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36 Ivan was lucky enough to be granted the______ of dining with the superstar in a fancy restaurant.
(A) dignity
(B) attendance
(C) privilege
(D) submission


38 For this examination, the first part was easy, ______the second part was extremely challenging.
(A) whereas
(B) whether
(C) meanwhile
(D) hence


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       We live a fast-paced life. Everything happens quickly nowadays, and efficiency is the key theme of our society. Email has replaced the paper letter. Words flow from our fingertips faster than ever before, but not everyone is happy about it. Some people prefer writing slowly. Tom Hanks, American actor, director, filmmaker, and collector of more than 100 typewriters, is one of them. The 58-year-old Oscar winner is__41__the sound his typewriters make. He can choose from a variety of them, each of which__42__its own sound. The volume and rhythm are determined by the force with which the fingers hit the keys. The collecting process itself, hunting and searching for rare pieces, is also a great pleasure. The__43__, however, is often tied to the price tag. Some vintage typewriters cost hundreds of dollars or more. Luckily his acting career is lucrative enough to pay for his hobby. Tom Hanks is not alone. More and more young people are tired of digital technology and looking for a better experience of writing. They enjoy typing because they can focus on thinking; they would not be__44__by email, googling, or Facebook.__45__ , typewriters are entirely powered by your fingertips. They do not require electricity, so you can gracefully carry on writing in a sudden power outage.

(A) By accident
(B) Better yet
(C) For starters
(D) In short

4( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       Scientists say it could take at least 1,500 years before humans make contact with species of aliens, or for them to communicate with or find us. Astronomers from Cornell University in the USA combined two existing theories about the possibility of life existing on other planets to form a new equation. One of these theories is the Fermi Paradox described by physicist Enrico Fermi in 1950. This states that while billions of Earth-like planets exist in our galaxy, not one has made contact with Earth yet. The other is the mediocrity principle, which suggests that because there is life on Earth, it will typically exist on Earth-like planets throughout the universe.
       Study author Evan Solomonides will soon present a research paper on his theory. He said, “We haven’t heard from aliens yet, as space is a big place, but that doesn’t mean no one is out there.” According to Solomonides, extraterrestrials could have received signals from Earth. However, he proposes that ET would not have been able to decipher them. He said they would need to decode the light waves into sounds and analyze 3,000 human languages to understand any messages. He said that signals from Earth have only reached about 8,500 stars and that the Milky Way galaxy alone contains 200 billion stars. He added, “If we stop listening or looking, we may miss the signals. So we should keep looking.”

【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following hypotheses is made by scientists from Cornell University?
(A) The mediocrity principle rules out the possibility of life forms on other planets.
(B) Aliens from Earth-like planets might use light waves to communicate.
(C) Extraterrestrials from 8,500 planets might have translated signals from Earth.
(D) Aliens might need to interpret about 3,000 languages to understand Earth.

5( ).

【題組】49 What could be the central message of the passage?
(A) Still more attempts need to be made to reach out to other planets in the Milky Way galaxy.
(B) Cornell astronomers might propose new forms of communication in our galaxy.
(C) Extraterrestrials from 8,500 stars might be speaking similar languages to those on Earth.
(D) Evan Solomonides will soon propose a theory to challenge the possibility of life on other planets.

6( ).

【題組】50 What might be the most suitable title for this passage?
(A) The Scientific Methods of Extraterrestrial Communication
(B) The Aliens Are Decoding and Analyzing Human Languages
(C) We May Not Meet Extraterrestrials Until Beyond the Year 3500
(D) The Quantity of Our Galaxy Hinders Reception of Human Signals

7( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       The ancient Greeks worshipped their deities by leaving offerings to them in temples, and honored them by holding regular festivals. Much is known about this worship because many of their temples, together with ritual objects and cult statues, have __41__ , and ancient Greek writers described religious rituals __42__ making offerings of food and wine. Worshippers hoped that the deities would look kindly on them __43__ return, since most gods and goddesses were said to take a keen interest in human affairs. In the mythical great war between Greece and Troy, for example, every stage of the conflict, together with the final outcome, was influenced as much by the actions of the deities __44__ by what the men of the two sides actually achieved on the battle field. The myths of Greece also show this __45__ between deities and humans in the guise of numerous heroes. Stories of heroes like Heracles and Jason, involving great adventures and journey as far as the Underworld, have been endlessly retold.

(A) inspired
(B) relieved
(C) survived
(D) supplied

8( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       The Giver is a story about a young boy called Jonas who lives in a society free of crime, suffering and sadness. There is no color, music or emotion, and individuality is prohibited. Everything is chosen; from your parents to your partner. At 12, children are assigned their jobs, which they will train for and do for the rest of their lives. Jonas is assigned to become the new Receiver of Memory, also known as the Giver. The Receiver holds all the bad and good memories of the past. In other words, no one in the community has any memory of humankind’s history.
       The storyline is complex enough to hold the attention of both young and old readers. The development of Jonas from a scared boy to someone willing to risk his future to save the community is enjoyable to follow. The story prompts us to reflect on the path of growing up. At first we are scared to accept that there are new responsibilities, but as we slowly get used to it, we want to move more and more away from childhood. What’s also impressive is Jonas’ loss of trust in his father. At the beginning, Jonas believes his parents completely. However, after the current Receiver shows Jonas the tape of his father killing and disposing of a new born child, Jonas loses his admiration of his father. This moment is what forces Jonas to leave the community. It is symbolic of the change from the innocent mind of a child into the questioning and educated mind of an adult.
        The ending is another aspect which makes this book interesting to read. There are two possible meanings behind the ending and readers have a choice in what it means: either Jonas freezes to death on the sled, or he has really found“ Elsewhere.” The ending shows us that, whatever happens, Jonas has made choices for himself rather than being told what to do.

【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about The Giver?
(A) Adult readers may find it very simple and a little boring.
(B) Readers are likely to recall what happened in the path of growing up.
(C) It is based on real people and events and it can inspire readers to think.
(D) The reviewer recommends reading it slowly because it’s thought-provoking.



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