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【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(316~320)
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18. While some see the occupation as a terrorist movement, _______ see it as a peaceful approach to self-governance.
(A) all
(B) other
(C) another
(D) others


  More men have been infected, and a higher proportion of men have died from Covid-19 than women around the world, data shows. Sabra Klein, a scientist who studies sex differences in viral infections at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, says “being male is as much a  31  factor for the coronavirus as being old”. 
  But something puzzling is happening in India. New research by a group of scientists in India shows that  32  men make up the majority of infections, women face a higher possibility of dying from the coronavirus than men. The study,  33  on Covid-19 deaths in India until 20 May, shows early estimates that 3.3% of all women contracting the infection in India were dying compared to 2.9% of all men. 
  Scientists are trying to figure out possible explanations. Women outlive men in India and there are  34  women than men. Is this leading to more deaths among women, as elderly people are vulnerable to the infection? Also, women in India are more likely to delay going to doctors, and often self-medicate at home. And a woman’s health is more likely to be  35  in a household. So it is possible that women are arriving late for testing and treatment.

(A) bases
(B) based
(C) is based
(D) is basing


        It is true that the main reason why parents enroll their children in a school is to learn about academic subjects like math, history, science, and so on, but these are not the only things that children need to learn if they ever want to become successful in the real world. Character education gives them the necessary tools that they will be using more often than those that they learn from the other subjects.
       Character education fosters the development of ethical and responsible individuals by teaching them about the good values that people should have. It teaches the students the values of caring about other people, honesty, responsibility, and other important traits that make for an upstanding citizen. Parents are not the only ones that need to be concerned in developing a student's character; the school and community should also have a role in this. These days, with most families, the children are often left alone with no one to guide them. This is why schools need to implement character education so that the students know the correct path they should walk on.
       The need for character education lies in the fact that a sustained process of teaching, being shown examples of good character, and practicing what they learned are what’s needed to instill good character traits in students. And since students spend most of their time at school, it is the perfect place to instill moral values in them. The reason for teaching good character is to help prepare the students to face the many opportunities and unknown dangers that are in today's society. Character education gives the students the knowledge they need to know what these dangers in society are and to deal with them properly.

【題組】46. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) How to instill good morals in students
(B) What students should learn in school
(C) Who should be responsible for character education
(D) The importance of character education


8. Please leave _____ in the space below if you have anything to say about what we posted here.
(A) an epoch
(B) a pretext
(C) an inmate
(D) a comment


4. It's crucial to get a _________ for COVID-19 to prevent the disease from spreading.
(A) question
(B) puzzle
(C) vaccine
(D) riddle


【精選】 - 銀行◆英文2024~2020難度:(316~320)-阿摩線上測驗
