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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 一般警察特種考試_四等_行政警察人員、水上警察人員輪機組、水上警察人員航海組:英文#120503
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1 John was angry because one of his colleagues took the_______of using his computer.
(A) latitude
(B) laundry
(C) liability
(D) liberty


2 Local job growth has been solid in the past several years, despite fears of a(n)_______.
(A) recession
(B) attribution
(C) execution
(D) motivation


3 In a highly industrialized and commercialized society, people tend to become_______empty, though they may have a lot of material comfort.
(A) physically
(B) spiritually
(C) spontaneously
(D) pennilessly


4 Right at the gate of the art museum stand two large figures_______out of rock.
(A) carved
(B) defined
(C) sketched
(D) weaved


5 The explosion was caused by a gas_______ from the water heater.
(A) beak
(B) creak
(C) leak
(D) peak


6 The company has also_______ an application software that enables clients to design their own homes on phones.
(A) deduced
(B) defused
(C) detached
(D) devised


7 The legislator said he was resigning but refused to_______ on his reasons to do so.
(A) consulate
(B) elaborate
(C) negotiate
(D) eliminate


8 The agent gained entry into the government building _______ a bribe to the guard.
(A) by means of
(B) in pursuit of
(C) in the sense of
(D) by no means of


9 An airplane pilot was removed from a fully boarded plane and arrested on suspicion of being _______ .
(A) intolerated
(B) secured
(C) intoxicated
(D) seduced


10 Jason used to work for a telephone company as an engineer, but he is _______and enjoying a carefree life now.
(A) frustrated
(B) respected
(C) retired
(D) threatened


11 To _______ on the big audiences, studios schedule their big-budget films during the summer months.
(A) beat down
(B) cash in
(C) look after
(D) stock up


12 The politician is_______as a male chauvinist because he made offensive remarks on women.
(A) denounced
(B) dedicated
(C) demanded
(D) dominated


13 The power of typhoon_______ gradually after it hit the Central Mountains.
(A) attacked
(B) diminished
(C) published
(D) abolished


14 The technology company partners with an online education platform to train _______students in Artificial Intelligence for the workplace.
(A) practical
(B) promising
(C) prosperous
(D) possessive


15 The typical common cold lasts about 7 to 10 days. However, this may differ _______ each individual’s immune system.
(A) leading to
(B) depending on
(C) refraining from
(D) targeting at


16 The furniture company is testing a new furniture rental project to_______ to its environmentally conscious customers.
(A) appeal
(B) object
(C) lead
(D) lend


17 Housework was_______ considered women’s work but today men increasingly share this task.
(A) strategically
(B) imaginatively
(C) outstandingly
(D) traditionally


18 It was _______ that more than three hundred protesters were arrested by the police during the demonstration.
(A) disguised
(B) estimated
(C) included
(D) treasured


19 The passenger was denied boarding because his passport was not _______ long enough to enter the destination country.
(A) current
(B) distinct
(C) evident
(D) valid


20 _______ investors are cautious about the way they invest their money and they try to minimize the risks.
(A) Courteous
(B) Conservative
(C) Constitutional
(D) Conditional


21 Food manufacturers should not_______from their responsibility to provide safe food for consumers.
(A) weaken
(B) release
(C) flourish
(D) shrink


22 We wanted to book a hotel room in this area but there were no_______ .
(A) vacancies
(B) tournaments
(C) spectacles
(D) academies


23 My cousin had to wear _______ for his crooked teeth when he was a teenager.
(A) patches
(B) sandals
(C) thrones
(D) braces


24 Jane was wearing a newly _______dress and was obviously in a good mood.
(A) eliminated
(B) infected
(C) engaged
(D) acquired


請依下文回答第 25 題至第 29 題
       The London Fire Brigade urges public to use common sense after hundreds of calls from people. Deputy commissioner Tom George said they had responded to 659 __25__ of people getting locked in toilets and 59 relating to dogs and cats trapped in unusual places in the last three years. Seventeen calls were about children with their heads stuck in toilet seats. The fire brigade was also called out to a woman stuck up a tree while trying to__26__ a cat, a pet snake trapped in a ring, a pigeon__27__ in a chimney, a cat stuck in a gutter after jumping out of a skylight and a hamster wedged between a toilet and a wall. Tom George said: “No matter how strange a call may seem, we will always attend if there is a__ 28__    emergency but you should always think carefully about how to use our__29__ . By doing so, this enables us to be available for any genuine emergency.

(A) residents
(B) incidents
(C) embraces
(D) respondents


【題組】 26
(A) retrieve
(B) initiate
(C) condense
(D) formulate


【題組】 27
(A) inherited
(B) lodged
(C) justified
(D) mediated


【題組】 28
(A) genuine
(B) medieval
(C) inventive
(D) populous


【題組】 29
(A) religions
(B) resources
(C) reunions
(D) reminders


請依下文回答第 30 題至第 34 題 
       Candy and chocolate manufacturers in the UK may have to stop using cartoon characters on their products. An __30__    of health groups including Action on Sugar, Action on Salt and the Children’s Food Campaign said many food companies use characters from Peppa Pig and Disney on their packaging. The health groups said 51% of the food anddrink products using cartoon characters were__ 31__ to children’s health. The products__ 32__  below the healthrequirements needed to advertise on TV during children’s shows. The health groups said the products were very high infat, sugar and salt. The groups are asking the government to__33__  the use of these characters to sell unhealthyproducts to children. They looked at the nutrition content of 526 products that were aimed at children. The products’wrapping had colorful cartoon characters to appeal__ 34___ children. The Peppa Pig Candy Bites, which contained 99%sugar, were among the worst products.

(A) alliance
(B) allowance
(C) alienation
(D) alumnus


【題組】 31
(A) intensive
(B) fragrant
(C) primitive
(D) detrimental


【題組】 32
(A) fell
(B) fallen
(C) falling
(D) to fall


【題組】 33
(A) obey
(B) ban
(C) rent
(D) doubt


【題組】 34
(A) off
(B) with
(C) by
(D) to


請依下文回答第 35 題至第 39 題
        Do you bike today? Do YouBike rides kindle your passion to zip past one bicycle lane after another? Launched in 2009, YouBike’s rental system offers cyclists an easy way to rent and return bikes. Cyclists only need an EasyCard torent a YouBike. What’s more, by using this system, bikes can be rented at one location and dropped off at another on a 24/7 basis. In Taipei City alone, there are as many as four hundred YouBike stations. This carbon-free vehicle rentalsystem also extends to many other major cities. No wonder YouBike is acknowledged to have become part of the citylandscape in Taiwan.
     Another important contributing factor in the growing popularity of this rental system has to do with its excellentcost-performance ratio. Each thirty minutes costs only ten NT dollars within the initial four hours. YouBike also servesas a best alternative to cars and buses during rush hours, when the traffic jam can leave you cranky. Perhaps one of itsgreatest contributions lies in the reduction of carbon emissions. In 2013, statistics showed that YouBike’s rental servicecontributed to a trip distance of about 11 million kilometers. On this basis, the overall carbon emission reduction inTaipei City was equivalent to 6.89 million metric tons of carbon emissions from motorcycles and 27 million metric tonsfrom automobiles.
      The success of YouBike also has a lot to do with its creative concepts. It boasts a database management system thatcan analyze the utilization rate of bikes speedily, resulting in efficient allocation of bikes among rental stations andensuring that cyclists can rent a bike within ten minutes. With the goals of green economy and sustainable developmentin mind, it is time to go even greener. Let’s all go YouBiking today!

【題組】 35 What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To explain why YouBikes are getting more and more popular in Taiwan.
(B) To show that automobiles result in more carbon emission than YouBikes.
(C) To argue why it is easier to rent YouBikes with an EasyCard than with cash.
(D) To predict that YouBike’s rental system will be adopted by all cities in Taiwan.


【題組】 36 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The hourly charge for renting a YouBike is currently fifty NT dollars during rush hours.
(B) Taipei City is equipped with more YouBike stations than any other major city in Taiwan.
(C) The database management system makes it possible to rent a YouBike within ten minutes.
(D) The total carbon emissions from YouBike cyclists reached 33.89 million metric tons in 2013.


【題組】 37 Which of the following is closest in meaning to “acknowledged” in the first paragraph?
(A) Recycled.
(B) Reminded.
(C) Requested.
(D) Recognized.


【題組】 38 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?
(A) Cars emitted six times more carbon than motorcycles in 2013.
(B) Cyclists are allowed to rent or return YouBikes anytime day and night.
(C) YouBikes are a more ideal option than cars and buses during rush hours.
(D) YouBike’s high cost-performance ratio is one of the reasons why it is successful.


【題組】 39 Which of the following words best describes the overall tone of this passage?
(A) Bitter.
(B) Mocking.
(C) Indifferent.
(D) Informative.


請依下文回答第 40 題至第 42 題
       The most famous mystery about Loch Ness surrounds the phenomenon of an enormous creature, known as the LochNess Monster, or Nessie. The first recorded sighting of the monster was in A.D. 565, when it was said to have eaten alocal farmer. Over the years, rumors spread far and wide.
     In 1933, construction began on the A82—the road that runs along the north shore of the Loch. The work involvedconsiderable drilling and blasting and people believed that the disruption forced the monster into the open. Around thistime, there were numerous sightings and, in 1934, London surgeon R. K. Wilson took a photograph that appeared toshow a slender head and neck rising above the water. Nessie hit the headlines and has remained the topic of fierce debateever since.
    In the 1960s, the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau conducted a ten-year survey. By the end of the decade, mini-submarines were used for the first time to explore the Loch. New public interest was generated in the mid-1970s whenunderwater photographs of what appeared to be a “flipper” were made public.
    To this day, there is still no conclusive proof. Whatever the truth, it’s always worth a trip to Loch Ness to see foryourself.

【題組】40 What is this passage mainly about?
(A) The legendary Loch Ness Monster.
(B) The scientific experiment in Loch Ness.
(C) The road construction around Loch Ness.
(D) The disappearance of the Loch Ness Monster.


【題組】 41 According to the passage, what might have disturbed the Loch Ness Monster?
(A) The noise from the construction work.
(B) The growing population around the lake.
(C) The environmental pollution in Loch Ness.
(D) The constant scientific research in the area.


【題組】 42 When did the story of the Loch Ness Monster first receive a lot of public attention?
(A) In A.D. 565.
(B) In the 1930s.
(C) In the 1960s.
(D) In the mid-1970s.


請依下文回答第 43 題至第 46 題
       On average Americans chew about 300 sticks of gum per person a year. Why is chewing gum so popular? Somepeople say that it not only helps you relax but also helps you stay awake. Others chew gum after a meal to have freshbreath. It can help fight tooth decay as well. But few people know that there is an even better reason for chewing gum—it can improve memory!
    In an experiment, the scientists divided 75 people into three groups. One third chewed real gum, one third chewedimaginary gum, and the last third didn’t chew anything. Then, each group was given a lot of different memory tests. Theresults were very interesting. The people with real gum did better than those with imaginary gum, and the latter did betterthan those who didn’t have any gum at all.
     How does chewing gum help memory? One possible reason is that when people chew, there is more activity in anarea of the brain that is important for memory. Another possible reason is that when people chew, their heart beats fasterso more oxygen goes to the brain. So, do you have an exam coming up? Start chewing now!

【題組】 43 What is the best title for this passage?
(A) New Experiments on Chewing Gum.
(B) The Key to Staying Awake.
(C) Chewing Gum for Better Memory.
(D) The Popularity of Chewing Gum.


【題組】 44 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a possible reason why people chew gum?
(A) To stay awake.
(B) To be in good shape.
(C) To have good breath.
(D) To fight tooth decay.


【題組】 45 What does “the latter” refer to in the passage?
(A) The people with real gum.
(B) The people with imaginary gum.
(C) The people without gum.
(D) The people in the experiment.


【題組】 46 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about the experiment?
(A) In the experiment, the three groups were asked to measure their heartbeats.
(B) In the experiment, only twenty-five people were given real gum to chew on.
(C) The people with imaginary gum did fastest on the memory questions.
(D) There was more activity in the brain for those who didn’t chew anything.


請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題
       When you have a newborn baby it can be difficult to make quality time with your toddler. This is because the firstfew weeks after birth are quite __47__ , adjusting to the new baby and feeding amongst many other things. There arethings you can do with your toddler to ensure that he or she doesn’t feel __48__ . For example, when your newborn babyis asleep, you could spend time with your toddler and make the effort to interact and tell them how much you love them.Giving your toddler a cuddle or reading your toddler a bedtime story, you can help them feel happier and deeply loved.
      Many toddlers strongly desire their parents’ attention and sometimes ___49__ can begin when they see that onechild is getting more attention than they are. You must make sure that you give your children equal attention. If youcompliment one child, then you should make sure you give praise to his/her siblings, or sibling__50__ can develop. Itis important to look into the needs of both children and let each of them know how much they are loved.

【題組】 47
(A) ironic
(B) hectic
(C) exotic
(D) drastic


【題組】 48
(A) left out
(B) fed up
(C) worn down
(D) put off


【題組】 49
(A) greed
(B) jealousy
(C) revenge
(D) bliss


【題組】 50
(A) rivalry
(B) outbreak
(C) boundary
(D) discharge

試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 一般警察特種考試_四等_行政警察人員、水上警察人員輪機組、水上警察人員航海組:英文#120503-阿摩線上測驗
