prime Minister, rightly described the March 11, 2011, shocks as Japan’s greatest crisis since its defeat in World War II.
        Japan has repeatedly rebounded from adversity, often to become more vital than before. Many thoughtful Japanese (and non-Japanese) believed last year’s calamities would inspire the country not only to revive the ravaged northeast but also to shake off decades of social and economic malaise. What’s most remarkable about postcrisis Japan is how much it resembles precrisis Japan. The new normal is a lot like the old normal. What’s terrific about Japan—the orderliness of its cities, the sophistication of its technology, the refinement of its culture—remains. But so do the weaknesses. Japan’s political system is as dysfunctional as ever and its economy still anemic.
        Even more worrying: postcrisis Japan seems no more willing than precrisis Japan to confront three deep-rooted and interrelated challenges that pose a far greater threat to the nation’s welfare than any natural disaster.
        First, Japan’s workforce is aging faster than any other society’s. The number of children born per Japanese woman is 1.39, far below the replacement ratio. By 2060, Japan’s 128 million population will shrink by a third, with more than 4 in 10 Japanese at least 64 years old.
        Second, women are marginalized. Japan’s failure to integrate women into the workplace, fused with its aversion to immigration, compounds the economic consequences of a shrinking labor force. Only 65% of college-educated women are employed. If the figure could be boosted to match the 80% rate for men, Japan would add 8.2 million workers.
        Finally, Japan’s youth are too insular. Japan’s biggest corporations once sent their best recruits to top U.S. universities for M.B.A.s. Hardly any do so now. The number of Japanese students in the U.S. has declined sharply recently.

【題組】31. What does the word shocks in paragraph 2 refer to?
(A) World War II.
(B) The disaster.
(C) Japanese society.
(D) Naoto Kan’s fear.
(E) The dead citizens.


【題組】32. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
(A) Thoughtful people now see a rebirth of Japan.
(B) Many Japanese died of diseases like anemia.
(C) The earthquake has inspired Japan to grow socially and economically.
(D) Northeastern Japan is still covered with haunting images of devastation.
(E) The 3/11 disaster has eventually brought little fundamental change to Japan.


【題組】33. Which of the following is NOT something Japan can be proud of?
(A) Its resilience.
(B) Its technology.
(C) Its culture.
(D) Its orderliness.
(E) Its political system.


【題組】34. Which of the following is considered as a bigger threat than the others?
(A) Tsunami.
(B) Typhoons.
(C) Earthquakes.
(D) Aging labor force.
(E) Social welfare system.


【題組】35. What is the author’s attitude toward postcrisis Japan?
(A) Pessimistic.
(B) Indifferent.
(C) Sarcastic.
(D) Hopeful.
(E) Interested.


Questions36-40 Exploration of all sorts is rooted in the notion of taking risks. Risk underlies any journey into the unknown, whether it is a ship captain’s voyage into the uncharted seas, a scientist’s research on dangerous diseases, or an entrepreneur’s investment in a new venture. But what exactly pushed Christopher Columbus to embark on a voyage across the Atlantic, or Edward Jenner to test his theory for an early smallpox vaccine on a child, or Henry Ford to bet that automobiles could replace horses? Many people willingly expose themselves to varying degrees of risk in their pursuit of certain goals, like financial reward, political gain, or saving lives. But as the danger increases, the number of people willing to go forward shrinks, until the only ones who remain are the extreme risk takers. Scientists have begun to open up the neurological black box containing the mechanisms for risk-taking and tease out the biological factors that may prompt someone to become an explorer. Their research has centered on neurotransmitters, the chemicals that control communication in the brain. One neurotransmitter that is crucial to the risk-taking equation is dopamine, which helps control motor skills but also helps drive us to seek out and learn new things as well as process emotions such as anxiety and fear. People whose brains don’t produce enough dopamine, such as those who are afflicted with Parkinson’s disease, often struggle with apathy and a lack of motivation. On the opposite end of the spectrum, robust dopamine production holds one of the keys to understanding risk-taking, says Larry Zweifel, a neurobiologist at the University of Washington. “When you’re talking about someone who takes risks to accomplish something—climb a mountain, start a company, run for office, become a Navy SEAL—that’s driven by motivation, and motivation is driven by the dopamine system. That is what compels humans to move forward.” Dopamine helps elicit a sense of satisfaction when we accomplish tasks: the riskier the task, the larger the hit of dopamine. Part of the reason we don’t all climb mountains or run for office is that we don’t have the same amount of dopamine. Molecules on the surface of nerve cells called autoreceptors control how much dopamine we make and use, essentially controlling our appetite for risk.
【題組】 36. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Dopamine and Risk-taking
(B) Autoreceptors and Dopamine
(C) Motivation and Human Nature
(D) Exploration and Dangerous Diseases
(E) The Dopamine System and Parkinson’s Disease


【題組】37. What do the words tease out in paragraph 3 mean?
(A) entangle
(B) unravel
(C) weave
(D) satirize
(E) separate


【題組】38. What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) The more dopamine we have, the more likely we will suffer from Parkinson’s disease.
(B) Not everyone has the autoreceptors which control the amount of dopamine.
(C) The dopamine system is crucial to propelling humans to take challenges.
(D) Those who love dangerous tasks often struggle with apathy.
(E) Risk-taking is not related to the nerve cells in the brain.


【題組】39. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a function of dopamine?
(A) Dopamine helps us learn new things.
(B) Dopamine helps us process emotions.
(C) Dopamine helps us control nerve cells.
(D) Dopamine helps enhance our motivation.
(E) Dopamine helps control our motor skills.


【題組】40. According to the passage, which of the following is a symptom of Parkinson’s disease?
(A) Having the tendency to take extreme risks.
(B) Always desiring to seek out new things.
(C) Highly emotional and sentimental.
(D) Lack of feeling or interest.
(E) Getting frightened easily.


試卷測驗 - 102 年 - 中國醫藥大學學士後中-英文#24676-阿摩線上測驗
